Author Topic: The US Congress; Congressional races  (Read 364434 times)


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1050 on: May 05, 2022, 09:20:45 AM »
I have grave reservations for Walker
really ? is he qualified to be a governor?
Trump just loves celebrities
who love him
or suck up to him (Oz)
(Yes, for Senator). No, Herschel likely doesn't have executive experience to be Gov or Pres.  To be 1 of 100 Senators he needs strong core principles and a sharp mind which he has.  He is a long time personal friend of Trump.  For all we've endured on race, it's cool that he is a black conservative. Watch his 2020 convention speech.  Perhaps the best.

First impression on Saddler, he is a level above that. Tremendous upside potential.

1. We need to win that race.
2. We don't need another Collins, Flake, once they get there.
Both of these could be excellent.
Georgians can sort it out.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1051 on: May 05, 2022, 10:55:14 AM »
why is Hershel NOT doing debates?

anyone know?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1052 on: May 05, 2022, 02:40:07 PM »
why is Hershel NOT doing debates?

anyone know?

Just guessing, because he is a giant name with the huge lead in the (GOP) race in Georgia.  But his polling lead in the general election over Warnock is tiny, his experience in politics is tiny, and his experience debating is tiny, so maybe he should get all the debate experience he can before the general election debates and campaign.

I think his handlers might know that this Saddler is the real deal.  Don't get in the ring with him.

The goal isn't to win the nomination. The goal is to win the senate seat (and save the country).
« Last Edit: May 05, 2022, 02:43:55 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1053 on: May 05, 2022, 05:52:25 PM »
What would be a good single source to get up to speed on Sadler?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1054 on: May 05, 2022, 09:25:59 PM »
What would be a good single source to get up to speed on Sadler?

This is where I heard him:
13 minutes


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1055 on: May 06, 2022, 01:14:50 PM »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1056 on: May 06, 2022, 01:43:46 PM »
"Here Pravda on the Potomac goes after Herschel Walker"

All ad hominem by the Pravda Post.

"Walker’s sole qualification for Georgia’s electorate, however, is his athletic notoriety."

   - No.  Like MLK he gave an inspirational speech that brought the house down. He gets it in the big picture.  He Is qualified and their insult of black conservatives on the basis of race and philosophy is deplorable.

The only true and valid point in there is that Herschel skipped the debates, as candidates with a giant lead often do.

Warnock is a radical who rejects the Founding principles of our country.  Herschel represents the American dream - for everyone.

Too bad they don't get that.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2022, 03:57:20 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1057 on: May 06, 2022, 02:04:13 PM »
PS:  Another athlete of considerable Congressional achievement was NFL quarterback Jack Kemp.


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jocks in politics
« Reply #1058 on: May 06, 2022, 03:13:07 PM »
wikipedia has whole
page :

I would add a famous martial arts expert who ran for Congress.  :-D


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1059 on: May 06, 2022, 04:23:41 PM »
PS:  Another athlete of considerable Congressional achievement was NFL quarterback Jack Kemp.

That's right!  And he changed the world, for the better.

A military guy took to politics pretty well, Gen. Eisenhower.  A peanut farmer rose to the top, Jimmy Carter.  An actor, Ronald Reagan.  A comedian (not very funny), Al Franken became Senator.  How 'bout that, they come from all walks of life.  God Bless America.  BTW, when did WashPost rip Bill Gates for attending a fine university and not getting a degree?  Save that attack for the black conservative, you racists.

No.  They don't think all blacks will vote for him because he's black.  They just can't get over their racist, one track mind.  In fact they fear some blacks might listen to him.

They let Biden, last in his class in his prime and now a blathering idiot, speak nonsense without criticism, but a black guy turning conservative is 'carrying the water for whites' and his only redeeming quality is that he can run fast.  Most racist writing I've seen in a long time.

Conservative Republican is a place for whites only yet Hispanics are coming there in record numbers.  Does the Washington Post even read the news.

Like Larry Elder said, I've been called every name in the book except wrong.  Whoops, not one issue came up here in a lengthy critique.  Umm, where is Herschel wrong?

I still like the other guy, Saddler, better.  But the question is, who connects with voters, and for that - we'll let the voters decide.   )

PS   Community organizer Barack Obama's claim to fame was that he gave a good speech at the convention.  And they endorsed him at least twice.

If not for double standards they'd have none at all.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2022, 04:52:41 PM by DougMacG »


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Pompeo rips Dr. Oz a new anus
« Reply #1060 on: May 07, 2022, 10:49:57 AM »
As reported by Tucker, Mike Pompeo says that Dr. Oz voted in the Turkish election instead of the American election.


Let's track this down!


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Re: Pompeo rips Dr. Oz a new anus
« Reply #1061 on: May 07, 2022, 10:55:26 AM »
As reported by Tucker, Mike Pompeo says that Dr. Oz voted in the Turkish election instead of the American election.


Let's track this down!


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I do not like him and never really did: Oz
« Reply #1062 on: May 07, 2022, 11:07:57 AM »

my opinion:   beware of doctors pushing snake oils

they are NOT to be trusted


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Re: I do not like him and never really did: Oz
« Reply #1063 on: May 07, 2022, 11:09:27 AM »
Howabout masks and the ClotShot?

my opinion:   beware of doctors pushing snake oils

they are NOT to be trusted


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1064 on: May 07, 2022, 02:27:48 PM »

is actually quite safe and has saved many lives

so how about it?

I don't live in PA

so I won't get to vote against Oz


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1065 on: May 07, 2022, 02:36:43 PM »

How did the ClotShot save lives since it doesn't actually work? Except by creating Clots and heart problems?


is actually quite safe and has saved many lives

so how about it?

I don't live in PA

so I won't get to vote against Oz


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Re: The US Congress; PA Senate, Oz
« Reply #1066 on: May 07, 2022, 03:41:52 PM »
Dr. Oz,  I was invited to appear on Judge Judy once but I don't know anything about Dr. Oz. 

I think Crafty had the story that breaks him.  If he voted in Turkey and not the US that recently, the perception of dual loyalty will sink him.  Best to get that out before he wins the primary, which is about 10 days out. 

The lobbying accusation might be overblown, but I'm guessing Pompeo's point is that the current government of (NATO member) Turkey is not exactly our ally.

Like Ben Carson and Rand Paul, Bill Frist, being M.D. doesn't qualify him or disqualify him.  It's an interesting background. 

Media experience can be a plus.  Lack of it is a problem.  Pennsylvania is a serious, multi media market, and politics and getting a message out isn't as easy as it might look.  Learning by making mistakes is not going to work.

It's good that Trump is doing what someone should be doing, finding the best candidates and endorsing and helping them.  Too bad it's Trump.  He's having a good run but he's going to get some wrong.  Where he is wrong the voters need to get it right.

We need to win in PA.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1067 on: May 07, 2022, 04:34:41 PM »
all good point about oz/ trump

Frist  who was  a rino and Carson and Paul who are not at least were honest
I am just not convinced OZ is.

the J&J shot was not a good vaccine
I agree   :-D

was not even as that effective  as pfz moderna shots


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1070 on: May 08, 2022, 09:51:50 AM »
I read McCormick criticized Trump for 1/6/21

You can't convince me this did not have something to do with Trump seeking revenge


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Go Kathy!
« Reply #1072 on: May 10, 2022, 06:15:19 AM »


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« Reply #1073 on: May 13, 2022, 02:44:05 PM »
makes remarks
that as Hannity points out, and I agree  make her not viable in a general election

but the fact she rose quickly
proves that many agree with me -



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WSJ: How to make Congress worse-- unionize
« Reply #1075 on: May 15, 2022, 03:25:52 AM »
How to Make Congress Worse
The House votes to let its staff unionize, and the Members are likely to regret it.
By The Editorial BoardFollow
May 13, 2022 6:38 pm ET

Americans don’t like Congress, for many obvious reasons, and this week the received another one as the House voted to allow its staff to be represented by a union.

The House voted 217-202 on Tuesday on a resolution sponsored by Michigan Rep. Andy Levin to allow collective bargaining. Congress has long rejected this idea, but progressives consider it part of their “equity” agenda.

The union push was fueled this year by an anonymous Instagram account entitled “Dear White Staffers,” featuring complaints about discrimination, pay and working conditions. A group calling itself the Congressional Workers Union stepped up to promote the drive—though its members insist on anonymity.

The Levin resolution authorizes a broad right to organize, while dodging questions of how this will work in practice. The House has 435 offices with 9,100 staffers, or an average of 21 employees per Member. Each office would need to hold its own union vote amid rapid employee turnover. Most Republican offices will take a pass, and even Democratic offices may vote no—leading to a patchwork of work rules across the Capitol.

Will a bargaining unit include all staffers for each Member, or will workers in home state offices get to form their own? Will offices stand up unions from scratch or join one of the 100 other unions currently representing federal employees? Should senior staff be in the same union as junior employees, and who decides who is senior? Federal law prohibits workers in “management” or “supervisory” roles from collectively bargaining.

Staff are supposed to promote the agenda of Members, but unionization could put them in labor-management conflict. With their access to confidential legislative information, staffers working a union agenda could also have leverage over elected representatives. Get ready for unfair-labor complaints that will become political weapons.

Congress has a problem with staff turnover, since pay has failed over the past 20 years to keep pace with inflation. But Congress’s March omnibus included a 21% increase for Member’s office budgets. Most Representatives intended to plow that into better compensation even before Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week announced a minimum pay threshold of $45,000 a year for staff, and a higher cap ($203,700) for maximum annual pay.

Each house of Congress sets its own rules, so the House vote this week doesn’t apply to the Senate, where it likely wouldn’t pass in any case. Republicans will probably repeal the resolution if they retake the House in November. But instead of unionization, how about this: Fire about half the staff but pay the rest better. Congress might attract better people who stay a while rather than leave as soon as they can for K Street riches.


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unionizing Congressional staff
« Reply #1076 on: May 15, 2022, 07:38:17 AM »

look at teachers unions

how stupid wrong
with all government employee unions

as always we have NO say



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Republicans lead among Hispanic voters
« Reply #1081 on: June 10, 2022, 10:26:30 AM »
 :-o :-o :-o

of course if one excludes the illegals and those who are legal but have family who are illegal

I can only imagine the margin is much higher

this is the first time in my 65 yrs I have ever seen this

this did not occur due to W Bush
who tried to win them over

this occurred despite him
and due to real conservative values being the key

not suck egg ass kissing

though I would love to see Republicans capitalize on this
and not screw it up.


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Re: Republicans lead among Hispanic voters
« Reply #1082 on: June 10, 2022, 12:25:30 PM »
:-o :-o :-o

of course if one excludes the illegals and those who are legal but have family who are illegal

I can only imagine the margin is much higher

this is the first time in my 65 yrs I have ever seen this

this did not occur due to W Bush
who tried to win them over

this occurred despite him
and due to real conservative values being the key

not suck egg ass kissing

though I would love to see Republicans capitalize on this
and not screw it up.

The stupid party never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1083 on: June 13, 2022, 07:24:48 AM »
If the election were held today, and if each voter could only vote once in their own name, verified, it looks to me like R's would sweep the House and pick up just 3 in the Senate, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia, making the Senate 53-47 R.  The 4th seat Dems lose is Kamala's tiebreaking vote in the Senate.

Since 98% of federal laws don't go through Congress anyway, this result would only be a small step toward laying the ground work for righting the ship in a long shot, multi- decade effort.

Nothing to celebrate if it happens, but better than most alternatives.


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Thank god for the stupid party!
« Reply #1084 on: June 13, 2022, 07:40:18 AM »
Pedro L. Gonzalez:
This is what Republicans are telling their voters going into midterms: we will take your votes and your money and stab you with that in the back to help Biden and the Democratic Party.

Quote Tweet
Chris Murphy, Rat, CT:
NEWS: We have a deal. Today a bipartisan group of 20 Senators (10 D and 10 R) is announcing a breakthrough agreement on gun violence - the first in 30 years - that will save lives.

I think you’ll be surprised at the scope of our framework.


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Re: Thank god for the stupid party!
« Reply #1085 on: June 13, 2022, 07:48:00 AM »
To be fair, there should be a plural on stupid party, IMHO.

Yes, Dems may have played R's to get what they wanted, but what they want is rarely in their own best interest.


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Re: Thank god for the stupid party!
« Reply #1086 on: June 13, 2022, 07:50:12 AM »
To be fair, there should be a plural on stupid party, IMHO.

Yes, Dems may have played R's to get what they wanted, but what they want is rarely in their own best interest.

R=Stupid party

D=Evil party

They have yet to feel any pain for their actions.


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Re: Thank god for the stupid party!
« Reply #1087 on: June 13, 2022, 07:55:31 AM »
Buck Sexton:
Never underestimate the willingness of Republicans to betray their base and bend the knee for a pathetic pat on the head from Democrats who despise them.

> Quote Tweet
Fox News:
BREAKING: Senate announces bipartisan framework for gun control package

Pedro L. Gonzalez:
This is what Republicans are telling their voters going into midterms: we will take your votes and your money and stab you with that in the back to help Biden and the Democratic Party.

Quote Tweet
Chris Murphy, Rat, CT:
NEWS: We have a deal. Today a bipartisan group of 20 Senators (10 D and 10 R) is announcing a breakthrough agreement on gun violence - the first in 30 years - that will save lives.

I think you’ll be surprised at the scope of our framework.


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« Reply #1088 on: June 13, 2022, 09:58:49 AM »
Can Oz win?

just checked real clear politics

no polls yet

the cheating is already being planned


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Re: Pa.
« Reply #1089 on: June 13, 2022, 09:29:19 PM »
Can Oz win?
just checked real clear politics
no polls yet
the cheating is already being planned

Yes Oz can win.


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Re: Pa.
« Reply #1090 on: June 13, 2022, 09:33:30 PM »
Oh good! We need another republican who supports gun control and the sexual mutilation of children!

Can Oz win?
just checked real clear politics
no polls yet
the cheating is already being planned

Yes Oz can win.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1091 on: June 14, 2022, 08:24:40 AM »
"Oh good! We need another Republican who supports gun control and the sexual mutilation of children!"

I agree but now he is the Repub nominee I would still have to support him over any Democrat


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Re: Thank god for the stupid party!
« Reply #1092 on: June 14, 2022, 01:37:01 PM »
quote author: G M

R=Stupid party

D=Evil party

If this war or contest of ideas is serious, then really knowing your opponent (enemy?) is essential.  Dig deeper.

The top of the far Left movement includes some very evil people.  But calling or implying all Democrats are evil is mostly wrong.

Within the whole makeup of the activists and the people voting Left or Dem, there is a wide range.  Most, I would argue, are well intentioned citizens that are following what they learned since birth, from their families, from K12, college, mainstream media, peers, culture, Google, Facebook, Twitter and so on.  Some of them want something different than what we want.  Not big on limited government for example. Some are misguided on policies but want similar outcomes to what we want, the American Creed, peace, prosperity, constitutional principles, rule of law.  Some are a minute or a year away from switching over.  Some on our side were Leftists and Democrats a minute ago, or a little longer ago in Ronald Reagan or Thomas Sowell's case. 

Calling all Dems evil (or everything Republicans do stupid) does not shed light on important details, IMHO.  Doesn't help with salesmanship and persuasion either.

Some of these people are our future allies.
Also within the so-called deep state are good people in the FBI, CIA and more who want to do good work.  That fish stinks from the head.  We need to distinguish between the evil and the rest.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 01:43:18 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Thank god for the stupid party!
« Reply #1093 on: June 14, 2022, 08:32:26 PM »
quote author: G M

R=Stupid party

D=Evil party

If this war or contest of ideas is serious, then really knowing your opponent (enemy?) is essential.  Dig deeper.

The top of the far Left movement includes some very evil people.  But calling or implying all Democrats are evil is mostly wrong.

My line about stupid/evil is about the leadership of the parties. Most line level dems are stupid. They might mean well, but they obviously lack the cognitive ability to connect their voting habits and the dystopian shitholes they live in. Even worms react to pain stimulus by trying to avoid it.

Within the whole makeup of the activists and the people voting Left or Dem, there is a wide range.  Most, I would argue, are well intentioned citizens that are following what they learned since birth, from their families, from K12, college, mainstream media, peers, culture, Google, Facebook, Twitter and so on.  Some of them want something different than what we want.  Not big on limited government for example. Some are misguided on policies but want similar outcomes to what we want, the American Creed, peace, prosperity, constitutional principles, rule of law.  Some are a minute or a year away from switching over.  Some on our side were Leftists and Democrats a minute ago, or a little longer ago in Ronald Reagan or Thomas Sowell's case. 

Calling all Dems evil (or everything Republicans do stupid) does not shed light on important details, IMHO.  Doesn't help with salesmanship and persuasion either.

Some of these people are our future allies.
Also within the so-called deep state are good people in the FBI, CIA and more who want to do good work.  That fish stinks from the head.  We need to distinguish between the evil and the rest.

At a certain point, the agencies become so corrupt, anyone with even a tiny amount of honor has to leave. Those that remain, no matter how they might try to justify it to themselves or others know at some level that by remaining within the agencies, they are facilitating the evil that is being done.


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Democrat takes 4th place in Alaska (Palin) House race
« Reply #1094 on: June 16, 2022, 06:15:44 AM »
Democrat gets less than 10% in oil producing district open primary.  4th place, top 3 advance to General election.


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« Reply #1095 on: June 17, 2022, 01:24:14 PM »
I may come to regret my support of Walker , , ,


Celebrity Candidate Roulette

For heaven’s sake.

There really was no reason to nominate either Herschel Walker or Mehmet Oz to be the Republican candidates for Senate (in Georgia and Pennsylvania, respectively).

Oz is a pseudoscientific medical pin-up who’s used his platform to promote both abortion and irreversible “gender transition” treatment for minors. Walker was a really great football player who’s well known and whose athletic career is fondly remembered by Georgians. On the other hand, he claims to have been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder by a witch doctor and his ex-wife alleges that he held a gun to her head, telling her, “I’m going to blow your f***ing brains out.”

So who could have possibly predicted that Walker might not be the slam-dunk candidate that the notoriously good judge of character Donald Trump (“He would be unstoppable, just like he was when he played for the Georgia Bulldogs, and in the NFL. He is also a GREAT person. Run, Herschel, Run!”) said he would be.

Now, Walker has been revealed to be the father of three children he had never mentioned publicly. For at least one of them, a ten-year-old son with whom he has no relationship, he was ordered to pay child support.

His campaign manager reassures us that “he has honored all obligations” to his children. I suppose the issue is resolved, then.

With any replacement-level candidate on the ballot in Georgia, Republicans could be confident that they’d knock off incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock. With Walker on the ballot, Warnock has a shot at pulling off a second upset in three years.

And as for Oz, what do we get for his progressive past? According to a poll from Suffolk University and USA Today, a favorable view of Oz from only 28 percent of voters and a nine-point deficit as compared to Democrat John Fetterman. Just 17 percent of independents view Oz favorably, while 57 percent view him unfavorably.

Maybe national headwinds will be enough to save Walker and/or Oz, but if Republicans lose either or both races, it’ll be because they took low-reward, high-risk propositions on the advice of a low-reward, high-risk 2024 contender.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1096 on: June 17, 2022, 02:01:44 PM »
"So who could have possibly predicted that Walker might not be the slam-dunk candidate that the notoriously good judge of character Donald Trump"


as for OZ I also am not a fan
but must support him now as he is our only hope to keep the seat in PA.

but this (OMFG!):

 And as for Oz, what do we get for his progressive past? According to a poll from Suffolk University and USA Today, a favorable view of Oz from only 28 percent of voters and a nine-point deficit as compared to Democrat John Fetterman. Just 17 percent of independents view Oz favorably, while 57 percent view him unfavorably.

He beat McCormick by what ? a few hundred votes
Was HIS (mccormick) numbers this dreadful?

We kept  hearing how articulate Oz  is and he is a genius (hannity)
but who cares if no one likes the guy.

Trump is happy to endorse celebrities who endorse him.

Nothing new with that.

yes Trump is damaged goods too

If we can't take these races in this economy etc...

woe is us

the dumb ass party

« Last Edit: June 17, 2022, 02:10:46 PM by ccp »


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WT: Utah Senate
« Reply #1097 on: June 27, 2022, 01:21:05 AM »
Democrats set up unusually tight race for Senate in Utah

Join Trump opponents in effort to unseat Lee


Sen. Mike Lee is poised to win Utah’s Republican primary for the Senate on Tuesday, which would normally put him on a glide path to reelection in November.

Yet it might be the state’s most competitive Senate race in decades thanks to Evan McMullin. Mr. McMullin ran as an independent against Donald Trump in 2016 and picked up more than 20% of Utah’s votes. He is now running against Mr. Lee as an independent and has the support of Utah Democrats. His campaign is spotlighting Mr. Lee’s alliance with Mr. Trump in a state where some voters have grown weary of the former president.

“This is a very unique race in Utah,” said Jason Perry, director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah. “This is not a traditional Utah race where you have a Democrat versus a Republican.”

Some election analysts have moved the usually

safe Republican seat into the “likely Republican” category. Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics noted Democrats’ decision to back Mr. McMullin and a recent poll showing Mr. Lee with just a 4-point lead.

“The Lee-McMullin contest seems to have a little more intrigue than your average Safe Republican Senate race,” Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman wrote in the Crystal Ball’s June 15 edition.

Mr. Lee’s campaign is downplaying the poll conducted by the Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics. It showed Mr. Lee with 41% of the vote and Mr. Mc-Mullin with 37% in a November matchup.

A top Lee aide said the campaign’s survey of likely voters shows Mr. Lee with a nearly 20-point lead over Mr. McMullin.

“Our campaign is focused on talking about issues, not divisive rhetoric,” Lee campaign spokesman Matt Lusty told The Washington Times. “We’re trying to help Utah families as they struggle with record inflation and soaring gas prices. Our internal numbers show there is very strong support for Sen. Lee’s reelection not only in the Republican primary but also in the general election.”

The battle between Mr. Lee and Mr. McMullin will begin in earnest after Tuesday, when Mr. Lee faces off in a primary against former state Rep. Becky Edwards and technology executive Ally Isom. Polls show Mr. Lee with a comfortable lead over both Republican opponents.

Democrats canceled their primary and instead threw their support behind Mr. McMullin. They hope he can oust Mr. Lee with a coalition of Democrats, independents and anti-Trump Republicans.

The move means the November ballot will exclude a Democratic candidate and pit Mr. Lee, 51, against Mr. McMullin, 46.

Mr. McMullin, who served in the CIA for 10 years, is a former Republican. He launched his political career in 2016 by running as an independent against Mr. Trump and became the favored candidate for “Never Trump” Republicans.

Mr. Lee once counted himself among the Never Trump coalition and voted for Mr. McMullin in 2016.

He came to support Mr. Trump and even advocated for challenging the presidential election results in 2020.

Mr. Lee ultimately changed his mind and was among the Republicans who voted to certify the election of Joseph R. Biden.

Mr. McMullin is eager to tie Mr. Lee to Mr. Trump’s bid to stop Congress’ certification of Mr. Biden’s 2020 victory. He seized on text messages leaked to media in April that showed Mr. Lee on Nov. 7, 2020, offering “unequivocal support” to Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, “to exhaust every legal and constitutional remedy at your disposal to restore America’s faith in our elections.”

Though Mr. Lee’s support of the Trump campaign’s election challenge was short-lived, Mr. McMullin accuses Mr. Lee of treason. “Mike Lee conspired directly with the Trump administration to overturn the 2020 election and override the will of the American people,” Mr. McMullin recently tweeted.

Mr. McMullin’s effort to win in Utah faces steep challenges, particularly as he tries to court Democratic and independent voters while trying to appeal to disaffected Republicans.

Mr. McMullin voted for Mr. Biden in 2020, but he said it was not a commitment to support every presidential decision. “It’s a vote to defend the republic, take back our government from Vladimir Putin and Trump family corruption, restore decency, and the chance to advance unifying solutions for the country,” he said at the time.

Democrats have not won a statewide race in Utah since 1996. Mr. McMullin has had to shift his positions leftward since winning the party’s nod.

After the Supreme Court announced its ruling overturning Roe v. Wade on Friday, Mr. Mc-Mullin pledged his opposition to states that impose “extreme laws,” such as total bans on abortion, limits on birth control and “criminalization of women in desperate situations.”

Mr. Lee, a former Supreme Court clerk who is staunchly opposed to abortion, was unequivocal in his praise of the decision, which ends the federal legalization of abortion and gives states the authority to govern the legality of the procedure.

“The national nightmare of Roe has ended,” Mr. Lee said.

Mr. McMullin told The Times that he is running against Mr. Lee “because the extremes in our political parties, along with the powerful interests in Washington, have gained far too much influence in our politics.”

If elected, he said, he won’t caucus with either party, which could shut him out of committee membership. Mr. McMullin said Utah “needs independent leadership in the Senate.”

Republican voters outnumber Democratic voters in the state by a margin of nearly 4-to-1, but nearly 30% of all voters are unaffi liated with either party.

Mr. Trump remains popular among voters in Utah, but less so than in other red states.

A poll in May pitted Mr. Trump against Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican who has been one of the party’s most outspoken critics of the former president and who voted to convict him on impeachment charges in January 2021 after the riot at the Capitol.

The Deseret News and Hinckley Institute of Politics poll found that 51% of Utah voters believed Mr. Romney best represented their political and policy preferences, compared with 37% who picked Mr. Trump. Another 12% picked neither politician.

Mr. Romney did not endorse Mr. Lee in the primary, but Mr. Trump did.

Mr. Lee has remained mostly quiet about the stamp of approval from the former president, although he referenced him in a fundraising email this year.

“I am being attacked by my Never Trumper opponent and he is raising millions of dollars to STOP our Conservative campaign,” Mr. Lee pitched to donors.


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Congressional races, 2022
« Reply #1098 on: June 30, 2022, 04:57:15 AM »
They lost Hispanics, now their losing young voters. Even if you are only 18 to 29 years old, you probably know that gas was $2.19.9 on January 6th 2020.
Time magazine:
Biden’s approval rating with voters under 30 has dropped 23 points since the first months of his presidency, according to Gallup polling. It’s fallen 17 points with voters between 30 and 50. Only 34% of Millennials and Gen Z voters say they approve of Biden’s presidency so far, according to a Marist poll sponsored by NPR and PBS, and only 2% say they strongly approve. (Source:


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« Reply #1099 on: June 30, 2022, 06:07:00 AM »

what is it with black voters they are so wed to their beloved democrat party.

perhaps I could see in the mid 60's but now?