Author Topic: 2024  (Read 97871 times)


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1250 on: March 09, 2024, 05:19:23 PM »
My read on Trump and the Vaxx issue is that for too long his self love about the good work he did getting the vaxxes on line quickly (and the advanced stuff he received when he was stick) led him to underappreciate what was happening to us little people, and now, listening to his audience he corrects.


As good as that ad is I saw a better one which brutally ticks off how many years he may or may not survive and finishes with Harris

Also see:

« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 06:16:36 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Kurt Schlicter - Repub legal efforts hazy and not coordinated
« Reply #1251 on: March 11, 2024, 06:40:26 AM »

If I understand correctly something like 80% of the lawyers are crats - so we start off very outnumbered.

Ex AG attorney , I can't think of his name at the moment was on Newsmax pointing out that working for Trump is nearly a career killer due to the left wing mafia.

A firm will not hire or allow anyone to work for Trump since they will be worried to lose business and most of them are pro Dem party anyway so it is very hard to find attorneys to work for our side.


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2024 - No Labels?
« Reply #1252 on: March 11, 2024, 08:35:01 AM »

Am I mistaken here or could the "No Labels" party also be called "No Primaries"?

Are elites going to pick these candidates behind closed doors, and then tell the American people what's best for them?  And that's a better system?? How so?

What about RFKjr's party, who picked him for top of the ticket?  Self anointed man/person of the people?

Nobody seems to like the two parties but at least they have a party, a primary and a process in 50 states known to anyone who wants to jump in.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 09:06:37 AM by DougMacG »


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No Labels' strategy
« Reply #1253 on: March 11, 2024, 11:22:11 AM »
(3) NO LABELS RAMPS UP CAMPAIGN IN BATTLEGROUND STATES: Centrist group No Labels said it is moving forward with a bipartisan “unity ticket” and will announce its candidate selection process this week.
No Labels qualified for ballot access in at least 13 states, including battleground states Nevada and Georgia.
Why It Matters: No Labels stated openly that their 2024 strategy is to act as Electoral College spoilers by blocking Biden or Trump from getting to 270 electoral votes and forcing Biden and Trump to make a deal with their “unity ticket.” If no candidate reaches at least 270 electoral votes, the current GOP-controlled House would then cast one vote per state to elect a President, and the Senate would cast a vote to elect the Vice President. It’s an unlikely scenario right now, but the constitutional process would likely still result in accusations of illegitimacy, regardless of which candidate is selected. – R.C.


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Replacement Strategy ramping up
« Reply #1254 on: March 11, 2024, 11:26:40 AM »
(4) FED COURT BLOCKS TEXAS SUIT OVER IMMIGRANT PAROLE FLIGHTS: Southern District of Texas Judge Drew B. Tipton said Texas and 19 other states did not have standing to bring a lawsuit over the Biden administration’s migrant parole flights, which have flown over 375,000 migrants into the United States.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the parole flights are a “key element” of the Biden administration’s efforts to address the unprecedented levels of “irregular migration.”

Why It Matters: Biden administration comments on the flights make clear that the goal is not to stop the border crisis but to accelerate immigration to further a long-term political strategy. Mass amnesty and/or a pathway to citizenship would very likely create a constitutional crisis, as states like Texas and Florida, where the margin of Republican victory in the 2020 Presidential election was significantly lower than the estimated illegal immigrant population, would probably not comply. – R.C.


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Re: 2024, Factchecking Joe
« Reply #1255 on: March 12, 2024, 09:26:10 AM »
This is just a start.  Already mentioned, the rich pay 23% effective federal tax, not 8% as Joe lied, but don't expect to catch that small discrepancy.  Same for that the job growth is all part time jobs and people are needing more and more of them.

Biden said the planned release of 60 million barrels of global oil reserves, including 30 million from the U.S., “will help blunt gas prices here at home.” But energy experts said the emergency measures aren’t enough to have an impact.

He said the economy added 369,000 manufacturing jobs last year, which is about right. But the manufacturing sector hasn’t recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic, and manufacturing job growth (3.1%) is slower than overall job growth (4.6%).

The president said “our economy created over 6.5 million new jobs just last year, more jobs in one year than ever before.” That’s true based on raw numbers, but not on a percentage basis. The claim also doesn’t acknowledge the unique economic conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden prematurely claimed he’d be the first president to cut the annual deficit by $1 trillion in a single year. Even if it happens at the end of this fiscal year, the deficit would still be among the highest in history.

Biden suggested that a soldier from Ohio developed lung cancer “from prolonged exposure to burn pits.” A scientific review by the National Academies, however, found there is not enough evidence to conclude such exposure is associated with cancer.

He implied that the United States no longer invests almost 2% of its GDP in research and development, falling behind China. But recent Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development data show total U.S. R&D intensity was over 3% — higher than China’s 2.2%, though China may soon surpass the U.S.

He said, “Now our infrastructure is ranked 13th in the world.” A 2019 report supports that, but some say the ranking underrates the U.S.

Biden misleadingly said the tax cuts enacted in 2017 “benefited the top 1% of Americans.” Americans in every income category got tax cuts. It isn’t until 2027 when most of the individual income tax cuts in the law are set to expire that the top 1% sees the lion’s share of the tax benefits.

The president wrongly called gun manufacturing “the only industry in America that can’t be sued.” Though gun manufacturers are protected from some civil lawsuits, there are exceptions. There are also other industries that are shielded from certain legal actions.

[Doug]  Oops, did they end there, run out of paper or something?  It's only a one hour speech, why not fact check ALL of it?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1256 on: March 12, 2024, 09:51:21 AM »
 “the only industry in America that can’t be sued.”

immediately this comes to mind:

You can only sue a social media platform in limited circumstances. Because the law does not view them as publishers or speakers of content posted by users, they cannot be held liable for third-party content. They also can't be held liable for their good faith decision to remove content they find objectionable.


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WRM: Global Chaos or the Orange Peril?
« Reply #1257 on: March 12, 2024, 10:07:03 AM »

Global Chaos or the Orange Peril?
Biden hopes voters will fear Trump 2.0 more than a drift toward World War III.
Walter Russell Mead
March 11, 2024 6:22 pm ET

The clearest takeaway from President Biden’s State of the Union address last week was that he believes that Donald Trump poses a greater peril to the U.S. than Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Ali Khamenei, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis all rolled into one. The president came to the podium less focused on unifying America in the face of proliferating foreign threats than on launching his re-election campaign against the Orange Peril.

That was probably a mistake. Even if Mr. Biden is 100% correct about the danger Mr. Trump poses to American democracy, voter concerns about the competence of the Biden foreign policy may end up helping Mr. Trump return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Rather than telling voters, again, about Mr. Trump’s shortcomings, Mr. Biden needed to explain why the world situation has grown so dramatically worse on his watch and how he intends to stop the grim slide.

Having survived four years of Mr. Trump in the White House, many voters may be less worried about Trump 2.0 than what looks increasingly like a global drift toward World War III. Mr. Biden’s approach to foreign threats doesn’t inspire much confidence. A Feb. 21 Quinnipiac poll showed 60% of respondents disapproving of the president’s foreign policy, with 36% approving. The poll found 62% disapproved of his response to the Israel-Hamas war, and 63% disapproved of his handling of the situation at the Mexican border. An Associated Press/NORC poll conducted in late January found only 38% of voters approved of how Mr. Biden is handling “the U.S. relationship with China.” A February Harvard CAPS-Harris poll got similarly dismal results, with 61% calling Mr. Biden’s Iran policy “unsuccessful” and 71% wanting tougher policies on the southern border.

Worse for the incumbent, as the world crisis grows hotter, voters care more about foreign policy. AP/NORC pollsters found that the share of Democrats who named foreign-policy issues other than immigration as a major priority more than doubled (from 16% to 34%) from December 2022 to December 2023. The share of Republicans increased from 23% to 46%.

On domestic issues, the president can reasonably hope that nine months of continued prosperity along with cooling inflation will change public perceptions about his leadership. When it comes to world events, the outlook is darker. Even if Congress approves the president’s aid request for Ukraine, Russia is unlikely to suffer major defeats before the U.S. election. The situation at America’s southern border is likely to remain an open sore. The Middle East is unlikely to bring Mr. Biden much joy, and the risk of more war that requires deeper American involvement is real. Xi Jinping will continue to test America and its allies. From Venezuela to North Korea, the potential for bold moves by bad actors is disturbingly high, and it isn’t clear how much the administration can do to minimize these risks.

Against this background, Mr. Biden’s rhetorical strategy in his State of the Union address was to insist that his policies are working or would work if Congress would only provide the necessary support. He stands by every major foreign-policy decision the administration has made. As Mr. Biden sees it, his administration has the right strategy for Ukraine, and the right approach to the Gaza war, and everything is going fine in the competition with China.

Even if Mr. Biden is right, and there were no better choices available than the ones he has made, this approach to foreign policy is a major and quite possibly fatal political mistake. It tells voters that four more years of Mr. Biden means four more years of widening war, growing threats and more border chaos. When the world situation is bad and getting worse, you want to be a change candidate.

In reality, many of the president’s problems are the result of his continuing inability to deter our adversaries from steps that undermine our security. The administration’s failure to deter Russia from invading Ukraine, China from backing Russia or stepping up the pressure on Taiwan and the Philippines, and Iran from heating up its proxy wars against America and our Middle East allies is largely responsible for the sense of crisis abroad and weakness at home.

Voters don’t want to hear Mr. Biden talk about how brilliant his foreign-policy record is. They want to know what he’d do differently in a second term, and they want to see signs of those changes now.

The American people have their concerns about Mr. Trump. The latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that 56% of those surveyed believed that Mr. Trump has committed crimes that disqualify him from the presidency. Among respondents, 50% feared that he’s a threat to democracy if re-elected. Yet including “leaners” Mr. Trump won a head-to-head matchup with Mr. Biden 53-47. His lead remained constant in multiple-candidate races.

Running as a continuity candidate in foreign affairs won’t help Joe Biden keep the Orange Peril out of the White House.


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VP shortlist rumors
« Reply #1258 on: March 13, 2024, 07:57:06 AM »
Katie Britt
JD Vance
Marco Rubio


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Minorities Breaking Hard for GOP?
« Reply #1259 on: March 13, 2024, 04:14:19 PM »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1260 on: March 13, 2024, 04:48:19 PM »
Rubio is from FL, as such a non-starter.

Britt?  Seriously?  More accurately thhis would be a serious case of pandering and condescension.

Vance?   Why?  How would he be replaced?


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The Republican Party is the party of women
« Reply #1262 on: March 16, 2024, 05:20:08 AM »
I really like the pushback this portrays and the concept.

But Megyn Kelly is correct the main reason women vote more crat is due to abortion.

Trump is well aware of this and I think he is trying to be very reasonable with it.

I can't find a Trump's actual position on it at present.
All I find is enemy MSM sites discussing it.

He was not for 6 week National ban.
Anyone find anything about his stated stance on it.
Of course he is in the box trying to appease the Religious Right on this too.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1263 on: March 16, 2024, 07:53:53 AM »
I remember hearing him discuss this at some length in a big FOX interview (I think I commented here at the time) and found him thoughtful and nuanced.


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Re: 2024 electoral map
« Reply #1264 on: March 16, 2024, 04:35:44 PM »
Polls of course at this point don't matter but Trump is leading in enough States to win the election without the toss-ups of Pennsylvania , Arizona and Wisconsin . This assumes he holds on to his lead in Nevada Michigan and Georgia .

Per CNN electoral map.


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2024, No State of the Union bump for Biden
« Reply #1265 on: March 17, 2024, 08:04:28 AM »

They want to tell us his only problem is he's old, but he is measurably on the wrong side of polling on almost every major issue.

We expected a lethargic, slurring Biden at the SOTU and we got an 'amped up' President, slurring with high energy and anger.  Doesn't that solve the age issue?  Guess not. No bump.

Why not?  High energy Joe doesn't make inflation go away or world peace come back.  It doesn't close the border or remove the crime from the streets.  His problem never was that he is old; his problem is that he is wrong.

Plus he is unlistenable, negating the whole advantage of a 'bully pulpit'.  If anything, he IS the bully, siccing lawfare on his opponents and labeling everyone who disagrees with him an extremist.  Using agencies and surrogates to destroy them while he hides behind the curtain.

Funny it was Democrats who sell youthfulness and vigor as important qualities for leading the country when they think it favors them, cf. Kennedy, Clinton.  An old guy was promised to be a one term bridge to the next leadership, until he wasn't.

Joe's angry tone is more suited for a challenger (as he was last time) than an incumbent.  But old dog can't learn new trick.  Why is he mad at us?  He's the one f*cking everything up.

Out of this, he handed Trump his best line yet:  (paraphrase?)

'An angry Joe Biden shouldn't be shouting at America.  An angry America should be shouting at Joe Biden'.

As Joe tries to 'amp up' his campaign more and more, the line becomes more  lasting and persuasive.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 08:15:09 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1266 on: March 17, 2024, 08:24:41 AM »
" This assumes he holds on to his lead in Nevada "

from my recall every presidential election sees a last minute "union" bump for the Democrats in Nevada that miraculously turns the election for a Democrat win.



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Re: 2024
« Reply #1267 on: March 18, 2024, 08:17:06 AM »
Piece on the implications of various voting trends that asks "will 2024 be an extinction level event for Dems?" I'd guess not given the thumbs on various scales out in electoral land, but the piece is well worth exploring, with this postscript giving you its flavor:

Postscript: For political science geeks, one fact of this election cycle is that Trump is closer to the views of the “median voter” than Biden. That’s what Silver means by saying “Democrats’ increasing progressivism and generational turnover is the root of the problem.” In other words, Trump is the more moderate candidate in this race, which explains his huge gains among independent voters. Don’t expect the media to recognize or report this. This aspect of the race will require a separate note.


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Trump suing ABC and stephanopoulos for defamation
« Reply #1268 on: March 19, 2024, 07:08:54 AM »


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the left will stop at nothing
« Reply #1271 on: March 20, 2024, 05:04:24 AM »
so before the trial Stormy gets headlines for being terrified she will be killed.

what a lying w

and the DTS media puts it as a headline.

She says this:

"My friend was like, you might actually have a problem. I don’t want to scare you, but based on the things you’ve told me. Now. You’re the whole Republican Party’s problem. And they like to make their problems go away."
"I mean, people have been suspiciously killed for political reasons."

name one person who is believed to be killed by Republicans for political reasons. Name one!

she must be mixing it up with the Clintons.

and the whole case out of NY is based on twisted legal logic that no honest lawyer would not think it is absolute ridiculous


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Dem Deceit Losing its Grip?
« Reply #1272 on: March 21, 2024, 12:00:05 PM »
Trump's poll numbers are a result of all the Dem lies:

The Left's Lies Are Powering Trump's Lead

Voters do not buy the Left's and media's lies about Trump anymore.

March 20, 2024 . 6:49 AM  5 min read

RealClearPolitics Dashboard - Screenshot taken on Mar 20, 2024 at 5:30 a.m.

The RealClearPolitics polling averages, the gold standard to understand the nation's current mood, have the Democrats truly worried.

Nationwide, former President Trump has a +1.7% lead over President Biden. In Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada, Trump leads Biden by over five points, significantly greater than Biden's 2020 victory margins of 0.4%, 0.3%, 3.2%, and 3.4%, respectively. Trump is leading in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, although by not such commanding leads.
If Trump's leads hold, he will indeed be reelected in November. We can confidently say so because 2024 is a rematch, the first of its kind in over a century. Even if third-party candidates enter, they will likely be more noise than signal.

The 2020 election was extremely close. Liberal NPR analyzed the results and showed what a nail-biter match it was: "Just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College." We calculate the 44,000 votes to be about a margin of 0.6% in each of these states.

Trump is no ordinary candidate. He faces 91 criminal charges in four separate cases, including two in federal court under an aggressive prosecutor. He was impeached twice by the House and was the target of the J6 Committee, a Congressional creation designed to use taxpayer dollars to malign him for nearly 18 months. Media coverage during his presidency was so negative that it often swung to a 90-10 imbalance. At 77 years, Trump is only about three years younger than Biden, even as most Americans cite Biden's advanced age as a reason for his unpopularity.
So, what is powering Trump's performance?

Of course, Biden's failure as president, indicated by his 55.5% disapproval rating and the country's 65% wrong-track number, are factors. Public memory is short, and Americans tend to view their presidents more fondly in hindsight. Voters tell reporters they are nostalgic for Trump's years (low inflation, no new wars, a controlled border, a strong economy, and low unemployment).
But there is something more to it. Voters do not buy the Left's and media's lies about Trump anymore. On Saturday, campaigning in Michigan, Trump said that there would be a "bloodbath" if he loses the election. CBS News, Rolling Stone, and NBC News all carried headlines about the bloodbath comment. The Biden team criticized the former president's "threats of political violence." The problem? Trump was talking about auto manufacturing.

Americans see that the Left has tried every trick in the book - from ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ to the latest Fani Willis RICO case - to bring Trump down. In each instance, the Left lied about what Trump supposedly did, sometimes using laws and lawfare to frame him.

In the Jean E. Carroll case, New York State pushed a law - valid only for one year - that allowed her to bring a rape case against Trump. The case was so fragile because Carroll could not even remember the year (in the mid-1990s) that the assault happened. There was no evidence presented (video footing, DNA evidence, witnesses) at all other than two friendly witnesses who testified that Carroll told them about the assault.
New York Attorney General Letitia James's civil suit against Trump relied on an obscure, rarely-used New York law that penalizes businesses that falsify records. James, who campaigned that she would "get Trump," filed a complaint in the court of Judge Engoran, who was so biased that he disallowed every motion that Trump made. Trump's arguments that he paid back all of his bank loans with interest, so there was no victim, fell on Engoran's deaf years. Even the banks filed a statement that they profited from dealing with Trump. Yet, Trump was charged a $450 million fine and forbidden to do business in a city where his name is synonymous with the city's landscape.

In many cases, the Left itself did what it accused Trump of doing. Biden held on to more classified documents than Trump ever did, in more locations than Trump. Biden was not even authorized to take them because he was a senator or Vice President. Yet, the Special Counsel decided that Biden would not be charged because he was too mentally frail to face a criminal trial. Meanwhile, Jack Smith's case against Trump is proceeding aggressively.

The Left has created such a bad situation for itself that it reminds us of the classic Cry Wolf bedtime story. Even if Trump were legitimately to be held guilty by a court of law, millions of Americans would never accept the verdict.

And then, there's the wokeness. The Left, chasing ideological purity, is thoroughly disconnected from how average Americans feel. The Left's mantra, which states that no human is illegal, might appeal in Hollywood. But America is also a nation of laws, and when someone crosses the border without proper documentation, they violate America's laws - and are deemed illegal.

The Left's argument that migrants are entitled to apply for asylum - and until their cases are adjudicated against them, they are legal - does not move voters. What Americans see is that 8 million people, none of them vetted, have crossed the border illegally - and not all of them are fleeing persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or their inclusion in a particular social group. In fact, the majority of the border crossers are young men looking for better employment opportunities. Asylum provisions do not include economic hardships.

Laken Riley, a 21-year woman, was brutally raped and murdered on the University of Georgia campus by an illegal alien who was already wanted for crimes in New York. Biden, in his State of the Union, mispronounced the victim's name, but acknowledged correctly that the accused was an illegal immigrant. Almost in the same breath, Biden said that several murders are committed by legal residents - a bizarre justification for the Riley murder. Worse, the next day, on MSNBC, Biden apologized for calling the murderer an illegal.

Despite the corporate media's portrayal of the November election as a battle between democracy and dictatorship, Trump, who switched parties seven times in 13 years, epitomizes a political movement that resonates with the common man on Main Street and is reshaping the political realignment of key voting blocs. Trump transcends parties and has an uncanny ability to connect with ordinary Americans, underscoring a shift in the political dynamics, challenging traditional narratives, and highlighting the complexities of contemporary politics. Simply put, MAGA is not a derogatory term, except in the eyes of the leftist media and ultra-liberals, who often adopt a condescending attitude akin to their dismissal of the Tea Party. Most Americans recognize this reality.

Elections are nearly always a referendum on the incumbent. In a rematch, such a referendum becomes much easier. All voters have to answer is a simple question that Ronald Reagan posed 40 years ago: "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"

By orders of magnitude in the swing states, Americans are saying they are decidedly not better off, and it is time for Biden to be sent packing.


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Trends to Watch in ‘24
« Reply #1273 on: March 21, 2024, 01:32:00 PM »
Cogent analysis of some things to watch for 2024. I know Marc is no fan of Hogan, but he is the only flavor of Republican likely to be elected in MD and it would be fun to flip the senate if just to reduce the size of Chuck’s pulpit:

Chuck Schumer’s New Elections

By James Freeman

Follow the WSJ in Apple News

Last week this column noted the effort by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) to bully a friendly democracy into replacing its duly elected leadership. Mr. Schumer’s call for new elections in Israel to pick a government more to his liking is an outrage that should not be repeated. And perhaps it won’t be. As luck would have it, upcoming elections could result in new majority leadership in another government—the one employing Mr. Schumer.

Nearly eight months from Election Day the picture is admittedly murky. But a challenging map for Democrats now looks even more challenging. Erin Cox, Scott Clement, Lateshia Beachum and Emily Guskin report for the Washington Post:

With control of the U.S. Senate in play, voters in deep-blue Maryland favor Republican Larry Hogan by double digits over potential Democratic rivals, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

The former governor left office with high job-approval ratings and is better known than those competitors, but he faces a crosscurrent Democrats hope to exploit: The poll found Maryland voters said by a 20-point margin that they prefer Democratic control of the U.S. Senate.

Hogan’s surprise entrance into the race last month upended what had been largely seen as a contest between Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks (D). The Post-UMD poll finds that if the general election were held today, voters say they would support Hogan over Trone, 49 percent to 37 percent; and Hogan over Alsobrooks, 50 percent to 36 percent.

So Maryland voters are sending mixed signals—they prefer Mr. Hogan but also prefer that his party not run the U.S. Senate. What signals deep trouble for Mr. Schumer is that mixed signals from voters about a formerly safe seat for Democrats mean a lot of money and time will now have to be spent there—resources that he would surely rather spend in places like Ohio, Arizona and Montana.

Also, the contest for the suddenly competitive Maryland seat is not wholly unrelated to Mr. Schumer’s trashing of democratic and diplomatic norms. Earlier this week the former governor and now Senate candidate Mr. Hogan opined in the Journal:

The Democratic Party is splintering over Israel. Although it isn’t clear what America’s future partnership with our closest ally will look like, the outcome of the race to succeed Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.) could signal the direction. Mr. Cardin has been one of Israel’s most important supporters. When he retires next January, the world will be watching to see who picks up his mantle. One reason I am running for this seat is because we need pro-Israel champions in the Senate who will stand up to the loudest, angriest voices.

And if You Really Had to Pick a Government in the Middle East to Change...
Agence France Presse reports:

Germany on Wednesday said it had summoned the Iranian ambassador over an attempted arson attack on a synagogue in 2022 that Berlin believes was planned with the help of Tehran.

A German-Iranian national was in December sentenced to two years and nine months in prison over the plot to attack a synagogue in the western German city of Bochum...

In handing down the verdict, the Duesseldorf court said the attack had been planned with the help of “Iranian state agencies”.

Second City Second Thoughts

Last year’s Chicago mayoral election brought the disappointing news that the Windy City was not among those jurisdictions seeking to check their leftist excesses. But now Midway voters may finally have decided that enough is enough. Alice Yin and Jake Sheridan report for the Chicago Tribune:

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Bring Chicago Home referendum was in peril Tuesday in the primary election, in what would be a stinging defeat for his grassroots base that sought to persuade voters to grant the city’s new progressives in charge a tax increase to address the homelessness crisis.

According to unofficial results from the Chicago Board of Elections, with 96% of precincts reporting, 53.9% of votes were against the referendum, to 46.1% in favor...

The referendum was set up to become Johnson’s first levy hike as mayor, after campaigning on a “tax-the-rich” agenda that caught fire last year amid a tumultuous election where he adopted Bring Chicago Home as a key pledge. A defeat would signal trouble for Johnson’s leftist coalition that took over City Hall for the first time in decades but has since faced nonstop resistance from politically moderate foes and business interests, on top of sky-high costs from the migrant crisis.

Could there be a more delightful and salutary phenomenon than moderates making trouble for leftist coalitions?

The ‘Hellhole’ of Boundless Opportunity

Journal columnist Jason Riley writes about liberal political analyst Ruy Teixeira:
Mr. Teixeira believes that Democratic activists have made a mistake in encouraging Latinos to see themselves as “brown people who are oppressed in the United States, who live in this dystopian hellhole” and suffer nonstop discrimination. “That’s not the way Hispanics—working-class people particularly—think about the world. They think about, ‘I’m here to get ahead in life. I’m here to make a good life for my family. I want communities with safe streets and plenty of opportunity. I’m an American.’ ”


Beltway Bracketology
It’s hard to top this month’s NCAA basketball tournament for pure entertainment value. But the libertarians at the Cato Institute are pitching a March tournament of their own:

Thirty-two unaffordable federal spending programs are going head-to-head in a classic, single-elimination tournament format. And you get to decide the worst of the bunch... vote for the worse program in each of the current round’s matchups. Then return here for successive rounds through April 11th, when we ultimately crown the 2024 Spending Madness Champion!

There are bound to be critics who question how fans can possibly get excited about a tournament field comprised entirely of losers. But imagine the taxpayer excitement if every single one of them could face elimination. It’s fan-tastic!

James Freeman is the co-author of “The Cost: Trump, China and American Revival” and also the co-author of “Borrowed Time: Two Centuries of Booms, Busts and Bailouts at Citi.”


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2024, RFK Jr now hurting Biden, helpingTrump
« Reply #1277 on: March 25, 2024, 09:05:56 AM »

He can't escape that he is a Democrat dissatisfied with the incumbent, as nearly all Democrats should be.


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newsmax on RFK
« Reply #1278 on: March 25, 2024, 03:54:37 PM »
as I posted a week or two ago

he may well be able to team up with the Libertarian  Party and thus the LEFT will NOT be able to shut him down

the pricks

good for him.

both he and Libertarian party could benefit.


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The Bureaucracy gets its ass in high gear
« Reply #1279 on: March 27, 2024, 06:30:29 AM »

I was surprised at the assertion of procedures taking well less than one year.   Is this a pears and apples thing?


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Law & Order Issues & Their Impact on 2024
« Reply #1280 on: March 27, 2024, 06:31:13 AM »
Another issue Dems will have to cheat their way around:

Law and Order Is a Killer Problem for Democrats
By Charles Lipson - RCP ContributorMarch 26, 2024

Polling data shows Democrats are in deep trouble on the issues of domestic safety and unbiased justice. Voters say they want law and order and aren’t getting it. They want enforcement of criminal statutes duly passed by their representatives. They abhor favoritism for some and targeting for others. They want personal safety and basic fairness. They deserve them. And they are angry.

They resent the wide-open border, street shootings, street-corner gangs dealing drugs, carjackings, and unchecked shoplifting. They are stunned that squatters can simply take over houses from their rightful owners. They are troubled by the aggressive prosecution of Donald Trump, while Joe Biden skips away from his family’s extensive grifting operation and a garage full of classified documents.

Although these issues are usually considered separately, they are also important together. The concerns overlap and reinforce each other, harming Biden and his political party. Democrats are seen as weak on crime and feckless on border security, but relentless in prosecuting their principal election opponent and trying to bankrupt him.

Any consideration of law and order as a political issue should begin with the basic obligation of governments at all levels. In liberal democracies, the state should provide that safety with due respect for each citizen’s constitutional rights, without undue force, and without favoritism or political bias. The goal is to let citizens pursue their own private goals in peace, feeling secure in their lives, property, and home life. In democracies like ours, that order must be secured by enforcing statutes and rulings by courts. When disputes arise, as they often do, they should be settled by neutral third parties, either courts or arbiters, using well-established laws and procedures. When state prosecutors are involved, their responsibility is to act without bias, partisanship, or favoritism. Remember, they are part of the executive branch. They are not legislative monarchs. They don’t get to make laws themselves or disregard those that have been passed.

When does government fail to meet those obligations? It fails when the executive branch:

Exceeds its discretionary authority to ignore the enforcement of some laws against some people but vigorously enforces them against others; and
Flouts the basic obligation to enforce laws fairly, without partisanship and within constitutional limits.
This failure is particularly noxious when the state targets political enemies or disfavored people, such as African Americans in the segregationist South – or conservative populists and their leaders today.

What Americans feel today is a mounting sense that these violations are piling up and that they harm safety, property, and civil rights of citizens in a democracy.

First, they see an erosion of social order. That’s not a problem caused entirely by government. Local communities are also responsible. Violent crime is concentrated among the poor, particularly in black communities because of a breakdown in family life, the disintegration of social norms, and the lack of decent schooling and job opportunities. They don’t trust the police because of hard experience: decades of brutal mistreatment.

These problems have been amplified because of atrocious public policies that go uncorrected after years of failure. Public schools are dreadful in almost every major U.S. city. They are really employment programs for teachers protected by powerful unions. They don’t prepare students for the modern workforce or instill the knowledge and values needed for citizenship. (That failure is why Republican-controlled states are now moving rapidly to give parents school choice, including the funds to educate their children in private schools.)

Progressive cities and states have been unwilling to enforce laws protecting people and property on the specious grounds that doing so would jail too many minorities and thus undermine “social justice.” But don’t people in impoverished communities have as much right to live in peace and safety as people in middle-class neighborhoods? Shouldn’t they have a chance to shop in local stores, rather than see them closed because of rampant organized shoplifting and strong-armed robberies which go unprosecuted and, hence, undeterred? Shouldn’t they be able to stop at the gas station and fill up their cars without fear of carjacking? Shouldn’t they be able to walk the streets or sit on their front porch, rather than huddle inside, afraid of street-corner drug gangs and random shootings? It’s a perversion of language to call these dysfunctional public policies “progressive.”

The breakdown of civic order was obvious in the rioting and arson that followed the death of George Floyd in 2020. Almost no one was punished. The Democratic National Convention, held that summer, spent far more time genuflecting to the rioters’ grievances than condemning the riots themselves. Many speakers focused their outrage on police forces across the country.

The most “progressive” politicians advocated the outright abolition of local police forces. The effects on public safety were utterly predictable. Surprisingly, it wasn’t butterflies, rainbows, and unicorns. If there was a pot of gold, it was looted.

Second, voters see a president and a party utterly unwilling to enforce border laws. Controlling entry into the country is a basic feature of every country’s sovereignty. Citizens know it. They also know Joe Biden inherited a border that was largely (but not completely) secure. In his first week as president, Biden systematically dismantled the policies that ensured border control.

We are living with the consequences of this president’s catastrophic decisions. Since he took office, between 7 and 10 million people have crossed the border illegally. With them have come vast quantities of illegal drugs, manufactured in Mexico from precursor chemicals sent from China. Those drugs kill some 100,000 Americans each year. No one has any idea how many spies and terrorists have also infiltrated. When the state of Texas, fed up with an open border, erected its own barbed wire barrier (it worked), the Biden administration’s Department of Justice sued to have it removed without offering any substitute.

The massive influx of illegal immigrants is crushing city and state budgets. Those jurisdictions simply don’t have the money to provide housing, schooling, food, or medical care for this huge population of indigents. They can’t cope with the violent criminal gangs that have immigrated (some from as far away as Chile), have enriched themselves with drug sales and human trafficking, and have become entrenched across the U.S.

Some financial effects of this influx are currently hidden but will be felt soon. I was privately informed that a major research hospital, far from the southern border, is now losing over $1 billion per year in uncompensated medical care for illegal aliens. Numbers like that will soon break the hospital and others like it across America. If Washington picks up the tab, it will be another massive hit to the deficit.

Democrats have become so entrapped by these problems that they can no longer speak straight. They cannot say the plain words, “illegal immigration.” They faint at the words “illegal alien,” a term used in statutes for decades. Today’s Democrats condemn that language and try to mask the harsh reality with gooey phrases like “asylum seekers” (very few qualify), “irregular immigration,” and even “newcomers.”

Evasive phrases like these may be popular in toney Greenwich, Connecticut, but not in Gary, Indiana. The growing anger in poor, minority communities about crime and illegal immigration is a serious problem for Democrats, who can’t win without overwhelming support and turnout from African Americans. They are none too happy about competing with illegal immigrants for lower-skilled jobs and public resources.

Democrats didn’t expect that problem with their core constituency. Nor did they expect it from Hispanics, who voted overwhelming for Biden in 2020 but are now slipping away. Whether that shift among Hispanics is temporary or permanent will affect elections for years to come. In either case, it will affect the outcome in 2024.

Third, while the federal government and blue states are steadfastly refusing to enforce basic laws on immigration, theft, squatting, and so on, they are simultaneously mounting zealous legal attacks on Biden’s general election opponent. Several states tried to keep him off the 2024 ballot until the Supreme Court stopped them. Prosecutors in New York and Georgia, plus Biden’s Department of Justice, are now trying to imprison Donald Trump, tie him down in court during the campaign season for alleged misdeeds that happened years ago, while also hoping to break him financially, a process led by local prosecutors who campaigned on the promise to “get Trump.” As Letitia James once told a supporter, “We’re definitely gonna sue him, we’re gonna be a real pain in the a--."

In fulfilling that promise, James and fellow partisan prosecutors (and, alas, judges) have trampled on his basic constitutional protections and their own duties as officers of the court. Honest legal systems do not operate under the principle of “Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime” a dictum popularized behind the Iron Curtain during the reign of terror by Stalin’s secret police. It should be anathema in a democracy, not the best explanation for actions by Letitia James, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Atlanta prosecutor Fani Willis, or local New York judge Arthur Engoron. Nor should their actions be cheered by rabid partisans, much as they hate Trump. Yet that is exactly what they are saying on social media. They want vengeance.

Independent voters want something else. They want fairness. Many are not in love with Trump’s candidacy, but they still think he is being manhandled by prosecutors and judges. And they think that is fundamentally wrong. It will drive some of them to vote for him, or at least against his opponent.

Our Constitution is supposed to protect citizens against biased, politicized law enforcement. There are explicit constitutional protections against excessive fines, for instance. Those shouldn’t just be meaningless words on paper. Yet Judge Engoron, who oversaw the bench trial concerning Trump’s bank loans, ordered the former president to post a half-billion dollar bond simply to appeal the questionable legal decision. (On the final day to post it, a state appeals court cut the bond in half and eased a few restrictions the trial judge imposed on the Trump Organization’s business.)

Trump has said he will abide by the appellate decision. He has little choice. If he doesn’t post the bond, he loses even the right to appeal. Meanwhile, James blasts out another a taunting tweet each day, gleefully observing that Trump owes another $100,000 in interest. She loves it and says so brazenly.

James and Judge Engoron are attempting to break the former president financially before he can appeal a court decision. Whether Trump wins or loses on appeal, he should have the right to raise his legal arguments without overwhelming financial impediments. The judge could have easily accommodated that appeal, but he refused. He could have easily accepted a lower bond, such as the $100 million proffered by Trump, but he refused. Meanwhile, James was gleefully preparing to seize Trump’s properties and force a fire sale until the state appellate court lowered Trump’s bond and gave him 10 more days to comply.

These were shameful exercises of partisan power, done under the color of law. They may end up helping Trump politically, but that’s not the point here. The crucial point is that they undermine the unbiased, non-partisan rule of law, a foundational principle in any true democracy.

Voters can see the fundamental unfairness. So can investors, who are worried by what looks like the arbitrary loss of Trump’s property rights. When that happens in Manhattan, the capital of world finance, there will be consequences.

Each of these issues – massive illegal immigration, biased law enforcement, the erosion of property rights, and “Get Trump” lawfare – is important in its own right. Together, they are even more important. Taken together, they reinforce Americans’ sense of unease, social division, and betrayal by a justice system tilted against political enemies. They are frustrated by governments at all levels that seem arbitrary, inept, and unwilling to meet their most basic obligations.

If the polls are right, voters will make their frustration felt in November.

Charles Lipson is the Peter B. Ritzma Professor of Political Science Emeritus at the University of Chicago, where he founded the Program on International Politics, Economics, and Security. He can be reached at


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1281 on: March 28, 2024, 06:45:29 PM »
Ramiro was my car mechanic for over twenty years in Hermosa Beach on one edge of Dog Brothers Holy Ground.  His garage, with four men working under him is now in Lomita.  Mexican born and raised and naturalized American citizen.   My Spanish always chuckled him and so though his English was fine, we usually speak in Spanish- until I run out of Spanish to describe something about my vehicle.

When my son moved back to LA I was able to pick up the phone and recruit his help for my son in finding a cheap beater car with a good shot at being reliable.

I mention these things to give a sense of the relationship.

So we were talking today.

"Who you going to vote for?" I asked.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2024, 06:54:22 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1282 on: March 29, 2024, 04:01:51 PM »
Meddlers for RFK Jr.
Democrats may get bitten by a tactic they use to great effect in GOP primaries.
Kimberley A. Strassel
Kimberley A. Strassel
March 28, 2024 5:51 pm ET

Democrats are finally alive to the threat of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—and it’s about time. They worry not only that the gadfly might pull crucial votes away from Joe Biden. They worry more that Republicans will help make that happen—by running the same playbook Democrats honed in GOP primaries. And why not? All’s fair in love and meddling.

Mr. Kennedy’s announcement this week of a running mate—tech entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan—was met with louder-than-usual howls of “Spoiler!” The Democratic National Committee is assembling a team dedicated to the destruction of Mr. Kennedy and other third-party candidates, led by veteran strategist Mary Beth Cahill. Left-wing groups are already working to block Mr. Kennedy from the ballot in key swing states, rolling out liberal legal titan Marc Elias to file complaints of campaign irregularities.

It’s shaping up to be a banner year for independent candidates, and for that the major-party pols can blame themselves. The public is as excited about a Joe Biden-Donald Trump rematch as they are septic repair, one reason recent polls show Mr. Kennedy with double-digit support. Green Party contender Jill Stein is in the mix, as is leftist academic Cornel West. No Labels is on the ballot in 18 states, if still desperately seeking a candidate (anyone?). And the Libertarian Party—which consistently manages to get on all 50 state ballots—will choose a standard bearer at its national convention in May. It’s even flirting with the idea of nominating Mr. Kennedy.

None of these minor candidates have a shot of winning. But dread is now building among Democrats that these third-party campaigns are dangling in front of Republicans a ripe and tempting new tactic—one Democrats know all about, having perfected it. For more than a decade, left-wing groups have interfered in GOP primaries, boosting the candidates they consider most beatable in a general election. Only this month, a group associated with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer dumped millions into highlighting the “too conservative” Ohio businessman Bernie Moreno, who won the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate.

Modify this strategy for a general election and a third-party campaign. How long before GOP super PACs are running ads in swing states highlighting, say, Mr. Kennedy’s proposal to ban fracking (something Mr. Biden hasn’t done), labeling him an “extreme environmentalist”? How many young climate activists might like the sounds of that label? Imagine an ad reminding young voters—frustrated by Mr. Biden’s collapsed promises on college debt—that Ms. Stein was for student-loan forgiveness before it was cool.

And those are the subtle scenarios. Why not a GOP-funded ad on urban radio stations that directly slams Mr. Biden for his failure to help minorities and touts Mr. West? A recent article in Mother Jones posited such a “sneaky” and “weaponized” move by the GOP, under the headline: “Will RFK Jr. and Other Third-Party Candidates Help Doom Democracy?” The piece somehow failed to note that it was the Democrats who mainstreamed such tactics.

Recent elections have come down to a handful of voters in key states. Mr. Biden in 2020 eked out his Electoral College victory by 10,000 votes in Arizona, 12,000 in Georgia and 21,000 in Wisconsin. What Republicans surely understand is that they don’t necessarily need those Biden voters suddenly to pledge fealty to Mr. Trump. They simply need them not to vote for Mr. Biden a second time. It helps to flag some palatable alternatives.

Mr. Trump has already cottoned on to the potential, aided this week by Mr. Kennedy’s choice of a solidly progressive running mate. “RFK Jr. is the most Radical Left Candidate in the race, by far,” Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social. “His running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is even more ‘Liberal’ than him, if that’s possible. . . . He is Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, not mine. I love that he is running!” No doubt. Message to conservative voters: This guy is toxic and unacceptable. Message to progressive voters: Hate Biden? Feast your eyes!

The Trump comments will add to Democratic paranoia, already in evidence in their reaction to the news that a little-known heir and political donor, Tim Mellon, has this cycle given $20 million to an organization supporting the RFK Jr. campaign and $15 million for pro-Trump efforts. The donations might mean nothing, as Mr. Mellon has a history of giving money to Democratic rebels, including Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. But the DNC has already branded it meddling, declared Mr. Kennedy a “stalking horse for Trump,” and thrown up billboards in Michigan that read: “RFK Jr. powered by MAGA/Trump. Same biggest donor Timothy Mellon.”

That looks to be the Democratic strategic response for now—to drive home that any vote for a third party is a vote for Mr. Trump. And there is a risk that Republicans—if they’re too blatant—could underline that point. Then again, as Democrats have so capably proved with their own meddling, a lot of voters don’t calculate beyond top-line impressions. And so the third-party games begin.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2024, 05:44:25 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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2024, Biden Announcement parody
« Reply #1283 on: April 03, 2024, 08:15:41 AM »


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2024 Polls
« Reply #1284 on: April 04, 2024, 01:28:28 PM »
Polls are wrong before they start.  "If the election were held today..."  Well it isn't.

Republicans missed the so-called red-wave in 2022 and had underperformance in lots of other elections.  That said, it's hard not to comment on the state of the race.  These polls represent what is possible, not a forecast of what will happen next fall.

1. The Hill switched it's column from 'most likely senate seats to flip' most likely to flip other than Joe Manchin's seat is West Virginia which is already flipped in terms of inevitable math.  Even if Joe was staying and he's not.  The next 5 are also Republicans taking Dem seats, the first 3 likely, the next are possible but not likely.  A 4 seat swing, 49R-51D to 53R-47D is nation changing.  No wonder Democrats want Sonia Sotomayor out now.

2. WSJ poll released yesterday(?) has Trump leading in nearly every swing state, except Pennsylvania and a tie in Wisconsin, which he doesn't need if he wins the others.

3. RCP polling averages tabulated comes to an electoral lead for Trump of 293-245.

4. Rasmussen has a very positive release today, Trump up by 6,7, 8 depending on the '3rd party' inclusions.

5. Polling internals are killing Joe and the Democrats.  28 point swing on independents since 2020. Winning with Hispanics.  Nearly even with blacks and young voters.

6. Here's one more, a real world result:  mayor race in Wassau Wisconsin, 9 point swing since 2020.  Holy cow.

7.  The 'no labels' group was supposed to put forward a candidate to compete with Trump for the no-far-Left vote.  Looks like they won't:

8. Oops, here come the polls swinging the other way:

Warning.  The election is not being held today. Democrats have WAY more money in every race and lots of other things can change, like Republicans shooting themselves, Democrat ballot box stuffing and media and social media creating havoc.  If you want to win you have to work for it and earn it.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2024, 02:04:50 PM by DougMacG »


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Good 2024 News
« Reply #1285 on: April 05, 2024, 10:50:11 AM »
The good news re 2024 and the Culture Wars the MSM won’t bring us:

This week's wins
Don't let the news media get you down. We are winning
APR 05, 2024

On Monday, the Washington Post (owned Jeff Bezos) said, “Democrats spar over registration as worries over young and minority voters grow.

“The rise in Trump support among nonregistered voters has run up against a long-held Democratic policy priority of growing the voter rolls.”

It’s called the Trump Effect. After 4 years of FJB, young black people and young Hispanic people see what young white people see in him — a leader who cares about them. FJB only cares about the bribes.

The story said, “Aaron Strauss, an influential data scientist who helps direct progressive spending at the firm OpenLabs, sparked private disagreements over this issue in January when he sent about a dozen major Democratic donors a confidential memo that challenged traditional nonpartisan registration.”

Strauss said, “Indeed, if we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the rolls, we would be distinctly aiding Trump’s quest for a personal dictatorship.”

The story said, “He also warned that efforts to gain Democratic votes among younger and non-black people of color were often expensive — costing more than $1,200 per net vote in 2020, by one estimate — because the groups now include so many non-Democrats. Among voters of color, he wrote that ‘only African American registration is clearly a prime opportunity,’ adding that netting Democratic voters among Black people cost approximately $575 per vote in 2020.”

We are winning. Young people want to be on the winning team.

People also know the 2020 election was not on the up-and-up. They are fixing that.

AP reported, “Private money to fund elections will be banned in Wisconsin after voters approved a constitutional amendment on April 2 put forward by Republicans in reaction to grants received in 2020 that were funded by donations from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

“Voters also approved a second question put on the ballot by the Republican-controlled Legislature that amends the constitution to say that only election officials can administer elections. That’s already state law, but putting it in the constitution makes it more difficult to repeal or change.

“Democrats opposed both measures, which they argued would make it more difficult to conduct elections in the presidential battleground state.”

By more difficult to conduct elections, AP and the Democrat Party meant more difficult to steal elections.

It is not as if the election boards needed Zuckbucks. He ponied up $300 million — or less than 1% of the state government’s $49.7 billion ($49,700,000,000) budget.

No, the money was used by Democrats in key states to stuff the ballot boxes. Voters in Wisconsin saw through it like Jacqueline Bisset’s T-shirt in The Deep and voted accordingly.

We are winning overseas. The Trans-Nazis got Scotland to enact a dopey hate speech law that criminalized call a man a man and a woman a woman, among other things. JK Rowling — who like Stephen King became a billionaire writing books that people want to read — stood up for free speech (unlike the increasingly fascist King).

BBC reported, “JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal, police say.”

It is unclear if this applies her alone because she is a celebrity, but she is speaking out and standing up for free speech.

She had tweeted, “I hope every woman in Scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement, and I trust that all women — irrespective of profile or financial means — will be treated equally under the law.

“If they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I'll repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once.”

The land that gave the world William Wallace and Rob Roy MacGregor has turned into a pansy land filled with girly men in dresses instead of kilts. They tuck it in now. How embarrassing it is to watch the shrinkage from an ocean away.

But a lady from England will save the Scots from their biggest threat: the Scottish Parliament.

The tranny wars continue here and Christians are winning. Biden declared Easter Sunday something called “Transgender Day of Visibility,” which Obama began celebrating each March 31 at tranny day when he took office, likely at the request of his spouse.

The angry reaction to Biden’s declaration was so swift and so fierce that Biden now denies that he did what he did. The two religions — Christianity and Trans Insanity — do not mix.

Trump got in a good one, telling a rally in Green Bay, “What the hell was Biden thinking when he declared Easter Sunday to be 'Trans Visibility Day'? Such total disrespect to Christians. November 5th is going to be called ‘CHRISTIAN Visibility Day’ when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody's ever seen before.”

However, the big issue on Christian Visibility Day will be kicking the illegal aliens out. Governor Abbott of Texas was brilliant when he began shipping these invaders to New York and other Democrat-run hellholes.

Abbott made illegals the Old Maid card of politics. He now has sanctuary cities fighting one another on who gets stuck with them.

The Daily Mail reported, “Denver warns new migrants to leave sanctuary city and move elsewhere — saying that their lack of resources means asylum seekers will suffer.”

Breitbart reported, “Michigan Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden as Voters Express Support for Mass Deportation of Illegal Aliens.”

Dumping the illegals on Democrats destroyed decades of propaganda. Conservatives win when they force Democrats to practice what they preach.

Meanwhile, there was a comeuppance in Cajun country.

Benny Johnson tweeted, “LSU Women’s Basketball Team skipped the National Anthem. Iowa stood proud.

“LSU just got their ass beat with the entire stadium cheering against them. Season over.

“Let this be a lesson to all players: the cringy, selfish woke athlete moment is OVER.”

The lack of sportsmanship from LSU’s trash-talking Angel Reese also made the LSU Tigers the villainesses. None of them are slaves and Miss Reese likely will become a millionaire when she joins a European women’s team next season. (After 28 years, the WNBA is still just a summer league.)

Jason Whitlock has been on Reese’s case all week long. In response to a critic, he tweeted, “Adultification is some new term made up on a college campus to blame white supremacy for a problem related to black illegitimacy. You know what adultifies a child? Single-parent households lacking the proper supervision and roles.

“No father in the house exposes young black girls (and boys) to sexual exploitation and experience long before they're ready. No father in the house forces young black boys to play the role of man of the house long before they’re ready. Emanuel Acho calling a 21-year-old grown isn’t harming black girls. You know it. I know it. Exit fantasyland and deal with the reality we created.”

He is right, as is Johnson. Woke is a joke in sports now. My take is that William Thomas passing himself off a woman swimmer began the inevitable fall. Americans still have chivalry in their souls. You can do what you want to me, but leave the women alone.

LGBT’s next-door neighbor, DEI, is on the ropes. The Austin American-Statesman sobbed, “A week after state Sen. Brandon Creighton warned Texas university system administrators about the state's expectations for higher education institutions to comply with Senate Bill 17 — an anti-DEI law that went into effect in January — the University of Texas has laid off at least 60 staff members who previously worked in diversity, equity and inclusion-related positions, according to three people with knowledge of the terminations.”

Texas is following Florida’s lead on this but as Reagan said, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.”

Scott Adams proved Reagan’s point by tweeting, “Whoever came up with Didn't Earn It as the description of DEI might have saved the world.

“Normally, the clever alternative names people use to mock the other side’s policy are nothing but grin-worthy. This one could collapse the whole racist system. It’s that strong.”

Speaking of earning, dumping Ronna Romney McDaniels as RNC chairwoman worked. The money is pouring in.

Axios reported, “Trump, RNC report raising $65.6 million in March.”

The money doubled the amount of cash on hand the party — not the RNC staff — has to spend. Trump taking over the RNC hit limousine drivers the hardest.

I know I have done posts like this in the past. Guess what? I will do posts like this in the future because following the media reports with their lies and faux outrage can be depressing. History is not on their side, just as it was not on the side of the Confederacy — which Democrats created as a means to resist Lincoln.

They tell us: we will bury you.

Nikita Khrushchev said the same thing. He’s in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.


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The Last Thing Dems need at the 2024 Den Natl Convention, War Protest
« Reply #1288 on: April 08, 2024, 06:57:30 AM »

Deja vu  Chicago 1968.

Quoting NBC Michael Beschloss on Morning Joe is something I hoped I'd never do, but his fear is a sure prediction.

He accidentally hit a home run with this exactly wrong statement, just remove the word not to find truth:

"I'm sure that Joe Biden and his people do not look at this primarily through a domestic election political lens, but, ..."

  - Umm, yes they do and it is a no-win coalition. He's losing the moderates and he's losing the radicals,

Funny wording, Presidential "Historian' refers to the Presidency as "Joe Biden and his people".  No one believes Slow Joe is calling the shots, like a lost dog.

Joe is supposed to be the moderate. Someone help him out, what is the moderate position in between defending our closest ally and appeasing the radical protesters who want Israel destroyed?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 07:26:30 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1289 on: April 08, 2024, 07:46:30 AM »
" Michael Beschloss "

He is a Democrat partisan joke.

right :

" I am sure domestic politics has nothing to do with Biden's policies "

If course the DEMs are all nodding in unosin.
The objective people right off know it is BS.

He even is giving Jimmy Carter and Mika's "dad" credit for the Camp David accords.

I agree that was Jimmy Carter's work to help facilitate the peace between Egypt and Israel was his ONLY success I don't agree he or especially anti Semite Mika's dad deserve the main credit.
Frankly the most credit belongs to Anwar Sadat who initiated it and later lost his life over it.

Sadat turned from enemy of Israel to a friend.
Brezinski / Carter just moved it and Begin along in my opinion
and of course took more credit then they deserved.
At least that is what I recall.

every day they lie repeatedly to our faces without a care in the world other then defeating Rs.

I would also add that the fact the Dems are able to raise so much money is clear demonstration how Jews support the DNC before they stick up for themselves or Israel.

I really doubt many if any Jews will switch parties for '24.
The only way to get them to consider it is their own wealth and wellbeing were at stake.
They think they are immune. They are mistaken.
As we are seeing with the rise in anti-Semitism .

Goddamn fools.


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2024, 10 point swing since 2020 (Calif)
« Reply #1290 on: April 08, 2024, 08:01:33 AM »
This is a seemingly meaningless data point:

"recent high-quality California polls show Biden ahead of Trump in the state by about 20 points in a head-to-head matchup, down from Biden’s nearly 30-point winning margin in California in 2020."

Except for two things, 1. Doug's law, margin of victory or loss matters, and 2. What is happening there is happening across the country.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 08:08:03 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1291 on: April 08, 2024, 08:41:02 AM »
Karl Rove on I think Trey Gowdy last evening pointing out the 10s of thousands of Nikki Haley voters
even after she was clearly losing points out how many Rs may sit it out.
Not clear But DJT could do more to reach out to them.

not clear to me if his point is important or not but DJT should not take any chances IMHO.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1292 on: April 08, 2024, 08:50:24 AM »
ccp: "I really doubt many if any Jews will switch parties for '24."

Right. I see it this way. When a D voter becomes an R voter, that is a two point play. Not going to happen with a lifetime liberal Jew (or other liberal group member). That is too far to ask for anyone fully invested for 8 years hating Trump and a lifetime of hating, opposing Republicans. . 

But there is a big difference between strongly approve of the incumbent and supporting none of the above.

The no labels choice would have given them another outlet, and maybe RFK if they look too closely.

My sample size is small but a moderate Dem Jew who strongly defends Israel is not going to vote for Biden (or for Omar or the squad).

Majority of young black voters say they won't vote. That's a long way from 98% voting Dem, the way it used to be.

Arab/Muslim Americans falling into a similar situation, for different reasons. Whay about gays? Do they like inflation, crime, war, do lesbians like biological men destroying girls and women's sports? How is woke working out for them now that gay marriage and gay rights is the law of the land?

No one strongly approves of the job Joe Biden is doing. All they have left is hatred of the opponent.   That and ballot vagueness got them 2020 by 40,000 votes, and abortion kept them from getting wiped out in 2022.

Trump just said abortion is for the states to decide.  How inflamed can you get about that, and how exciting is it, really, to have the right to stab and extract a beating heart from within you? 

Abortion, tax the rich, and Republicans are racist gets old quickly when it takes $80 to fill your tank and your credit card balance grew past what you can pay in full.

Bringing one or two of them home to the American Creed will take long, strong, clear, consistent messaging.

The anti black racism was all on the Left.  The antisemitism is on The Left.  It's the Left taking away the right to defend yourself.  Unfortunately perhaps, Trump is the only vehicle for figuring back.  When will they see it.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 09:00:46 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1293 on: April 08, 2024, 08:52:57 AM »
ccp: "I really doubt many if any Jews will switch parties for '24."

Right. I see it this way. When a D voter becomes an R voter, that is a two point play. Not going to happen with a lifetime liberal Jew (or other liberal group member). That is too far to ask for anyone fully invested for 8 years hating Trump and a lifetime of hating, opposing Republicans. . 

But there is a big difference between strongly approve of the incumbent and supporting none of the above.

The no labels choice would have given them another outlet, and maybe RFK if they don't look too closely.

My sample size is small but a moderate Dem Jew who strongly defends Israel is not going to vote for Biden (or for Omar or the squad).

Majority of young black voters say they won't vote. That's a long way from 98% voting Dem, the way it used to be.

Arab/Muslim Americans falling into a similar situation, for different reasons. What about gays? Do they like inflation, crime, war, do lesbians like biological men destroying girls and women's sports? How is woke working out for them now that gay marriage and gay rights is the law of the land?

No one strongly approves of the job Joe Biden is doing. All they have left is hatred of the opponent.   That and ballot vagueness got them 2020 by 40,000 votes, and abortion kept them from getting wiped out in 2022.

Trump just said abortion is for the states to decide.  How inflamed can you get about that, and how exciting is it, really, to stab and extract a beating heart within you? 

That, and tax the rich, and Republicans are racist gets old quickly when it takes $80 to fill your tank, and your credit card balances went past what you can pay in full.

Bringing one or two of them home to the American Creed will take long, strong, clear, consistent messaging.

The anti black racism was all on the Left.  The antisemitism is on The Left.  It's the Left taking away the right to defend yourself.  Unfortunately perhaps, Trump is the only vehicle for figuring back.  When will they see it.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 08:56:52 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1294 on: April 08, 2024, 09:18:57 AM »
"That, and tax the rich, and Republicans are racist gets old quickly when it takes $80 to fill your tank, and your credit card balances went past what you can pay in full.

Bringing one or two of them home to the American Creed will take long, strong, clear, consistent messaging."

So does incessant screaming and preaching into the MSM mike about "defending democracy"
which is the most cynical distortion of the truth I recall in US media.


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2024, fund raiser
« Reply #1295 on: April 08, 2024, 11:20:17 AM »
The overall advantage goes always to Democrats, but this is kind of funny.  Trump's event brought in twice as much as Biden's 3 President event.

That wasn't the big difference.  Only one guy, Trump, was the headliner for his own event.  At Biden's fundraiser with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, Joe wasn't the guy people went there to see.  3rd billing, if that.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1298 on: April 09, 2024, 06:51:01 PM »
yet we have this:

we don't need this now  :x

Rob Schmitt had someone on who is very pro life - no abortion
I can't find it yet since it was just tonight, and my point is even she  agrees to  a 15 week compromise.
She is honest  and realizes most Americans would / could agree with this, and yes WE NEED TO WIN.