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New DNC ad
« Reply #750 on: August 01, 2020, 01:33:23 PM »


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Re: WSJ: Biden's Taxes
« Reply #751 on: August 01, 2020, 02:47:19 PM »
VERY interesting point that the economic burden of the corporate tax, they so much want to raise, falls disproportionately on the poor and working people who at the lower levels get off easy on personal income taxes.

In other words, Biden's Left drivel won't hold up to scrutiny or to a 90 minute debate with the man who doubled the growth rate of the world's largest economy.

Prosperity through greater taxation?  Prosperity through greater re-distribution?  Prosperity through shutting down private businesses or nationalizing industries?  It is pure denial of 'settled' science.


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Hope President Trump reads this!
« Reply #752 on: August 02, 2020, 08:42:31 PM »
How Trump Can Deliver Tax Relief Without Congress
Suspend collection of the payroll levy using the same authority that extended the filing deadline to July.
By Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen
Aug. 2, 2020 3:33 pm ET

President Trump needs to reset the debate on the latest coronavirus relief bill. Senate Republicans have scuttled their best pro-growth idea—a payroll tax cut—and instead released a $1 trillion spending bill. Last week Mr. Trump acknowledged that compromising with Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a fool’s errand, because the House won’t agree to anything that boosts growth and job creation. The Democratic plan includes a six-month extension of the $600-a-week unemployment bonus and $3 trillion in new spending. It would sink the economy and imperil Mr. Trump’s re-election.

The president needs to pull an end run, and there’s a legal way to do that. He should declare a national economic emergency and announce that the Internal Revenue Service will immediately stop collecting the payroll tax. This is technically called a deferral of the tax payments.

The IRS already delayed payment of income and other taxes from April 15 until July 15. That order lays out the legal basis for a payroll tax suspension: “Section 7508A of the [Tax] Code provides the Secretary of the Treasury . . . with authority to postpone the time for performing certain acts under the internal revenue laws for a taxpayer determined by the Secretary to be affected by a Federally declared disaster. . . . Pursuant to section 7508A(a), a period of up to one year may be disregarded in determining whether the performance of certain acts is timely under the internal revenue laws.”

Mr. Trump should instruct the Treasury to stop withholding payroll taxes. To protect benefits, he should order Treasury to put bonds into the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. Since Barack Obama did that in 2011, his vice president would have a hard time explaining his opposition to it now. So would Mrs. Pelosi, who in 2011 called the tax cut “a job creator” that would give the economy “a boost.”

The catch is that under any deferral, workers would still be on the hook for paying the taxes later. Or would they?

Mr. Trump could also pledge to sign a bill—now or after the new Congress takes office on Jan. 3—to forgive those repayments. That would make the election a referendum on middle-class taxes. Mr. Trump can give Americans a tax cut now, and sign it into law later.

This bold act would flip the political tables. Democrats can’t credibly call it a tax cut for the rich. Mr. Trump could cap it at, say, $75,000 of income, so the vast majority of the benefit would go to straight into the wallets of middle- and lower-income workers, almost all of whom pay more payroll than income tax.

Voters would instantly see the 7.5% boost to their paychecks. Mr. Trump could then run against the $3 trillion House spending bill. It would be right out of the playbook of Harry S. Truman, another incumbent president who faced a big deficit in the polls and was told he couldn’t win re-election. Late in the summer of 1948, Truman stopped negotiating with what he called the “do nothing” Republican Congress and started campaigning against it. He won—and so could Mr. Trump.

Mr. Moore is a member of President Trump’s economic recovery task force and a co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Mr. Kerpen is the committee’s president.


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Biden: Read my lips, lotsa new taxes
« Reply #753 on: August 03, 2020, 08:17:07 AM »
Read Joe Biden’s Lips: New Taxes
More than $3 trillion in new levies on incomes, payrolls and more.
By The Editorial Board
July 31, 2020 6:51 pm ET
Joe Biden is a heavy favorite to be the next President, yet the media have barely paid attention to what he will do if he wins. We’ll try to fill that knowledge gap in the coming weeks, and a good place to start is his proposal for tax increases of more than $3 trillion over a decade. Let’s examine the unfine print:

• Individual incomes: Raise the top marginal rate to 39.6%, from 37%. Repeal the $10,000 cap on the deduction for state-and-local taxes, giving a bigger break to places like San Francisco and New York. But limit the tax benefit of itemized deductions to 28% of face value, hitting higher earners.

• Payrolls: Apply a 12.4% Social Security tax, split between workers and their employers, to all income over $400,000, with no cap. The current payroll tax comes off after $137,700 of income, but under Mr. Biden’s plan the levy would be limitless. No more polite fiction of Social Security as an “earned” benefit.

Economists say the payroll tax falls mainly on workers, even though half is purportedly “paid” by employers. All together, including Mr. Biden’s 39.6% rate on income, the federal government’s top marginal tax on labor would be higher than 50%. Factor in state income taxes—California’s 13.3% top rate or New Jersey’s 10.75%—and the marginal rate would hit the 60s.
• Capital gains: For those earning more than $1 million, tax capital gains and dividends as regular income, at the new top rate of 39.6%. That’s almost double the current top rate of 23.8%, including the ObamaCare surtax. Capital gains haven’t been taxed as heavily as Mr. Biden proposes since the bad old 1970s.

Who knows if it’ll stop there. Last year the ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, Oregon’s Ron Wyden, suggested taxing unrealized gains, before the investor sells, using a mark-to-market scheme. The wealthy would pay taxes each year on their paper gains, though there are a host of problems, like how they’d value illiquid assets and if they’d get a refund when the market subsequently fell (don’t count on it).

• Estates: Repeal stepped-up basis at death. This could mean slapping capital-gains taxes on the dearly departed. Or the property received by heirs would arrive with taxable capital gains hidden inside, and no adjustment for inflation. Mr. Biden hasn’t said what he’d do to the estate tax, currently set at 40%, above an individual exemption of about $11.6 million. But his new pal Bernie Sanders wants to lower the exemption to $3.5 million and lift rates up to 77%.

Joe Biden's New Tax Burden

The estimated effects of Biden’s main tax proposals in 2021, assuming that one-fifth of his higher corporate tax falls on workers.

0–10% 18 –0.6
10–20% 31 –0.3
20–30% 49 –0.3
30–40% 79 –0.3
40–50% 121 –0.3
50–60% 222 –0.5
60–70% 310 –0.5
70–80% 454 –0.6
80–90% 725 –0.6
90–95% 1,368 –0.8
95–99% 3,372 –1.8
Top 1% 118,194 –17.8
Source: The American Enterprise Institute, "An Analysis of Joe Biden’s Tax Proposals," June 2020

• Corporate incomes: Raise the rate to 28%, from 21%. To see how this would compare globally, add America’s state taxes on corporate income: up to 8.84% in California or 9.5% in Illinois. Last year the European Union’s average top statutory rate was 21.8%. Don’t be surprised if U.S. companies return to the pre-Trump pattern of moving their headquarters overseas.

• Corporate minimum: Put a 15% minimum tax on the “book income” of businesses with $100 million in profits. Mr. Biden’s campaign said last year it would affect about 300 companies, though draining their capital could slow down America’s economic dynamos.

• Foreign earnings: Since Mr. Biden’s other tax increases would raise the business incentives to shift income abroad, double to 21%, from 10.5%, the minimum tax on “global intangible low tax income.”

• Tax credits: Create or expand a plethora of tax credits: a new refundable and “advanceable” $15,000 “down payment tax credit for first-time home buyers”; $8,000 for “child and dependent care”; $5,000 for “informal caregivers”; $5,000 for “hiring a person with a disability”; a low-income renter’s tax credit “designed to reduce rent and utilities to 30% of income.”
Also: the Earned Income Tax Credit; a Manufacturing Communities Tax Credit; the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit; the New Markets Tax Credit; the Work Opportunity Tax Credit; the solar Investment Tax Credit; “tax credits for residential energy efficiency”; and a restoration of “the full electric-vehicle tax credit.” Mr. Biden would lard the IRS code with spending and subsidies for favored businesses and behavior. This would allocate investment based on politics rather than economic returns, as companies look for ways to reduce their overall tax rates.
Mr. Biden has said he won’t raise taxes on anybody making under $400,000 a year. In 2016 Hillary Clinton made that pledge at $250,000. Either way, it’s a mirage. Higher corporate taxes are inevitably paid by workers in lower wages, or by shareholders (including pension funds) in lower returns on their investments.

Revenue estimates for Mr. Biden’s tax agenda vary, from $4 trillion over a decade to $3.2 trillion, after accounting for how it would shrink the economy. But analysts confirm the phoniness of Mr. Biden’s pledge. Over the long run, the Tax Foundation said in April, his main tax proposals would lower after-tax incomes for every quintile, including 1.4% for the middle class.

An American Enterprise Institute study from June assumed that a fifth of the higher corporate tax would fall on workers “in the form of lower compensation.” If so, taxpayers in the 80% to 90% decile, earning around $170,000 to $248,000, would carry an additional $725 tax burden in 2021, on average. For those in the 90% to 95% range, earning less than $353,000, the figure would be $1,368. “Overall,” the report says, “24.7 percent of new tax revenue in 2021 would come from the bottom 99 percent of taxpayers.”

That’s before Mr. Biden has to figure out how to pay for the full spending agenda he is laying out for the left. He claims his tax proposals will soak only the affluent, but they won’t raise nearly enough money to finance all of his plans. In the end everyone will pay.


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Re: Biden: Read my lips, lotsa new taxes
« Reply #754 on: August 03, 2020, 09:03:03 AM »
Tax only the rich and the burden falls 25% on the working class.  Not counting the burden of  lost opportunities and economic collapse.

"Don’t tax you. Don’t tax me. Tax the guy behind the tree."

Joke being that it doesn't work.  You don't tax capital without hurting labor.  You don't tax employers without hurting employees.  You don't raise taxes on the economy, without hurting all its participants. 

A mere 1+% percent in the GDP growth rate changed the economy from stuck in stagnation to having the lowest BLACK unemployment rate on record.  How do you repeal all that and say "Black Lives Matter"?  Only with dishonesty.

Fact is, the already rich will still be rich with or without a new yacht, home or tesla.  The burden of excess taxation and excess government falls on all the people who want to succeed in the land of destroyed opportunities, stagnation, decline, collapse.
cf. Jimmy Carternomics, Hugo Chavezuela  Who did worse under these regimes?  Every working person for sure.


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dem convention speakers
« Reply #759 on: August 07, 2020, 10:08:26 AM »

of course false profits Baraq and Meeshell will be speaking

but Hillary - ?  two time loser
and pediphile Bil - ?

just goes to show the lock they still have on Dem mafia control

and John Kasich ?  another McCain .
will Romney volunteer ?

how Bill Krystol or George Will as MCs?

AOC etc not invited
cover her up though her wing has increasing power over the Dem mafia machine

I am sure Pelosi will be there to yak up the BS.


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Re: The senility advances , , ,
« Reply #762 on: August 07, 2020, 01:55:22 PM »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #763 on: August 07, 2020, 02:18:28 PM »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election-What is at stake
« Reply #766 on: August 11, 2020, 08:56:06 AM »

"This radicalized concept of law as a political instrument is cooked into every single policy on the Left."

   - All true.  Every word of this sounds should be over the top - but it's all true.

We don't know who would run a Biden administration.  We know it won't be him, it won't be sane people from the center, it won't be people who believe in the wisdom of the Founders or constitutional principles or pursuit of the American Dream.

We still don't know who ran the Obama Administration.  Agencies were run from "The White House".  His closest adviser was NOT elected VP Joe Biden.  Cabinet members did not make the important decisions in their areas.  For example, 24 Special Envoys usurped Sec. State powers over to the White House, leaving her out of the loop:  Iranian born Valerie Jarrett?  Anita Dunn?  Holder, Pritzker, Duncan, we still don't know.  Barack Obama signed all the orders but others were very involved in writing them and reassuring him that he's doing the right thing.

For Joe Biden, who is that?  We don't know.  Best guess is the same people who ran the country into the ground in the Obama administration plus whatever he promised to Bernie Sanders, Jim Clyburn, Antifa, BLM and others to get their support.


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Kameltoe as secondary figurehead for deep state
« Reply #767 on: August 11, 2020, 01:55:35 PM »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #769 on: August 11, 2020, 02:18:46 PM »
*Good thing Joe has no memory of this:*

was that after or before she was attacking Justice Kavanaugh with dirty false accusations among her many accomplishments.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #770 on: August 11, 2020, 02:28:14 PM »
Communist News Network and MS LSD already fawning

first this first that ...


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #771 on: August 11, 2020, 02:33:35 PM »
Communist News Network and MS LSD already fawning

first this first that ...

The first Willie Brown side-piece to accomplish many different things!


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #773 on: August 11, 2020, 04:01:57 PM »
The first Willie Brown side-piece to accomplish many different things!

The story of Kamala Harris equals the case against sugar, from arm candy to gut ache.

Once a whore, always a whore?

A plagiarist and a hooker walk into a bar... a basement bar, that is.

Joe Biden isn't old.  Her last boyfriend is 86.  She's been dating senile old men since her twenties.

What did you like best about Willie Brown, your longest relationship, the BMWs or the cushy commission appointments?

You said Willie should go to jail for his corruption.  What about the people receiving the stolen goods like yourself?

Cory Booker is way smarter, and not much uglier.  But sorry, no cervix.

The reason for Harris is 'do no harm'.  Wouldn't it be funny if they lost her Senate seat.  But she won't resign.

ccp, I guess this means reparations are off the table.  Kamala Harris is a descendant of slave owners.  Can we tear down her statute in advance?

Does this appointment mean Michelle O, HRC and Oprah are officially off the table?

Kamala Harris was vetted?  For WHAT?  Her vote totals running outside of California are 0.0.  Her experience running against a Republican in a contested election in a divided state are zero. 

In national office since 2017, her experience on national television so far have been her playing the role of bitch, and she seems to be good at it.  Harris questions Kavanaugh , also the clip G M posted of her verbally assaulting Joe Biden.  In the case of Kavanaugh, the charges she was pressing so hard were bogus.  Even in the case of Biden, the charges she was pressing so hard against him were bogus.  How bad can you make an innocent person look.  This is not a nice person. 

« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 04:08:08 PM by DougMacG »


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obama tells truth for once
« Reply #774 on: August 11, 2020, 04:49:32 PM »
Former President Barack Obama is hailing his former vice president’s running mate selection, saying, “Joe Biden nailed this decision.”

“By choosing Senator Kamala Harris as America’s next vice president, he’s underscored his own judgment and character,” Obama adds.

Obama calls Harris an ”ideal partner to help him tackle the very real challenges America faces right now and in the years ahead.”

***.he’s underscored his own judgment and character ***


(while O's  own campaign manager calls her "do no harm" )


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Vox Ezra Klein, Biden is moving Left for the general election
« Reply #776 on: August 13, 2020, 05:59:35 AM »
Most candidates run to the center in the general election. Biden is moving left.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party’s leftward shift.

By Ezra Klein@ezraklein  Aug 12, 2020,

according to the DW-NOMINATE system, which measures the ideology of members of Congress by tracking what they vote for and whom they vote with, Harris has been one of the most liberal members of the Senate since arriving in 2017, sitting reliably alongside Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Cory Booker atop the rankings.


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Welcome back Joe!
« Reply #780 on: August 13, 2020, 06:45:48 PM »


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Donald reads the forum :))
« Reply #781 on: August 14, 2020, 09:17:26 AM »


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WSJ: Taiwan should be campaign issue
« Reply #784 on: August 18, 2020, 07:40:06 AM »
rump, Biden and Taiwan
America’s commitment to the island should be a campaign issue.
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 14, 2020 6:51 pm ET

The logo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) in Hsinchu, Taiwan.
China’s Communist Party crackdown on Hong Kong gets more menacing by the day. This week’s roundup of democracy advocates including publisher Jimmy Lai is the latest assault on the once-free city, and hardliners in Beijing see Taiwan as the next prize. Given the possibility of a showdown over Taiwan in the next four years, the nature of America’s commitment to the island ought to make more than a passing appearance in the 2020 presidential campaign.

Taiwan’s importance to America’s Pacific alliances has long been recognized. If the U.S. allowed Taipei to fall under Beijing’s control—official or de facto—states like Vietnam would doubt America’s commitment to their independence and draw closer to China. If Beijing can then pry established allies like Japan away from the U.S., the Communist Party would be well on its way to regional hegemony.

Democrats, Trump And The USPS

Beyond traditional grand strategy, Taiwan now has a special significance because of its technological prowess. TSMC, based in Taiwan, is the world’s leading manufacturer of semiconductors, and it is consolidating its position. Its shares have surged this summer and U.S.-based Intel announced recently it might exit the chip-manufacturing business.

That puts Taiwan in the middle of the U.S.-China tech rivalry. China aims to lead the world in high-tech products and it has relied on computer chips made by TSMC. The U.S. is also wooing TSMC, which announced in May it would open a factory in Arizona. U.S. sanctions are making it impossible for China’s Huawei to buy chips from TSMC. Political scientist Graham Allison has speculated that Beijing may see the tech rivalry as cause to take control of the island and its flagship company by force.

Which brings us back to U.S. politics. China has been intensifying its military exercises near Taiwan, and coercion or even an assault of some kind rank high among the national-security crises the next President may face.

The Trump Administration has given a sense of its policy approach. It approved the sale of advanced F-16s to Taiwan after the Obama Administration refused, and it is considering the sale of SeaGuardian surveillance drones as well as missiles and mines. Over the weekend Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar visited Taipei in a rare and politically significant show of cabinet-level support.

Yet President Trump’s transactional relationship with allies worries some Taiwanese. His impulse to retrench militarily—including threatening to withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea—may also embolden Beijing.

One productive step a Biden Administration might take on this front is joining and renegotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership on trade to strengthen U.S. alliances with a path for Taiwan to join. China isn’t part of the TPP but Mr. Trump walked away from the pact.

A major question is whether a Biden Administration would return to the Obama Administration’s more distant relationship with Taipei for fear of offending Beijing. Top Biden foreign-policy adviser Antony Blinken, who would likely have a senior post in the Administration, said in a May CBS interview he hoped the U.S. could “get that balance back” in its relationship with China and Taiwan. He wouldn’t say if Mr. Biden would take a phone call with Taiwan’s president.

Mr. Biden has had dovish foreign-policy instincts for decades, and in 2001 he rebuked George W. Bush for saying the U.S. would defend Taiwan if attacked. But popular and elite American views on China have shifted as Beijing is more openly aggressive, and Michèle Flournoy, a top contender for secretary of Defense in a Biden Administration, wrote recently about the necessity of strong U.S. deterrence in the Western Pacific.

The candidates should be pressed to explain their views on Taiwan beyond platitudes about warm feelings. The island is at the center of a great-power rivalry, and voters deserve to hear how the next President would handle it.


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2020 Presidential election, Democratic National COnvention
« Reply #786 on: August 18, 2020, 01:55:58 PM »
Strange times we live in.  I caught the last half hour last night including the two keynote speakers, Bernie and Michelle O.  As I came in (ABC) Chris Christie was on quite a rant about John Kasich, that out of 49 other Governors when he ran for President, none of them endorsed him.  Biden will be sorry Kasich got his phone number.  Kind of defused whatever Kasich just said about choosing Biden over Trump.

In Bernie's speech I would like to go back through the laundry list of socialist agenda items he knows Joe will do as President.  He mentions opponents being deniers of science, then goes on to deny the science of economics all the way through.

I listened carefully to Michelle Obama distort facts to her favor.  Nice presentation of a very weak case.  Likely to have no lasting impact except to call her out as a blatant left side partisan.  Here's a big fact that might affect a successful black woman with empathy for others, Trump reduced the black unemployment rate to the lowest ever.  Hmmm.  No mention, obviously, it doesn't fit her twisted, selective fact story.  She had some rants in that mostly soothing voice talk that were all BS.  Would like to come back to that, time permitting.



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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #787 on: August 18, 2020, 02:17:41 PM »
did not watch

Kasich has zero future in the Republican Party

Christy Whitman talk yet?

Another loser.


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this fits nicely into box 2 down 5 to the right
« Reply #790 on: August 19, 2020, 07:48:04 AM »

this shocking to see
for someone who was trying or did build hotel in Moscow.  :roll:


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Re: this fits nicely into box 2 down 5 to the right
« Reply #791 on: August 19, 2020, 08:15:12 AM »

this shocking to see
for someone who was trying or did build hotel in Moscow.  :roll:

Yes.  He was trying to build a hotel in Moscow.

Jump forward to 2017 to the present, what are the policies a Putin co-conspirator Us President would advocate?  Trump has done exactly the opposite.  Turn the oil market on its ear.  Build up our military.  Build up NATO.  Strengthen East Europe.  Sanctions:


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2020 Presidential election, Newt is astute...
« Reply #792 on: August 19, 2020, 08:55:29 AM »
Author of Contract with America writes:
Newt Gingrich: Biden-Harris ticket will collapse between now and election due to these 3 factors
I expect the Democrats’ Biden-Harris dream will quickly become a nightmare

As an observer of conventions and presidential campaigns going back to 1956, I am confident in predicting that this week’s Democratic National Convention will be the high-water mark before the collapse of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket.

Three factors will lead to the collapse of the Biden-Harris ticket over the next six weeks.

[Skipping through his first point, Biden's deterioration, people view him unlikely to finish just one term.]

[Second, Kamala Harris is weak choice, doesn't connect. Had 3.5% support OF DEMOCRATS]

Newt: As a presidential candidate, Harris had wavered between embracing the most radical positions and then opportunistically changing to more moderate positions when she got blowback. She was as unreliable in her policy positions as she was in her attacks on Biden. She aggressively attacked Biden on four different occasions and has since repudiated her own words. If Biden is exhausted and hiding in a basement, his running mate is energetically bouncing all over the place with no consistency or reliability.

During the primary, Harris was at 15% support in July 2019. She then dropped as low as 3.5% support by November 2019, according to Real Clear Politics. Even in her home state of California, she had dropped to fourth behind Biden, Warren and Sanders – and was only attracting 8% support from her own constituents before she dropped out. In fact, 61% of Californians thought she ought to drop out of the presidential race, according to a poll by the Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies for the Los Angeles Times.

The Democrats (and propaganda media) believe that she will be powerful in attracting the African American vote. This is undermined by the objective reality that in November 2019, after months of campaigning, a Quinnipiac University poll showed Harris was fourth in attracting Black voters. Biden had 44%, Sanders had 10%, Warren had 8%, and Harris was down to 6% of the Black vote. When Biden was drawing nearly eight Black votes for every vote Harris was getting, so why would the Democrats think adding her to the ticket was a smart idea.

Finally, as the depth of radicalism of the Biden-Harris platform and the Chuck Schumer-Nancy Pelosi legislative agenda become clear to the American people, they will be increasingly alienated from the new radical Democratic Party and its candidates. The increasing radicalism is already beginning to sink in.

Importantly, the real danger to the Democratic ticket is not the general allegation that Biden-Harris is a radical ticket. The real danger to the Democrats is the item-by-item alienation of different groups of Americans based on adopting positions that please radicals but are deeply opposed by most Americans.

The real change in public opinion will begin shortly after the Democratic National Convention as the Trump campaign and its allies (including virtually all Republican candidates) point out these specific threats to specific groups.

Consider these threats:

1. The Biden-Harris commitment to renew the Obama effort to destroy suburban neighborhoods is a direct threat to the peace of mind for two-thirds of the American people – including a large number of African American and Latino suburbanites.

2. Biden-Harris' support of using taxpayer money to pay for abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy is opposed even by many pro-choice Americans (and is a break with Biden’s entire career of supporting the Hyde Amendment, which bars taxpayer money from paying for abortions).

3. The commitment in HR 6800, which 207 House Democrats supported and Biden endorsed, to pay coronavirus relief payments to some people in the country illegally is deeply unpopular.

4. Biden’s commitment to Beto O’Rourke that he could pursue gun control (recall, O’Rourke wants compulsory confiscation going door-to-door) will alienate virtually all Second Amendment supporters.

5. The Democratic mayors and district attorneys (many elected with George Soros’ money) represent a pro-criminal future that is exploding into violence. As Democrats continue to publicly praise soft on crime prosecutors and cry “defund the police,” the choice in November will become pro-police vs. pro-criminal, and there is a huge majority against violence.

6. The teachers’ unions own the Democratic Party, and their blackmail approach to reopening schools is isolating them from Americans. Remember: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis earned 18 percent of Black female votes against a Black Democratic opponent on the issue of school choice.

The list goes on, but these first six radical, alienating ideas give you some notion of how rapidly the support for Biden and Harris may fade.


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2020 Presidential election, DNC Night 3
« Reply #793 on: August 20, 2020, 08:13:11 AM »
I saw part of Barack and all of Kamala's speech. 

Compared with the lofty heights he once soared, Obama was unimpressive.  His line, Trump only does for himself, ignores some amazing accomplishments for all - that will come out.  Nothing new or compelling about why we should vote for Joe.  That's disappointing from a man who spent 8 years with him behind the scenes.  He's a decent guy, not real bright?  The argument he and Michelle make is mostly turnout.  We know you all favor our side and we know these candidates aren't great but you need to show up anyway.  Ask a friend how to vote.  Ask a friend where to vote.  I find that condescending.  His target audience follows political conventions but doesn't know how to vote?  It's a secret hidden by Republicans?  In Democrat cities??  Good grief.

Kamala spoke mostly about playful puppies and apple pie, trying to smile even though it hurts.  Do no harm.  Don't scare anyone, was the task.  Liberals already know you're liberal.  She paused for a couple of applause lines in an empty room.  Not her fault.  Strange times for a convention, viewership down nearly 50% from Hillary's convention.

Handlers wrote her speech, though a lot of it was her family and her path.  Obama had more say in his content but the speech is still written by staff.  I forgot how goofy his ears look.  The caricatures understate them.

Tonight: Joe Biden acceptance speech.  Again, written by handlers.  This is the big chance for the agenda writers to pivot to the positive message of what Joe (they) will do if elected.  Will he include the demand list of Bernie and co.  specific policies, or will all the left leaning ideals be kept vague and fuzzy?  "Let's end racism."  Will they put him out there for an hour with a laundry list of government action items like a Bill Clinton state of the union speech or will they keep it short and sweet?  (It will be as short as they think they can get away with.)  How directly will he hit Trump?  Can they make him look sober and sound coherent?  I think it has to be live with a sprinkling of reporters in the room, not pre-recorded, therefore he will have trouble with the delivery.  Will he let anyone talk to him in the minutes and days that follow?  That's when the gaffes restart and truth comes out.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 08:59:26 AM by DougMacG »


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found the applause on Youtube
« Reply #794 on: August 20, 2020, 08:29:35 AM »
" She paused for a couple of applause lines ".

you mean like this:

remember they would do used canned laughter  on TV shows since at least the 50s ?

Communist News Network will do this during the

RNC convention:


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #795 on: August 20, 2020, 09:12:28 AM »
Yes it needed the fake applause but even they couldn't get away with that.

Speaking of canned speech infomercials, Michelle's was taped so far ahead that she couldn't mention Kamala the running mate, not yet announced. 
Democratic Convention Ignores the Elephant in the Virtual Room: Big-City Violence
.By John Kass  August 19, 2020

Democratic Convention Ignores the Elephant in the Virtual Room: Big-City Violence(Democratic National Convention via AP)

The "We the People"-themed Democratic National Convention, like the Republican one to follow, shows us what America has known for years: that conventions are only infomercials designed to bend reality to political will.

The Democrats bend their reality toward a referendum on President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus, but they bend it away from any mention of growing violence in American big cities run by liberal Democratic administrations.

As I keep telling you, when you hear politicians talking, pay attention to what isn't said. Train your eye to see the negative space between the dancers, because that, too, is often the story.

Urban violence threatens the peace of targeted Democratic suburban voters, like those soccer moms who've just installed police scanner apps on their cellphones. Trump is taking advantage of this, but he didn't create it. What America is witnessing in cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York is a clash between the hard left and the liberal Democratic mayors who lead those cities.

And this Democratic infomercial is all about the swing vote, if there is such a thing, in battleground states, like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Naturally, Democrats accentuate the positive.

Yet as the DNC infomercial makes plain, this new left Democratic Party of 2020 sees only two types: The Oppressed and The Oppressors, a formula that invariably leads to rising conflict and anger that can't be covered over with virtual kindness and virtual empathy.

Former first lady Michelle Obama was the star of the first night, one of the most admired women in America, delivering a stylistically superb speech while sitting down, addressing the nation as a stern yet loving mom, reminding us who has empathy (Democrats) and who in her mind does not (Trump).

The media swooned over her, but then, did you really expect anything other than media swooning? Nevertheless, she gave a fantastic speech, going high on empathy and going low with evisceration of the opponent, though it was taped days before, too early for her to mention Sen. Kamala Harris, the California Democrat, as Joe Biden's vice presidential running mate.

"If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can," Michelle Obama said. "If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it."

How true. I'm certain that many in the Obama camp feel that way, especially now. Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith has agreed to plead guilty to the charge he falsified documents to justify continued surveillance of Trump campaign aide Carter Page. And Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham continues his investigation of the Obama administration's alleged political spying on Trump.

Though much of the Washington Beltway media aren't all that interested -- including journalists who won Pulitzers for covering the Democratic Russia collusion theory that fizzled -- the Justice Department seems interested enough.

Sen. Bernie Sanders offered the only moment of real clarity. He condemned Trump for authoritarianism, an odd choice for Sanders, who honeymooned in Soviet-run Moscow, enjoying state-sponsored puppet shows. But he did say that his socialist agenda finally bent establishment Democrats to its will.

"Ideas that were once considered radical only a few years ago are now considered mainstream," Sanders said, applying air quotes around "radical."

Ideas like virtually open borders, free college, the defunding or "reimagining" of police. All of it is predicated on The Big Rock Candy Mountain School of Economics, where all good things flow freely, like the lemonade springs in the Pete Seeger song, without economic consequence.

The challenges for the Democrats in this convention are profound, delivering what are usually rousing, galvanizing speeches to empty rooms. The format provides for little energy, and except for Obama and Sanders, seemed rather like Melatonin TV.

In praising their presidential candidate, Joe Biden, the speakers appeared to drone on and on, from the Google lobbyist to former Republican Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, filmed while standing at a country crossroads, alone.

Kasich, the man without a party, seemed lost at the crossroads, like a character in the old "Twilight Zone." I kept waiting for Rod Serling and a cigarette, or Kasich asking Satan to teach him to play this here guitar. But Kasich didn't have a guitar. He just brought himself. And that wasn't enough.

Republican critics predictably ripped the Democratic convention, but I'm not so sure it was as bad as they said. The Democratic presentations were somber, not packed with energy, but they didn't have to be. The Democrats aren't appealing to Trump's base. They're targeting suburban voters in swing states. Their convention is designed to give those voters a comfortable place to call home in what is shaping up to be a close election. They don't respond well to Trumptastic bombast, something Trump can't grasp.

My only quibble is that the DNC telethon missed a chance to invite one particularly strong woman of color to address the violent big-city elephant in the room.

Carmen Best just resigned as police chief in Seattle, another casualty of the Democratic defunding of police.

"I'm done," Best explained, as she ended her 28-year career.

At the outset of the first night of the convention, moderator Eva Longoria, star of "Desperate Housewives," explained to viewers that, "You are the we, in 'we the people.'"

But if you disagree with the Democrats, are you still of "the people"? Or are you some nonhuman, to be tossed into limbo or the basket of deplorables?

We'll see. That's what this election is about.


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2020 Presidential election, DNC Comedy?
« Reply #796 on: August 21, 2020, 09:33:12 AM »
We call this comedy?

"...current VP Mika Pience, Paynce, Ponce, foreign sounding I think. Strongly!"

I think I need it explained to me.  Plus missing the drum roll, Bada boom!

And with this they opened their BIG night!

Is that all ya got?


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2020 Presidential election, Debate format
« Reply #797 on: August 22, 2020, 07:00:04 AM »
Trump should offer to Biden that he can bring any number of advisers and handlers to his debate podium.  On his side, Trump will be alone to take them all on.

My university physics professor had a rule that you could bring a half sheet of anything you like to all the exams.  He didn't care if you could memorize formulas; he wanted to see you apply them to the problems presented.

Biden could use any amount of the 90 seconds allotted to be coached by his handlers before answering. 

I think this approach would benefit everyone. 


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, DNC song updated for honesty
« Reply #798 on: August 22, 2020, 07:58:15 AM »
"We Remixed Billy Porter’s Bizarre DNC Performance for Maximum Honesty."