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Re: Politics
« Reply #1200 on: January 22, 2018, 12:35:22 AM »
"The dems already called the tune."

Only half way.

Do the Dems ever show restraint when they are in power? I mean aside from ramming through Obamacare and weaponizing the IRS, the FBI and the intelligence community to use illegal means to maintain power...


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1202 on: January 22, 2018, 10:30:38 AM »
"Someday we will not be in power; going nuclear carries near certainty of blow back some day.

I'm open to the idea of carving out the military budget as an exception."

   - I agree on both counts.

"Do the Dems ever show restraint when they are in power? I mean aside from ramming through Obamacare and weaponizing the IRS, the FBI and the intelligence community to use illegal means to maintain power..."

   - All true, but Dems get away with treason while Republicans get called out for hypocrisy.  The rules of the Senate slowing down the process should generally be in the favor of the smaller government side.  Even in this case, the 60 vote rule is forcing Dems to side with Trump in order to govern.

Note the false words used by Dems and media that the Republicans "control" all three "branches" and can't govern.  Besides that the House and Senate comprise just one branch, fewer than 60 votes is not control of the Senate, unless we do change the rules..

Do we want it to be easier than 60 Senators to takeover industries and create new monstrosities like Obamacare?  

The fact that former Pres. Obama used Executive Orders and bureaucratic rulings instead of constitutional process and legislative rules to make things happen, like labeling CO2 a pollutant, is what made it easy for his successor to undo.  That he made the Obamacare mandate a "tax" made it possible to undo it with 51 votes in a tax bill.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1205 on: January 22, 2018, 11:29:05 AM »
"We will vote today to reopen the government," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

   - Confirmation that it was Schumer et all who shut down the government.


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Politics, defining Rino
« Reply #1206 on: January 22, 2018, 08:45:47 PM »
Tom Cotton:  "When Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin agree on immigration, that’s not a bipartisan agreement. Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin are not adversaries in negotiating. They are allies strategizing.”


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Re: Politics, defining Rino
« Reply #1207 on: January 22, 2018, 09:43:39 PM »
Tom Cotton:  "When Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin agree on immigration, that’s not a bipartisan agreement. Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin are not adversaries in negotiating. They are allies strategizing.”

They both belong to the DC uniparty.


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Re: Trump wins again?
« Reply #1209 on: January 24, 2018, 09:09:27 AM »
Here we go again with the Trump name calling, "Cryin' Chuck Schumer".
Cryin’ Chuck Schumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there is no Wall, there is no DACA. We must have safety and security, together with a strong Military, for our great people!
8:07 PM - 23 Jan 2018

Okay, he cried about limiting people of Muslim origin gaining entry into the country:  (9:30 mark)

But doesn't the negotiating point above stand on its own, without the name call?

I guess he has his way of winning.  Schumer deserves a putdown and Trump understands he has defeat his opponents, not just 'compromise' with them.  But this cheapens himself too, holds down his approval, doesn't sound Presidential, limits his own effectiveness.  MHO.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1211 on: January 24, 2018, 11:47:04 AM »
One good point (among many) made by VDH:

"We have no idea whether the unprecedented hatred for a president, evident in mainstreamed assassination chic and 90 percent negative press coverage, will reach a saturation point and turn off voters."

About 90 million people (estimate) will vote in the midterm.  0.8 million watch CNN in a day. 2-3 million might watch Stephen Colbert endlessly rip Trump and ore than 230 million eligible voters don't.  Of those, many are turned off by the onslaught.  People eventually notice when coverage is 93% against him while the policies are more than 50% in their favor.  (Case in point, new poll has a large majority favoring big new limits on immigration; they didn't get that from NYT or CBS!)  The Grammies, the Oscars, the Olympics, the NFL, NBA, plus academics and media are all on one side.  Even some liberals are embarrassed by the onesidedness of it all.  People are sick of it.  You can't turn on your TV and not see it.  At some point all the bias runs a big risk of backfiring.  
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 11:56:05 AM by DougMacG »


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Politics: Schumer's poll number WAY below Trump's
« Reply #1212 on: January 29, 2018, 10:52:16 AM »

Barack Obama's presidential approval rating suffered a rare and steep decline of 18 percentage points from his inauguration to the one-year mark of his first term, from 67 percent to 49 percent.


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Re: Politics, glue on the seats
« Reply #1213 on: February 01, 2018, 02:58:34 PM »
Great reported prank that someone snuck into the SOTU room Tuesday and glued the Democrats seats before they entered.  Seriously, doesn't the non-reaction of the Democrats to such an impressive list of successes, lowest black unemployment rate ever, and even acts of heroism by people other than Trump prove the point about the Left's fear of Trump.  They aren't afraid that he will fail as President of the United States; they are afraid he will succeed!


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Re: Politics, glue on the seats
« Reply #1214 on: February 01, 2018, 03:26:48 PM »
Great reported prank that someone snuck into the SOTU room Tuesday and glued the Democrats seats before they entered.  Seriously, doesn't the non-reaction of the Democrats to such an impressive list of successes, lowest black unemployment rate ever, and even acts of heroism by people other than Trump prove the point about the Left's fear of Trump.  They aren't afraid that he will fail as President of the United States; they are afraid he will succeed!

Terrified. And with good reason.


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2018 Election Analysis
« Reply #1218 on: February 23, 2018, 07:44:29 AM »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1219 on: March 02, 2018, 05:41:05 AM »
Out of White House Tumult: A Trade Plan
Mixed signals on the administration’s tariff policy come at a tough time for the West Wing
Thursday’s mixed signals on trade were the latest developments in a week that reminded some top aides of the first tumultuous months of the administration last year.
Thursday’s mixed signals on trade were the latest developments in a week that reminded some top aides of the first tumultuous months of the administration last year. Photo: mandel ngan/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
By Michael C. Bender and
Peter Nicholas
March 1, 2018 7:35 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told confidants on Wednesday night that President Donald Trump would unveil new steel and aluminum tariffs the next day.

By Thursday morning, the would-be announcement was downgraded to a listening session. Then, the plan changed again.

After the media were hustled into the Cabinet Room, where Mr. Trump was meeting with business executives, the president said, “We’re going to be instituting tariffs next week.” When the session was breaking up, in response to a shouted question from a reporter, Mr. Trump provided the specific rates: 25% on steel, 10% on aluminum.

The news sent the stock market tumbling by more than 400 points and drew swift opposition from lawmakers on Capitol Hill who said they were blindsided.

“I didn’t know he’d announced anything,” said Sen. Rob Portman (R., Ohio), as he left a closed-door Senate GOP lunch Thursday.

    Trump to Impose Steep Aluminum and Steel Tariffs
    China Envoy Holds Trade Talks With U.S. Officials
    Tariffs Could Ripple Through U.S. Economy
    Heard on the Street: Market’s Message: U.S. Allies and Consumers Will Pay Steel-Tariff Bill

Mr. Portman said he supported tariffs for certain products from certain countries, but not a broad imposition of them. “We want to protect our steelworkers. But we want to be sure it’s not going to also hurt the auto makers.”

The mixed signals on trade were the latest developments in a week that reminded some top aides of the first tumultuous months of the administration last year.

In the past few days, the GOP president has attacked his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, by calling his actions “disgraceful”; seen the resignation of one of his closest advisers, communications director Hope Hicks; and stunned Republican lawmakers and the National Rifle Association, a onetime ally, with a call for broad action on gun control. Then came Thursday’s unscripted trade announcement.

Those actions are raising tensions on Capitol Hill and could make it more difficult for the president to achieve the top goals he laid out for the year: changes to immigration laws and infrastructure projects.

“Getting big things done to help the American people requires close, careful coordination between the White House and Congress,” said Michael Steel, who served as a senior aide to former House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio).

“It’s a painstaking, collaborative process—and it’s simply impossible to do when the administration is lurching from one distraction to the next, and the president himself seems to prefer chaotic improvisation to effective governance,” he said.

After gaining some momentum from the passage of tax cuts late last year, many Republicans were convinced that chief of staff John Kelly was winning in his effort to bring discipline to the West Wing.

Mr. Kelly was upset about how the tariff announcement was handled, specifically that it was leaked in advance, a White House aide said.

Before Mr. Trump’s meeting at the White House on Thursday, Mr. Kelly was at an event marking the 15th anniversary of the Department of Homeland Security where he rolled his eyes while talking about his job. Mr. Kelly was secretary of the agency before taking over as Mr. Trump’s staff chief.

“The last thing I wanted to do was walk away from one of the great honors of my life—being the secretary of homeland security—but I did something wrong, and God punished me, I guess,” Mr. Kelly said, drawing laughter from the crowd.

The most lasting distraction in the first months of this year has been the resignation of White House staff secretary Rob Porter, who quit amid public allegations of domestic abuse that had prevented him getting full security clearance.

Mr. Porter’s departure opened the door for economic nationalists inside Mr. Trump’s administration to push for the tariffs announced on Thursday.

His resignation led to unusual tension between the president and Ms. Hicks and put Mr. Kelly on a collision course with senior adviser Jared Kushner,  the president’s son-in-law and top adviser who had also been operating with an interim security clearance.

Mr. Kelly, it was learned this week, had decided to downgrade clearances for administration officials, including Mr. Kushner’s, who have had security clearances pending for more than six months. That prompted Mr. Kushner to complain to other aides this week that Mr. Kelly is unfairly targeting him.

Mr. Porter played the role of gatekeeper in the White House, and one of his chief tasks was scheduling trade meetings. He had helped isolate Peter Navarro, an adviser known for his hawkish views on trade policy.

With Mr. Porter gone, Mr. Navarro made a direct pitch for tariffs to Mr. Trump, who elevated him to become an assistant to the president, a person familiar with the matter said. The president then told Mr. Kelly that he wanted Mr. Navarro restored to a central role in the administration’s trade policy, the person said.

Mr. Navarro excitedly described the aluminum and steel tariff proposal to select White House officials on Wednesday, another official said. By that night, Mr. Ross—who supports the tariffs—was describing the plan as a done deal, the official said.

That caught several senior officials off-guard, including Messrs. Kelly and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, the president’s top economic adviser who doesn’t support the tariffs, an aide said.

“Total chaos,” said Rep. Bill Pascrell, the top Democrat on a House panel that oversees trade. “Either there’s disagreement in the administration, or there’s disorganization.”

The tariff announcement came one day after Mr. Trump hosted a bipartisan meeting on gun violence, where he endorsed an expansion of background checks and made supportive comments about several other proposals backed by Democrats.

“You saw it, right? It was wild,” Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.) said of the guns meeting. “The president’s going to have to narrow his list of issues he would like to see addressed and figure out what’s realistic.”

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R., Texas), who sat next to the president at the meeting, said: “I would call that a brainstorming session. It wasn’t legislating 101.”

While many lawmakers said the passage of guns legislation would depend on the president keeping the pressure on Congress, Mr. Cornyn said it was up to lawmakers to decide what they want to send to Mr. Trump for his signature.

“That’s our job. The president’s job under the Constitution is to sign or veto legislation,” he said.

NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Coxe-Baker said the meeting “made for great TV” while the “gun control proposals discussed would make for bad policy.”


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Politics: Next group to go conservative: Blacks?
« Reply #1221 on: April 25, 2018, 08:30:26 AM »
Candice Owens, Kanye West, Denzel Washington, a number of black athletes who like Trump and a whole host of black conservative writers and commentators who favor liberty and free markets, when will this hit critical mass?  As a group black women are liberal and black men are mostly non-political.  You are off the plantation if you defy the group.  Welfare rights and starving Granny, old Democratic lines keep people in line. But isn't getting off the plantation the goal?  Law abiding blacks and family loving blacks and entrepreneurial and successful blacks have the needs and interests in individual liberties, national defense, safe neighborhoods, keeping what they earn and so on as white people.

In politics, it only takes a small move to make a large difference.  If Republicans make inroads with successful blacks and more and more are getting successful, Democrats will have to compete on that basis too and compete for the so called white working people they are losing.  Does anyone remember Bill Clinton reforming welfare and talking about the economic harm done by illegal immigration?

What force destroyed the family in inner city neighborhoods?  Welfare, more than any other factor.  Who does illegal immigration hurt most?  Billionaires or working class blacks?

We see Dems making progress in off year elections in Trump districts, but they aren't doing that with Sanders, Ellison, Pelosi candidates or messages.  Watch for more political shifting.

BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force
[Black Entertainment Television]
The growing U.S. economy and improving business environment is bringing black workers back into the labor force, BET founder Robert Johnson tells CNBC.
"When you look at that, you have to say something is going right," Johnson says.
BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force   BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force 
10:11 AM ET Fri, 6 April 2018 | 01:23
The growing U.S. economy and improving business environment is bringing black workers back into the labor force, BET founder Robert Johnson told CNBC on Friday.
Johnson is the nation's first black billionaire.

Who knew?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 08:33:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1223 on: April 27, 2018, 08:56:43 AM »
good point by Dick about the corruption of Obama Holder Lynn and Sessions shutting it down

I don't know about his pitch for slowing down our "death clock " though~  :lol:


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Steve Bannon on ABC
« Reply #1227 on: June 17, 2018, 12:21:26 PM »
Steve Bannon was looking relatively healthy and IMHO was certainly on top of his game this morning on ABC.  First rate performance.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1228 on: June 25, 2018, 10:01:07 AM »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1233 on: September 19, 2018, 10:10:19 AM »
Well even if an NR writer for ONCE (Andrew McCarthy) can really call out the crats calling this whole thing fabricated "BS"   then for God's sake cannot the Repubs over her to testify and if refused just vote him in?

I believe McConnell will get it done.   

The rest better not cave but I am not confident.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1235 on: October 12, 2018, 08:49:13 AM »
Jim Geraghty of NRO on Kanye West:

Kanye West wasn’t my cup of tea back in his “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” days, nor his “comparing himself to Jesus” days, nor his “Imma let you finish, but” Taylor Swift–interrupting days. I don’t really see why I should suddenly change my opinion on the guy just because he’s found a Republican president he likes. I have no doubt that the budding friendship between Donald Trump and Kanye West is genuine, though: They’re both egomaniacal narcissists with model wives who play the media like a fiddle, and as the saying goes, “game respects game.”


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1236 on: October 12, 2018, 02:14:38 PM »
Jim Geraghty of NRO on Kanye West:

Kanye West wasn’t my cup of tea back in his “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” days, nor his “comparing himself to Jesus” days, nor his “Imma let you finish, but” Taylor Swift–interrupting days. I don’t really see why I should suddenly change my opinion on the guy just because he’s found a Republican president he likes. I have no doubt that the budding friendship between Donald Trump and Kanye West is genuine, though: They’re both egomaniacal narcissists with model wives who play the media like a fiddle, and as the saying goes, “game respects game.”

Very well put.


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Politics, Pres. Trump says he is a Nationalist, vs a Globalist
« Reply #1237 on: October 24, 2018, 06:25:56 AM »
Flight attendants tell parents to put on their own air mask first before assisting their children.


Is it because the parents if is more valuable or important than the child?    No.  Of course not.

The reason, and everyone knows it, is that the parents need oxygen, strength, and full alertness to be able to effectively help the children.

This applies to "nationalism".  America needs to be strong and healthy first in order to help others.  A broken US is of no use to Honduras, Guatemala or anyone else. 

For the individual or for a nation, if you don't take care of yourself first, you can't be of any help to your family, neighbors or anyone else.


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We need two lists
« Reply #1238 on: October 27, 2018, 08:02:37 AM »
I'm thinking we need to develop two lists:

1) Dem/progressive/left/media incivility

2) Dem/progressive/left/media politic intimidation and violence

I'll get things started:


*1/3 of Dem congressman not showing up for inauguration
*Mad Maxine
*Hillary's call for incivility
*Holder's "Kick them"

Intimidation and violence:

*1,000 Sandernistas crashing and shutting down Trump campaign rally  in Chicago
*attacking Trump supporters outside rallies, e.g. in Arizona
*White powder to Don Jr. Trump's wife
*White powder to Mattis, Paul Ryan, and? (double check me on these please)
*Antifa (lets develop list of specific examples


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Actual Attacks on Republicans
« Reply #1239 on: October 27, 2018, 08:26:47 AM »
Second post

Unfortunately this drifts into some territory that I wish it wouldn't, but nonetheless the opening paragraphs are strong.

"Why are fake bombs sent to Democrats more shocking than real ricin packages to Republicans?

"Democrats have a history of rhetoric that glorifies and encourages political violence
By Christopher Buskirk, Spectator, October 26, 2018:

"Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?

"Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?

"There are a few other differences between then and now. The target then was the president, his Secretary of Defense, a senior naval officer, and a Republican Senator. And then, wasn’t there more than an implication that Republicans have it coming? After all, Democrats routinely claim that Republicans are not just cruel but that, as Nancy Pelosi said ‘millions, hundreds of thousands will die’ if Republicans get their way. What stronger language is there than that? And if you believe it, then violence against Republicans becomes a justifiable – perhaps even heroic — act of self-defense.

"That was certainly the case when James Hodgkinson attempted the mass murder of Republican Congressmen and staffers playing softball last year sending Rep Steve Scalise and four others to the hospital. Hodgkinson was a volunteer for socialist Bernie Sanders who declared ‘It’s time to destroy Trump & Co.’ in one of many anti-Republicans social media posts. And CNN claimed in a laudatory profile that the violent left-wing paramilitary group Antifa ‘seeks peace through violence’ while its anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon have both defended the group’s violent streak because, as Cuomo said, ‘fighting against hate matters.’ But such action is wrong not just for the obvious reasons, but because it is an attempt to appropriate more than one’s legitimate share of political influence. Every vote is supposed to count the same, but by physically imposing on an elected representative, agitators are trying increase their own power at the expense of their fellow citizens using fear rather than reason."

It goes downhill from here.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 08:30:31 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1240 on: October 27, 2018, 07:37:41 PM »
* Rep Congressman being stabbed a few weeks ago

What was his name?

* Rep Congressman being sucker punched a few weeks ago

What was his name?

* Anti-free speech rioters on universities shutting down Ben Shapiro, Milo, Ann Coulter, Charles Murray, and many others

* Mass murder of police at Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas:  A Black Lives Matter-sponsored shooting that happened in 2016.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 07:41:56 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1243 on: October 31, 2018, 08:09:27 AM »
From CD post above from NY slimes :

"subpoena powers to investigate multiple Trump White House scandals."

My question what SCANDALS ?

There are no "scandals".

we are talking the Russian hoax?

They are making things  up.


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Al Araby TV Britain
« Reply #1244 on: October 31, 2018, 05:34:33 PM »


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Sen. Harry Reid
« Reply #1245 on: October 31, 2018, 09:43:03 PM »
second post


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Re: Politics
« Reply #1247 on: November 01, 2018, 06:02:36 AM »
Thanks for the catch.


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« Reply #1249 on: November 02, 2018, 04:54:49 PM »