Author Topic: 2024  (Read 156731 times)


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Dems Release the Flying Monkeys
« Reply #1550 on: July 20, 2024, 04:45:26 PM »
Protestors show up at WH to demand Biden drop out:

JUST IN: Democratic protesters storm the White House to demand that Joe Biden *DROP OUT* of the 2024 race


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reviewing Congressional election outlook
« Reply #1551 on: July 21, 2024, 10:11:34 AM »,_2024

no landslide that is for sure
61% chance we maintain majority.
according to one analysis

I would not waste time dreaming there will Trump down ballot wave, like some are telling us
and have been wrong every time.

As for Senate - 48 Dems + 3 I's (Dems) = 51 at present.

Looks like we will surely get to 50  with several more in play

as per Real Clear Politics.

I hope Newt and Morris are not out there telling we will pick up 8 in Senate and 40 in House  :wink:

« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 10:14:01 AM by ccp »


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2024, Biden Forced Off the Ticket by His Own Party
« Reply #1552 on: July 21, 2024, 11:13:54 AM »
He resigns from the race but not from the office. He still has a lot of Pardons to take care of.

He is strong enough to stand up to Xi and to Putin but not strong enough to stand up to Trump.

CBS paraphrasing, This is a great man making a great personal sacrifice. (Doug) Oh spare me.  This is a boiling water frog who never knew to get out until everyone told him and he still didn't get out and then they forced him out using who knows what tactics.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 11:50:25 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1553 on: July 21, 2024, 11:55:27 AM »

WHERE have I heard that?


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Re: 2024, Biden out
« Reply #1554 on: July 21, 2024, 12:06:57 PM »
The next steps are already composed and orchestrated by the Puppet Masters. We are just waiting for them to tell us...  Dean phillips, stay ready! Just kidding. If it's michelle, hillary, gavin, or Kamala, they already know. We don't.

If it's the party of democracy. I assume they will call an immediate Nationwide primary and let the voters decide.


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Just Another Instance of NGO/MSM Kabuki Theater
« Reply #1555 on: July 21, 2024, 12:35:36 PM »
This is a microcosm for what happens numerous times per week or even day in the silly season of elections or when some other issue has folks all a flutter.

In this instance I had several reports of this “grassroots” pass the torch, Joe, effort appearing in my feeds. Anyone that’s watched this stuff unfold over before knows there’s more to this stuff than meets the eye, not that any MSM report will looking into that side of things, including questions like:

• How many people all this “rally?” (Always mistrust tight shots meant to disguise the scant size of the crowd.)
• Were there any permits obtained for this protest? Post assassination attempt, pre-NATO summit things were pretty locked down around the WH/Lafayette Park. Did this group seek permission to protest? If not where are the popo that would be keeping tabs on this? If so how did they know in advance they’d be protesting this? It’s not like DC gov is known for quick turnarounds or making stuff like this easy.
• How’d the news crews know to be there? It’s not like they drive around looking for “protests” to film. Someone sent out a press release or similar, others reviewed it and decided it was worth covering, unlike many of the other pressers seeking coverage, with some sort of criteria being applied to make the decision to commit resources to the event.
• How come a citizen journalist can quickly find all the associated clues that reveal this event is astroturf rather than a grassroots one, while the assignment editor apparently can’t? In fact the press knows exactly what is going on—they’ve been reading between the lines long enough to understand how the game is played, and the astroturf group knows it’s not fooling the press, but instead they are all playing the same game: we pretend to hold an event that you pretend to cover, and in return we’ll actually feed you a juicier tidbit down the line. A

The only one’s supposed to be too stupid to understand what us truly occurring here are those who think news programs actually provide news:


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Re: 2024, Biden out
« Reply #1556 on: July 21, 2024, 12:38:34 PM »
The next steps are already composed and orchestrated by the Puppet Masters. We are just waiting for them to tell us...  Dean phillips, stay ready! Just kidding. If it's michelle, hillary, gavin, or Kamala, they already know. We don't.

If it's the party of democracy. I assume they will call an immediate Nationwide primary and let the voters decide.

As noted in the piece I just posted, they got a script, they think we’re stupid, they’ve read the polls, they know what they have to overcome, so the big question is what sort of breadcrumbs along which trail are they going to lay?

The way info is “leaked” this week by “anonymous sources” will be the closest we’ll get to understanding what sort of machinations we are in store for.

ETA: I think the “protests” some are claiming we’ll see in Milwaukee will be quite telling. In ‘68 there were not the sorts of hand in hand relationships and arrangements with all the appropriate cut outs and plausible deniability that we have since seen come to the fore. My guess is that any “protests” will serve the ends of the puppet masters, the word is currently being spread that the only way to overcome Trump is by avoiding any devolution into chaos at the convention, scripts are being handed about to be followed, and the order bestowed by unseen hands will be the true story, and hence will go largely unreported.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 12:42:46 PM by Body-by-Guinness »


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Younger Voters Turning Toward Trump?
« Reply #1557 on: July 21, 2024, 01:02:36 PM »
2nd post, or something. It’ll be interesting to see what groups the puppet masters chose to pander to with their replacement choices for Pres & VP. Can’t please every demographic so they will have to cater to the ones they feel are at most risk of fleeing the fold:

Why America’s Zoomers Are Turning MAGA
Being young and Republican is often seen as a contradiction in terms. But Olivia Reingold talks to the young people excited to vote Trump—especially after the assassination attempt.
By Olivia Reingold

July 14, 2024

Tatem Carroll, an 18-year-old in Oregon’s Rogue Valley, just graduated high school. She used to think that once she got her diploma, she’d “get the hell out” of her parents’ house. Now, she says she’s “scared shitless” about the future.

“I’m like, am I gonna live with my parents forever because our economy is trash?” wonders Carroll, who speaks to me over Zoom from her childhood bedroom. “It’s terrifying.”

She tells me about her boyfriend, a Christian like herself. She says they’ve been dating for three years and that she can’t wait to marry him. But they will have to wait to start their life together, given inflation and the rising cost of living.

“I’m like, when is that gonna happen?” she says. “Because we couldn’t even afford to rent an apartment in my small town.”

About two years ago, she said, she first thought about politics when she started driving. Her parents told her all she had to pay for were gas and car insurance, but she says it was tough to get by—let alone save anything. Her retail job at the local mall was based fully on commission, meaning her paychecks could fluctuate from $400 to $1,000 a month.

“I was like, ‘This is terrible. I’m working so that I can pay for gas to get to school and to get to work so that I can make more money to pay for gas,’ ” says Carroll, twisting her side ponytail. “And then I thought, ‘Oh, this is because of Biden.’ ”

She remembers that under Trump, when she was around 12 years old, gasoline often hovered around $2 a gallon. Now she’s used to seeing the gas station sign read $4 or more. She says everyone she knows is in the same boat—“broke” and living with their parents. While most economists admit Biden has little control over the price of gas, voters are still prepared to punish him for it.

“I feel like I could’ve afforded a future,” she says about life under Trump. “But now I’m shit out of luck.”

Carroll is one of a growing number of Gen Z Americans, born between 1997 and 2012, who are planning to vote for Trump this November. The idea of voting Republican before 30 is like going on birth control at 60. You could, but why would you? Which is why the latest polling on the political leanings of America’s youth is so shocking.

New polls show that the Gen Z vote, which Biden won by about 20 points in 2020, is now in play. A recent New York Times/Siena College survey—taken after Biden’s disastrous debate flop—puts Trump ahead of Biden by eight points among registered voters aged 18–29. And Pew research, conducted from February 1 to June 10, 2024, shows the GOP is leading among those under 30.

New polls show that the Gen Z vote, which Biden won by about 20 points in 2020, is now in play. (Allison Bailey via Getty Images)
“Trump is a lot more competitive than he was four years ago,” said John Della Volpe, a Harvard pollster who helped advise Biden’s 2020 campaign. Much of that, he says, boils down to young men, who data show are politically drifting away from their increasingly liberal female peers.

“They generally think of Trump as the antihero,” says Della Volpe, once known as the Biden campaign’s “Gen Z whisperer.” “He’s a voice against the establishment.”

That kind of “cult of personality,” he adds, “could be quite attractive” to young men.

Trump has recently tried to reach young voters by joining TikTok, the platform he once tried to ban but has since embraced—and that has embraced him back. After news of his criminal conviction broke on May 30, many Gen Z voters flocked to the app to proudly announce they were “voting for the felon,” turning the phrase into a TikTok trend. A few days later, Trump posted his first TikTok, showing him rubbing elbows with UFC CEO Dana White while greeting fans, a post that earned him more than a million followers overnight.

Now, after Saturday’s assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, young men are coming out of the woodwork to back the former president. Almost immediately in the wake of the news, some of Gen Z’s biggest male icons, including wrestler Jake Paul, YouTuber FaZe Banks, and Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, rushed online to praise the former president’s “gangster” response to the shooting, which killed one rally attendee and critically injured two others. With blood on his face after a bullet clipped his right ear, Trump raised his fist to the crowd and appeared to shout, “Fight!”

In less than 24 hours, that image became an internet meme—from Trump’s face superimposed onto an iconic Matrix scene to a split screen comparing Trump’s stone-cold reaction with Biden tripping over a flight of stairs.

Jordan Miller, 22, was at an airport bar sipping a margarita when the TV flashed that gunfire had broken out at the rally.
“The guy next to me just goes, ‘holy bleep,’ ” says Miller, an operations analyst in Phoenix. “They didn’t even have all the details, like if he got shot, and in the first clip I see, it’s him getting pushed to the ground and then standing back up. It was really cool when he threw his fist up.”

He adds: “It certainly fired me up.”

Previously, he had been planning to vote for RFK Jr., given his promise to crack down on Big Pharma, but in that moment, he tells me he realized voting for Trump could do a “greater good.”

“It made me feel like I can trust him, and he’s going to stand up for this country,” Miller says of Trump. “I don’t think there’s very many people in this country that after they get shot, one inch from their brain, would be able to get up and essentially tell the country to fight—and I think that’s what he was mouthing while he had his fist up. And I was like, ‘Okay, I’m ready to fight for what I believe in. For what’s right.’ ”

In Atlanta, James Crandall, 22, had a similar epiphany. He said he was already planning to vote for Trump, but the image of the former president emerging from a herd of Secret Service made him double down on his decision.

“That was the best possible reaction you probably could’ve had,” says Crandall, who works in real estate financing. “I don’t think anybody would expect the guy to get up and do anything—he could’ve just gotten hurtled away or run and everyone would’ve understood. But he definitely took a ballsy route and got up to show everybody he was okay.”

Ruy Teixeira, a demographer and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, tells me it’s too soon to judge the potential impact on the presidential race but that Saturday’s optics have the potential to bring “Democratic-leaning constituencies like young black men and young Hispanic men” onto Trump’s side.

“It leans into what some of these guys are talking about, which is, ‘Who do the Democrats got? This old dude who can barely talk.’ And Trump’s not that young either, but he looks badass.”

CJ Pearson, the 21-year-old co-chair of the Republican National Committee’s Youth Advisory Council, says there’s been a “cultural reset” since Trump’s first term. Back in 2016, when he was only 13 years old, Pearson says it was “popular to hate Donald Trump.”

“It’s absolutely swung to the other side of the pendulum,” says Pearson, a conservative influencer with nearly half a million followers on X. “It’s not notable to be anti-MAGA. It’s no longer cool to hate him, because it’s become safe to do that.”

Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster for Biden’s campaign who also led his polling team in 2020, throws cold water on Pearson’s theory. She tells me it’s possible Gen Z voters could “have an impact on the vote,” but that if they do, it’s not because liberal youths are converting to conservatism.

“Those are voters who already were Trump supporters,” she tells me about the subset of youths who back the former president. “They were already galvanized.”

But in Mounds View, a suburb of Minneapolis, 17-year-old Eden Rios claims herself among the converted.
Only a few years ago, she says, she was “very anti-Trump.”

“I would just feed into what people would tell me, like, ‘Oh, Trump’s a racist,’ ” says Rios, who’s one of the 8 million young Americans who will have turned 18 and be newly eligible to vote by this November. “I thought he just wanted to deport all of us. But then I realized most of the time, he’s usually just joking because he knows how to get attention.”

When Rios—whose parents illegally crossed the border from Mexico as kids—went online to find out what was so bad about Trump, she instead decided that Biden was the “horrible” one, because of his “open border” policy and his push to expand abortion access.
“I can’t vote for someone who supports abortion,” says Rios, a Catholic. “I don’t think that murdering children should be legal, so my vote will definitely go to Trump.”

Pearson says it’s voters like Rios who are leading a revolt against being told what to believe—from professors who try to “control our ability to think instead of imploring us to learn how to think” to a media that tries to dictate the boundaries of acceptable discourse.
“We’re resisting this notion that we should just be okay with going along to get along,” he tells me. “We are the new resistance.”

Biden was supposed to have Gen Z in the bag. This was the White House that once trotted out Olivia Rodrigo, the then–18-year-old pop star, to encourage youths to get the Covid jab. His administration has reshaped Title IX law to protect students with alternative gender identities, forgiven $167 billion in student debt, and made combating climate change a priority—all moves that were expected to excite the youth vote.
And yet, even progressive college kids have joined their conservative peers in the streets to chant “fuck Joe Biden.”
Ruy Teixeira, a demographer and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, tells me that Biden’s campaign has “overindexed on the views of leftist progressive activists.”

“Most people don’t have student debt. Some people have debt, they just don’t have very much of it, and others had debt but they paid it off,” says Teixeira, co-author of Where Have All the Democrats Gone? The Soul of the Party in the Age of Extremes. “And even among the slice that has debt, they have other things they’re worried about. It’s not like they think, ‘If I can get my student debt alleviated, I will be doing well.’ ”

Even without student debt, he says many young voters would still be light-years away from being able to afford a home or “upward mobility.” Teixeira says Gen Z is like other voters in that they care about economic stability over student debt or climate change—“they’re not like the fucking Sunrise Movement,” he adds.

“The concept that young voters, because they’re so allegedly progressive, couldn’t possibly vote in larger numbers for Trump is just kidding yourself. It’s whistling past the graveyard.”

Naomi, a 23-year-old recent University of Maryland graduate, is realizing that she might not be a liberal after all. Even though she told me that she “never in a million years” thought she’d vote for Trump, she’s now considering doing just that. The turning point for her was October 7, the deadliest massacre against Jews since the Holocaust, which her peers used as an opportunity to rally against Israel. At heated student government meetings, she says anti-Israel students—some of whom she had marched alongside at Black Lives Matter rallies—got up and hurled “literal blood libels” at her and other Jewish students.

“It was the most sobering experience of my life,” says Naomi, the granddaughter of four Holocaust survivors. “That is what opened my eyes to what the Democratic Party is turning into.”

Even though she cried when Trump was elected in 2016, she’s now leaning toward voting for him, especially since Biden has wavered on delivering arms to Israel. She considers the sitting president the “bare minimum of an ally” to the world’s only Jewish state. Now, she calls herself “politically homeless.”

“I couldn’t identify as a Democrat right now,” she says, pausing. “That’s so weird to say.”
But some never joined the left to begin with. That includes Lauren Elise, a 20-year-old Christian influencer in North Carolina who says she’s part of the “silent majority.”

“Life under the Biden presidency is hard,” she tells me.

She says that Biden’s plan to forgive student loans falls flat with her because she “made a promise” to herself and her parents never to get into debt. At times, that meant holding two jobs at once and living at home just to cover tuition. And now Biden wants her to pay the debt bill for other students.

“All of the sacrifices I made. . . ” she begins. “I don’t live on campus. I don’t live with friends. I don’t go to this amazing Ivy League school and have all these amazing, life-changing professors.”
She pauses, catching her breath: “I made those decisions. Because at the end of the day, this is my responsibility, and the idea of making someone else foot the bill makes me sick. You’re supposed to take care of yourself.”
Still, financial independence is no easy feat for Lauren, who asked us to withhold her last name because she says her conservative TikTok account, which has over 160,000 followers, attracts occasional death threats. She says gas alone can cost her up to $100 a week due to her 40-minute commute from her parents’ home to her college in Fayetteville. Like Carroll, the Oregon teen who’s desperate to start a life with her boyfriend, Lauren’s major motivation to vote for Trump is because of the high cost of gas.
“I—I—I can’t do four more years of this,” she says. “I can’t do four more years of this.”

Olivia Reingold is a reporter for The Free Press. Follow her on X @Olivia_Reingold and read her portrait of the cohort eager to vote for Biden, “Inside the Biden Bubble.”


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Breaking the News to Biden
« Reply #1558 on: July 21, 2024, 02:20:42 PM »


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“Riding the Bomb Down”
« Reply #1559 on: July 21, 2024, 02:55:56 PM »
Prepare for the opening of the Kamala memory hole:

JULY 21, 2024

I CAN IMAGINE WHAT WILL BE, UNBURDENED BY WHAT HAS BEEN: As Glenn noted a few minutes ago, the DNC-MSM will now begin marching in lockstep behind Kamala. So watch any negative reports about her suddenly stop.

But before they’re “unburdened by what has been,” here’s a flashback to the London Daily Mail in December of 2021: ‘You put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism’ says former Kamala Harris staffer. Harris is branded a ‘bully’ by ex-aides who claim she refused to read briefings, then scolded them if she was slated for being unprepared as ‘FOUR’ staffers head for the exit:

A former underling of Kamala Harris she routinely refused to review briefing materials and would then scold employees when she appeared unprepared

The ex-employee likened the vice president to a workplace bully

Even more staffers are considering leaving Vice President Kamala Harris’ office, people familiar with the conversations revealed

Four top aides to Harris will exit in the span of about a month

Harris ‘staff are leaving because they’re burned out and they don’t want to be permanently branded a ‘Harris person,’ Axios reported

Among those leaving are her chief spokesperson Symone Sanders

Peter Velz, director of press operations, and Vince Evans, deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement are also expected to leave

Ashley Etienne, Harris’ former communications director, left last month

Exit question: Can Kamala Harris shake off her weaknesses to beat Trump?

UPDATE: Biden Endorses Kamala to Ride the Bomb Down Instead of Him.

But at the very least, he has formally stepped down from the presidential race, in a statement that reads like it was written by his aides for him at gunpoint, and perhaps without his direct knowledge. There was a later, weirdly separate endorsement of Kamala as his heir-perhaps, almost as if he’d made a last-second decision to switch his place with her atop the Dr. Strangelove H-bomb, the one plummeting toward November. But there was no stirring rhetoric, and certainly no immediate national address — they’re going to need to make sure ol’ Joe is the proper “headspace” for that one, to put it delicately — just a limp, rhetorically hollow “so long, and thanks for all the fish.”

In late July. After the primary. After the first debate. A month before the Democratic convention. With no agreed-upon successor, nobody vetted, nobody remotely acceptable to all factions of the Democratic Party. Party delegates are enraged, disunited, and confused. Protesters are out in the streets. And it all heads straight for my hometown of Chicago, come late August — where I expect our mayor to be cheering the rioters on, rather than suppressing them.

Perhaps following the instructions of “Dr.” Jill, Team Biden seemed to really have it in for Harris, burdening her with a thousand projects she was clearly unqualified for. Is “riding the bomb down” their final going away president?


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Bait, Wait, & Switch?
« Reply #1560 on: July 21, 2024, 07:18:20 PM »
A perspective worth mulling. They must have internal polling that shows Kamala will be more than a tough sell. Let her get eaten alive then roll out a a savior at the convention:

Come on journalists! Do better! You all know Kamala Harris is a sacrificial lamb, being fed to the wolves. Why aren’t you reporting all of the comings and goings at Michelle’s War Room since Thursday?

Literally dozens and dozens of Democrat billionaire donors (Fred Eychaner, Reid Hoffman, James and Marilyn Simons, Michael Mortiz (Sequoia Capital and the Chinese Communist Party) Elizabeth Heising, Wayne Jordan, Jeffrey Skill, Patty Quillin, etc., etc.) K Street and Washington, D.C. royalty have been taking turns kissing Barack Hussein Obama II’s ring.

Anyone that doesn’t admit Barack is in charge is either ignorant or lying. His silence and then refusing to endorse Kamala Harris should tell you all you need to know.

I said previously, Barack Obama is the most powerful man in the Democratic Party. Period. End of story. He is going to do whatever it takes to be President a 4th term by proxy, using Michelle. Enjoy the show! 🍿

Michelle Obama’s War Room: 2446 Belmont Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008.

After Harris is slaughtered by Americans, Washington, DC and the media, Michelle Obama will step up, telling the country, ‘after much reflection and soul searching, talking endlessly with Barack and our girls, I have come to the conclusion that my country needs me’, she will be the chosen one at the Chicago Democrat National Convention in August. As close to a coronation as you can get.

The Obama’s and DNC have opposition research that will put any chance of a viable Kamala Harris campaign but they need her to languish on the vine for the next 4-5 weeks. Michelle wants the honeymoon to extend right to the election. She isn’t even interested in a debate with President Trump.


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Where’s Biden?
« Reply #1561 on: July 21, 2024, 07:43:13 PM »
I’ve read similar points in various places: how do we know Biden is on board with his abdication? It’ll be interesting to see if he does indeed address the nation down the week as I’ve heard claimed.

Anyone recall how Nikita Khrushchev was overthrown? He vacationed in Crimea and while doing so those plotting against him changed the phone numbers of all the leadership. Believe it or not, phonebooks were considered classified material in the USSR back in the ‘60s. Without one Khrushchev was unable, upon his return, to contact anyone he’d need to remain in power and so was isolated and pushed aside.

In Biden’s case all one would have to do is remove the toilet paper as he took a dump so he’d stay there until rescued by Dr. Shadow President Jill….


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Unbarking dogs Baraq, Nancy, Chuck, et al
« Reply #1562 on: July 22, 2024, 05:20:20 AM »
Good point about Biden being unseen.
Sherlock Holmes solved "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by noticing that the dog did not bark i.e. he knew the killer.

Baraq has not endorsed Kommiela. A way for Michelle to give him a fourth term? Note his language calling for an "open process", presumably at the convention , , , in Chicago.

Also not endorsing: Newsom's aunt (Pelosi for those of you who don't know) Schumer, and Jeffries.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 05:22:37 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Unbarking dogs Baraq, Nancy, Chuck, et al
« Reply #1563 on: July 22, 2024, 09:00:20 AM »
Good point about Biden being unseen.
Sherlock Holmes solved "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by noticing that the dog did not bark i.e. he knew the killer.

Baraq has not endorsed Kommiela. A way for Michelle to give him a fourth term? Note his language calling for an "open process", presumably at the convention , , , in Chicago.

Also not endorsing: Newsom's aunt (Pelosi for those of you who don't know) Schumer, and Jeffries.

I think there is a script being read from and likely modified as the situation changes. Dem Grandees have a goal in mind--retaining power--so the script is being written and revised in support of that goal. Given all the unprincipled crap we've seen them pull over the past decade the one thing we can be sure of is that they aren't burdened by scruples.

Oh, or the need to share any facts with us plebes while embracing only the thinest of democracy's finest veneer....


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« Reply #1564 on: July 22, 2024, 10:14:07 AM »
Not without some merit, but OTOH I don't go as far as they do.


Trump Gives an Assist to Democrats
His reaction to Biden’s decision was small-minded and divisive.
The Editorial Board
July 21, 2024 5:54 pm ET

The 2024 election is Donald Trump’s to lose, and he may yet manage it. That was our reaction to his splenetic outburst on Sunday after President Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race.

It should have been an opportunity to show some class and judgment by welcoming the decision, warning U.S. adversaries not to take advantage of Mr. Biden’s last few months in office, and saying Vice President Kamala Harris will have to defend Mr. Biden’s failed record. Short and presidential, with a unifying tone.

Not Donald Trump. On Truth Social on Sunday after the announcement, the former President posted this: “Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t - And now, look what he’s done to our Country . . .” And on down from there.

We realize Mr. Trump is frustrated that he won’t be able to run against Mr. Biden. But he remains the favorite and has a strong case to make against the Biden-Harris record. The GOP convention was a political success, despite his self-indulgent Thursday speech.

The biggest doubt voters have about Mr. Trump is that he’s a divisive, vindictive man who is unable to speak for all Americans. He had a chance on Sunday to show he is capable of more, but he didn’t rise to the occasion.


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« Reply #1566 on: July 22, 2024, 03:31:50 PM »
read her lines well this evening.
I thought Wolf Blitzer was going to pop the champagne bottle right there.

Big Hollywood event coming up.
Looks like Josh is being promoted.
For Second. 

Let's see a Jewish "gentleman" and a Jewish VP ?   :-o

If only they were Republicans I might actually be proud of the thought.


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Race race race to infinity
« Reply #1567 on: July 22, 2024, 08:26:19 PM »

watched MSLSD
and CNN and they parade one black woman or man after another telling us the GOP will make this about race and sex.

black black black black ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
race race race race------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

yet they tell us Trump is the divider
and they are the uniters.   :wink:

I wonder if someone did a poll on how many people are tired of the same lame races/sexism game .


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1568 on: July 22, 2024, 10:17:24 PM »
(Doug)  I see her candidacy lasting about 2 weeks.

Mark Steyn:
"Anybody who tells you they know what is going to happen is a liar.

There is going to be another series of black swan events before Election Day that throws everything off again."


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The Black Swan Flaps Its Wings
« Reply #1569 on: July 23, 2024, 04:34:17 AM »
Honest, it’s all a coincidence. IMO the most telling element? How quickly the MSM hopped aboard the “noble Joe did what’s right for the good of the country” bandwagon. My guess is the reason we haven’t seen hide nor hair of Joe is they are still forcing the raw reality enema on him:



Think about this: Trump almost gets assassinated.

Days later, Biden has a medical emergency in Vegas requiring "self isolation" at home.

Last public appearance reported to be July 17, when deboarding a plane in Delaware.

In the time since: Trump shows up at the RNC, accepts the GOP nomination.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries ramp up pressure campaign to push Biden out.

Leaks abound. WaPo reports Obama not happy with Biden's election chances.

Pelosi starts operation: "Get Joe Out, the Hard Way."

Biden aides Ricchetti, Donilon execute plan to push him out.

Hunter, Jill reportedly have a screaming fest.

A resignation letter with a suspect, digital signature with no official letterhead is issued on X.

White House staff is blindsided. Chief of Staff informs Cabinet, takes over comms.

Endorsements begin: Hillary. Bill. Newsom.

Finally, Obama speaks out: "Joe Biden has been one of America's most consequential presidents..."

Kamala shows up to take over.

Family members Frank and Valerie Biden say that 'health was a factor.'

FEC filings changed. Donations transferred over to her campaign.

Kamala somehow raises $81 million in 24 hours. $81 MILLION.

Kamala reportedly gets the delegates to be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Joe Biden hasn't been seen in public *the whole time.*

How is this not a COUP?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 04:38:31 AM by Body-by-Guinness »


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Does covid infect mummies?
« Reply #1571 on: July 23, 2024, 06:34:16 AM »
I wonder if he really has covid or that was BS excuse so he could go back to hiding in his basement.

Even fan Jake Tapper said something like "it is reported" he has covid rather than he has covid.


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Re: Does covid infect mummies?
« Reply #1572 on: July 23, 2024, 10:00:46 AM »
I wonder if he really has covid or that was BS excuse so he could go back to hiding in his basement.

Even fan Jake Tapper said something like "it is reported" he has covid rather than he has covid.

I just posted a piece in Biden's Cognitive Failure thread citing Las Vega police sources that state Biden had a medical emergency there and emegency evac plans were invoked.


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A Stopped Clock is Right Twice a ...
« Reply #1575 on: July 24, 2024, 05:50:56 AM »
... I dunno, mebbe "decade" in this case:

Official statement from Black Lives
Matter on recent events:
Timeline of Events
•Joe Biden drops out.
•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.
•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.
•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.
•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).
•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).
A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.
Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.
We call on the @DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1576 on: July 24, 2024, 08:17:02 AM »
Yeah, my wife spotted that one too.

The world retains its ability to surprise.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1577 on: July 24, 2024, 08:21:35 AM »
The Reps need to be making the point that massive numbers of illegals are being given voter registration cards RIGHT NOW.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1578 on: July 24, 2024, 08:28:55 AM »
some MSDNC pundit said yesterday  40,000 people already hitting the streets.

Obviously getting ready or already gathering ballots and signing up voters.

Agree we need to point this out everyday despite the Left's media complex the far right is claiming WITHOUT ANY PROOF / EVIDENCE that illegals are going to vote.

 :roll: :wink:


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WSJ: Kommiela Surprises; No Surprise, steers left
« Reply #1579 on: July 24, 2024, 02:49:28 PM »

Kamala Harris Confounds the Republicans
The Vice President’s strong start seems to have caught the GOP and Trump campaign by surprise.
The Editorial Board
July 24, 2024 4:35 pm ET

Democrats are newly energized as they rally behind Kamala Harris for President, which is no surprise after their weeks of despond over President Biden. Yet Republicans seem suddenly and oddly on the back foot, as if they didn’t think this could happen. The U.S. now has a presidential race that Donald Trump and the GOP could lose.

The relief rally among Democrats is palpable even without new polling data. Money is flowing into the Democratic campaign, there is nary a voice of party dissent about the coronation of the Vice President, and the press corps is already trumpeting her as an historic figure. All of this is before the Democratic convention in August that will introduce her to the public in the most favorable terms.

Ms. Harris is shrewdly now pitching the campaign as the future versus the past, a new generation versus the old, contrasting her relative youth at age 59 with the 78-year-old Mr. Trump. That has often worked for Democrats—recall JFK, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Nikki Haley warned Republicans that the first party to select a nominee from the next generation would have a political advantage this year, and here we are.

The burst of Democratic enthusiasm caused Mr. Trump’s pollster, Tony Fabrizio, to issue a public memo on Tuesday warning about the coming “Harris Honeymoon” in the polls. He said this is expected and nothing to worry about. But such an admission is highly unusual for a campaign that never concedes a polling disadvantage. It suggests the campaign knows the enthusiasm gap that had favored Republicans may have vanished.

The puzzle is why all of this seems to have confounded Republicans. They’re grasping for attack lines that aren’t likely to work or are counterproductive. One bad argument is that Ms. Harris is “a DEI candidate.” That may literally have been true in 2020 when Mr. Biden promised to appoint a woman as his running mate. But diminishing her in this way now, after she’s been VP for four years, will alienate women and the minority voters the GOP is trying to attract.

Another misfire is asserting that Mr. Biden should resign now since he isn’t running for re-election. Voters can distinguish between the next six months and the next four years, and in any case Mr. Biden is now yesterday’s man. Ms. Harris is the candidate to beat.

Calling out Ms. Harris for being childless is another false note. The decision to have children is intensely personal and often a matter of chance as much as choice, and the attack underscores the culturally censorious side of the GOP that alienates many voters. She has two stepchildren. It’s possible to stress the virtue of families, and children, without sounding like moral scolds.

Some Republicans think they can win by portraying Ms. Harris as “weird,” as if her laugh is disqualifying. But that only works if a candidate plays into the critique. So far on the stump she’s performing better than she did in 2019 or in her early days as Vice President. Too many Republicans seem to have bought the triumphal claims in the conservative press that Ms. Harris can’t win. Of such media-bubble overconfidence are defeats made.

The GOP fumbling suggests that the party didn’t believe Democrats would make a candidate switcheroo. But when the Democratic establishment makes a decision, it moves with ruthless dispatch to preserve its hold on power. Tossing Mr. Biden aside so late in the campaign was historic, but it wasn’t a surprise.

None of which is to say that Ms. Harris is a juggernaut. She will have to prove she is up to the role of Commander in Chief even as she will have to defend the Biden foreign-policy record. Mr. Trump still has the advantage of strength versus weakness amid global turmoil.

The Veep’s biggest vulnerability is that she is a product of California’s progressive political hothouse. She has never had to appeal to moderate voters nationwide. This shows in the many left-wing positions she took as a state Attorney General and Senator that are unpopular in middle America.

We told you about some of them earlier this week, and Republicans will have reams of video to inform voters about her extreme views. Republicans turned “Massachusetts Democrat” into an epithet to defeat Michael Dukakis and John Kerry, and they will try to do the same with her California history. She would be wise to make some prominent policy moves to the political middle.

One wild card will be candidate performance, especially in debate. Mr. Trump defeated the declining Joe Biden in a walkover, but Ms. Harris won’t be so easy. The former President will have to make a case on policy, rather than personal insults, and that isn’t his strength. The economic and security fundamentals still favor Mr. Trump, but this is now a competitive race.


In Her Campaign Debut, Kamala Harris Steers Left
The implicit message of her first big campaign rally: Swing voters? Who needs ’em.
By The Editorial Board
Updated July 23, 2024 6:03 pm ET

Does Kamala Harris think she’s going to win this election by firing up the Democratic base? That’s a serious question after watching her first campaign rally since President Biden’s sudden withdrawal from the 2024 race.

On Tuesday outside of Milwaukee, Ms. Harris was introduced by an “educator” with a doctorate who said that thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration, “I had almost all of my student-loan debt forgiven.”

And if that plank of progressive big government doesn’t appeal, Ms. Harris has others. The VP said she sees a future where “every worker has the freedom to join a union,” and “every person has affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid family leave,” and “every senior can retire with dignity.”

The promise is that Uncle Sam will deliver it all. She also pledged to sign federal laws to ban “assault weapons” and override state abortion limitations.

This is a strange strategy. Ms. Harris is talking as if she’s running in the Democratic primaries and trying to beat California Gov. Gavin Newsom for her party’s presidential nod. In reality she leapfrogged that fraught step and is going straight to the general election.

Mr. Biden’s abrupt resignation has handed her the great gift of the presidential nomination without the necessity of having to appeal to Democratic primary voters. Ms. Harris might enjoy more freedom to maneuver than any major-party nominee in a generation.

This gives her a rare opportunity to reintroduce herself to voters as she wants them to see her. What Ms. Harris stands for today is largely undefined, and she has about 100 days to answer the question.

But one of her vulnerabilities in November is that voters might view her, not without reason, as more of a left-winger than Mr. Biden. Her record in the Senate included supporting Bernie Sanders’s bill to outlaw private health insurance. She could instead be taking the opportunity to build a defense against what is surely the coming GOP assault to define her as a California progressive.

Yet in Milwaukee she sounded as if her main political task is to get Democrats enthused about finishing the pieces of Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better agenda that failed in the Democratic Senate. That means more government entitlements for healthcare, child care, and more progressive culture war.

Swing voters? Who needs ’em. Perhaps she will grow into her candidacy and realize that her challenge is to put some distance between herself and Mr. Biden, broaden her appeal past her old California constituents, and talk directly to “double haters” and moderates in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and other states in play.

Here are some ideas. She could swear off the tax increases that progressives always want to enact. She could say the Administration made a mistake on the border and pledge to fire Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

She could reverse her past support for a ban on oil and gas fracking, while arguing that consumers need low energy prices, and by the way the shale revolution means that the U.S. is no longer at risk of energy blackmail from hostile petrostates. She could say something nice about school choice, which would be a throwback to the Democratic Party position once taken by Barack Obama and Sen. Cory Booker.

Perhaps Ms. Harris is a true progressive believer and will run as one—in which case no one will be more delighted than Donald Trump. She also said in Milwaukee that she’d “stop Donald Trump’s extreme abortion bans,” while claiming that Mr. Trump is planning to cut Social Security and Medicare. But if voters don’t believe this, given how prominently Mr. Trump has moved the GOP on abortion and entitlements, what does Ms. Harris have left?


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Of Noisemakers & Nonsense
« Reply #1580 on: July 24, 2024, 04:45:49 PM »
Whole lotta misdirection goin’ on:

In the movie Greyhound, a Uboat deploys a noisemaker to throw the hunters off. Over the last few days rumor, perhaps intentionally planted, has done the same thing. Carter dead, Biden critical, the shooter this or that. The Uboat is moving that's for sure.


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WT: Biden endorsement of Harris is a FY
« Reply #1581 on: July 25, 2024, 07:58:12 AM »
Biden’s revenge on those who ousted him: Endorsing Harris

No love lost between president and his VP


n Election Day, one person will pull the hardest for Vice President Kamala Harris to lose. No, not former President Donald Trump. Not Elon Musk, either.

President Biden. Mr. Biden has never liked Ms. Harris.

Ms. Harris has been playing the race card since forever. Unlike former President Barack Obama, the newly anointed Democratic presidential nominee cites her race at nearly every turn — and brace yourself for the next four months; you’ll hear it endlessly. Back in 2019, when Ms. Harris was trying to win the Democratic presidential nomination (she dropped out months before the first primary while polling in the low single digits), she declared that Mr. Biden was a racist.

“There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school

» see CURL | B4



every day, and that little girl was me,” Ms. Harris said in a debate. Then she turned to Mr. Biden.

“Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in America?” she spat.

“I did not oppose busing in America,” Mr. Biden responded, his voice rising. “What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education.”

Of course, The Associated Press did a fact-check on whether Ms. Harris called Mr. Biden a racist and concluded she did not, which obviously means she did. The AP noted that she prefaced her scathing blast by saying to Mr. Biden, “I do not believe you are a racist” — but then she clearly alleged Mr. Biden was a racist.

When it came time for Mr. Biden, who has played identity politics as long as anyone, to pick a running mate, he knew what he had to do: Pick a Black woman. After all, Mr. Biden said he’d appoint a Black woman to the Supreme Court (never mind if she was the most qualified) — and he did.

This past Sunday, Mr. Biden thankfully threw in the towel. Sadly, he is fading fast. Anyone paying attention (that excludes the mainstream media) has seen that Mr. Biden has gotten progressively worse cognitively. He can barely finish his disastrous term, let alone govern until 2029.

In his letter announcing his departure from the race, he forgot to say whom he’d support in the election in four months. So he put up another post on X, saying, “Today, I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be our party’s nominee this year.”

As we all know, Mr. Biden dropped out because he was about to get creamed on Nov. 5 (and because his brain doesn’t work anymore). But as Mr. Obama has done repeatedly, he could have endorsed no one, saying (with no irony) that he wanted the party to work out its issues and coalesce around a wonderful candidate.

But he didn’t do that. Instead, he backed Ms. Harris, which will surely be her campaign’s kiss of death. Make no mistake, he fully meant to curse her with ... him. He loved to say theirs was the Biden-Harris administration — occasionally called her “President Harris” by mistake — and so, let me give you this, Kamala. Me!

John Morgan, a prominent donor for Mr. Biden, nailed it in a single tweet. The donor, founder of Morgan & Morgan, the largest personal injury law firm in America, said Mr. Biden took his anger out on America when he backed his vice president.

“Joe Biden’s endorsement of Kamala is his f--- you to all who pushed him out,” he wrote on X. “Be careful what you wish for.”

And there it is. Mr. Biden backed Ms. Harris to drag her down — and he will.

Inflation is out of control — in 2022, the average rate of inflation was 8%, a level not seen since the early 1980s. His administration rescinded Trump-era rules and then let in at least 10 million foreigners illegally — flooding the job market and driving down the cost of labor. Ms. Harris was, it’s worth noting, “border czar” the whole time.

Mr. Biden transferred the cost of deadbeat student loans to taxpayers and forced girls’ sports teams to accept biological males (not to mention pushing drag shows at elementary schools). He also removed work requirements for welfare, so everyone was always getting free money.

That’s the record Mr. Biden has bequeathed to Ms. Harris. It’s exactly what Mr. Morgan said, a “big f--- you to all who pushed him out.” And when Ms. Harris loses on Election Day, Mr. Biden will be ecstatic.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1582 on: July 25, 2024, 08:04:52 AM »
I am waiting for Brock the Great to have his MOMENTOUS endorsement plastered all over every MSM news outlet.

He is carefully waiting for the right moment.   Talk of being a king. :roll:

I think she may as well pick Stacie Abrams for VP.

That could get reparations over the finish line and end the US as we know it.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1583 on: July 25, 2024, 08:08:07 AM »
He may yet be looking to trip Kommiela into a face plant and bring in Michelle at the convention.


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Clay Travis
« Reply #1584 on: July 25, 2024, 11:19:40 AM »
"So many Dem voting women, often married, think Trump is untrustworthy because they believe he slept with side chicks.  So now they are going to demonstrate how much they hate Trump by voting for the actual side chick, Kamala Harris.  Its amazing. "


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1585 on: July 25, 2024, 11:28:07 AM »
What a sexist mysongistic thing to say!
Hillary is outraged!

BTW , somehow, someway this is also racist
and a "dog whistle" that is not fooling any Black person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Re: Clay Travis
« Reply #1586 on: July 25, 2024, 11:36:00 AM »
"So many Dem voting women, often married, think Trump is untrustworthy because they believe he slept with side chicks.  So now they are going to demonstrate how much they hate Trump by voting for the actual side chick, Kamala Harris.  Its amazing. "



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« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 01:04:38 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1590 on: July 26, 2024, 01:02:32 PM »
yes Shapiro is a big threat from what I have seen.
When he ran for governor he was impressive for a democrat;

my post from June 30:

if one of the main reasons Trump is ahead is because Biden is demented that clearly will not be the problem for Shapiro which will be a big problem for the devisive Trump.

David Alexrods warning that if Biden is off the ballot and someone , perhaps Shapiro is on it, has a insightful point.

We may get what we wish for.


He impresses me as very shrewd and a fast learner and could well be the future of the Dem Party
though Palestinian lovers will hate him as well as maybe the far wokesters -

I am sure in the end he is partisan Dem.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1592 on: July 26, 2024, 07:11:06 PM »


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Fraudulant donations
« Reply #1594 on: July 27, 2024, 06:43:50 AM »
I am sure Wray and Garland will get right on this.

And of course this will be headlines on Drudge and other MSM outlets.


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When the Going Gets Weird
« Reply #1595 on: July 30, 2024, 08:06:38 AM »
Where is Hunter Thompson now that we need him?

Scott Adams
Election Persuasion Update:
Democrats are using the Mean Girls strategy of labeling Republican candidates as "weird" because Democrat policies poll so poorly.
It is a solid strategy for pleasing their base. Everyone can play because it requires no actual knowledge.
All the media puppets are repeating the "weird" accusation in a super creepy zombie way while pretending they are having original thoughts.
Republicans are countering by pointing out that batshit crazy Democrat women -- who are disproportionately being treated for mental health issues -- are a danger to civilization, and the Democrat men who are controlled by the crazy  women are barely male.
And it isn't even August yet.


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Palace Intrigue: competing coups
« Reply #1596 on: July 30, 2024, 11:27:32 AM »

Some really intriguing analysis here:


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Silicon Valley Leader Crosses the Aisle
« Reply #1598 on: July 31, 2024, 01:15:39 PM »
And the results are a devastating critique of “Progressive” Dems:

By David Marcus

I am crossing the Rubicon and backing the Republican Party and President Trump.

Many — including a former version of myself — get trapped in a mental framework that becomes their identity and prevents them from radically evolving their thinking with new facts and information. I finally broke free from it.

My journey has been a gradual political 180 from where I stood in every previous election. It has been an eye-opening process of disenchantment, zero-basing lifelong beliefs, and rebuilding from there.

In 2017, a good friend enlisted me to pitch the DNC to raise $100M from Silicon Valley founders and executives. The aim was to use these funds and know-how to build a CRM and tech platform to prevent a repeat of Hillary Clinton’s inadequate, outdated 2016 campaign. We met with DNC leadership, who told us we could raise that money, but it would have to go to the general fund; a single-digit percentage would then be allocated to tech. In the wake of one of their most shocking failures, they didn’t want the help.

The next series of realizations began in 2019 while I was at Meta, right after we announced the Libra white paper. I testified before the Senate and the House and subsequently spent significant time in DC, engaging with lawmakers, cabinet members, regulators, and two White House administrations. At the time, I still believed the mainstream idea that Democrats were all about serving the People. However, I was shocked to learn that, for the most part, Republicans cared more deeply about their constituents, while Democrats, in my experience, cared more about government power and control. This is my observation on balance, with many stories to back it up. I also found that more Republicans wanted to understand our project’s goals and took the time to learn about the risks of censoring payments and controlling the network. I found myself remarkably aligned with them.

Then COVID came, revealing more. While I don’t subscribe to the most malicious vaccine conspiracy theories, I do take offense at the censorship machine put in place to hide the origin of the virus from the NIH-funded Wuhan lab and all dissenting voices on vaccinations and lockdowns. At that time, I fully appreciated why Republicans value freedom of speech and preventing censorship.

This trend of spinning and manufacturing a parallel reality to serve the Dem agenda, solidified by complicit mainstream media, hit home with the Hunter Biden laptop story, the coordinated vilification of President Trump and his followers, and President Biden’s cognitive decline — depriving voters of a voice in a proper primary. These examples displayed the hubris of the current Dem leadership. You must think the American people are fools to believe the spin on these issues. I despise this elite vs. general population ideology viscerally.

This version of the Democratic Party is sidelining moderates and centrists and has adopted an increasingly leftist ideology. This drift to the left has dictated policies from which I’ve found myself estranged.

On the domestic front, there has been a total departure from the core American value system of meritocracy, an extreme and weaponized DEI agenda, an open door to massive illegal immigration, and a once-fringe narrative, now mainstream within the party, of vilifying success. This shift is also causing us to fall behind due to an anti-innovation regulatory climate, notably on crypto and soon AI — two non-linear technological breakthroughs that will likely determine tomorrow’s leading countries.

On foreign policy, the administration is exacerbating tensions with Russia through an aggressive NATO expansion narrative focused on Ukraine and prolonging an unwinnable war. This is costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, the world hundreds of thousands of lives, depleting the U.S. military arsenal and risking World War III. On Iran, this administration is continuing a misguided Obama-era plan to bring Iran closer to the West by unfreezing Trump-era sanctions, thus giving the Mollahs’ regime the ability to fund terrorism and pursue its anti-America, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish agenda. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was also handled disastrously. We’re leaving a door open for China to invade Taiwan by coming across as weak. Most importantly to me, concerning Israel, the administration is enabling Iran to fund Hamas and Hezbollah, restraining Israel in its fight against its enemies, thus prolonging another conflict, which is costing more lives on both sides and allowing unprecedented levels of antisemitism to rise at home.

I believe we need a President who is unequivocally pro: America, the Constitution, business, Bitcoin/crypto, innovation, Israel, small government, legal immigration, free speech, meritocracy, and common sense — and anti: regulatory proliferation, illegal immigration, unjust wars, Iran’s current regime, and domestic groups that oppose American values. These issues are central to President Trump’s platform.

Naturally, I disagree with President Trump and the GOP on some issues, particularly women’s reproductive rights. While I’ve come to learn that extreme views exist in both parties, I firmly believe that women should have the unalienable right to make their own decisions on this polarizing topic. President Trump confirmed he was against a national abortion ban and supported the Supreme Court’s decision on maintaining access to mifepristone, which was reassuring and a sign that the party was moving closer to the center.

It’s impossible to close this post without mentioning President Trump’s recent assassination attempt. The courage and resolve he displayed seconds after being hit by a bullet was awe-inspiring for his followers and detractors alike. This was a man, however imperfect, who, at that moment, incarnated the American spirit in the most vivid way, starting to bring a split nation together.

Some claim that reelecting President Trump will bring our democracy to its knees. However, the alternative — having unelected individuals with this much power and no accountability run our government coupled with four more years of bad policies at home and abroad — might present a more significant threat. Neither will likely change in a Harris administration and could potentially worsen.

In this pivotal moment, confronted with the choices we have, I am endorsing and supporting a return to a Republican administration in 2025.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1599 on: July 31, 2024, 04:51:57 PM »
Far out.