Author Topic: 2024  (Read 158512 times)


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2024, Michael Barone, Will the veep debates FINALLY matter?
« Reply #1801 on: October 07, 2024, 10:18:20 AM »

From the article:
"But it gets harder to believe your side is the cognitive elite entitled to rule when your vice presidential candidate, like Walz at the debate, seems plainly far less smart than his opponent. Or, come to think about it, when your presidential nominee is phobic about taking questions in public."

[Doug]  Not to mention Biden, "What storm?"


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Of Deep Pockets and Lost Causes?
« Reply #1803 on: October 07, 2024, 03:29:48 PM »
First time encountering this post but if it proves true that the rent-a-crowds and falsely inflated betting markets are indeed folding up Harris tents, the next couple weeks will show it:

THE BOTTOM FELL OUT: Market Support Just Crumbled - YouTube

In my post earlier this morning (Monday’s Mysterious Absurdities), I talked about efforts by Kamala Harris’s big billionaire funders to manipulate the betting odds out at Polymarket. I speculated that the effort was fading since the odds turned back in Trump’s favor late last week, and at the open today stood at 51-48, Trump.


“Maybe Mike Bloomberg and Mark Cuban and George Soros grew weary of pissing away millions on an illusion - who knows?” I added sarcastically.

Welp, sarcasm may have been reflective of reality. Take a look at what’s happened in the Polymarket betting odds in the 5 hours since I published that post:

Just like that, Trump’s margin goes from +3 to +8.6. Just as the budget for paying thousands of professional protesters to be bused all over the country to “attend” Harris’s fake rallies appeared to start running dry about 2 weeks ago, it looks like the budget for faking up the betting odds has limits, too.

Go figure.

You just can’t make this stuff up, folks - don’t even try.

That is all.


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Judge Chutkan releases Jack Smith docs
« Reply #1807 on: October 11, 2024, 08:28:34 AM »
Bad news:

Good news:

To leftist lawyers' dismay this will not have one iota of effect on the '24 election - no one will care despite MSLSD will have more stuff to yell about.


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PBS Smith briefs
« Reply #1808 on: October 11, 2024, 10:13:14 AM »
includes summaries and entire brief for those who want to spend their weekend reading on this:


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Kamala Ad So Bad It Must be a Trump Troll, Right?
« Reply #1809 on: October 11, 2024, 11:46:54 AM »
Tell me this isn't the most pathetic appeal to a segment of the voting public you are polling poorly with ever created:


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2024, State of the race
« Reply #1811 on: October 12, 2024, 12:09:30 PM »
At this late date, the race for President is tied, the close Senate races are mostly tied, and with the House, who knows, probably tied.

McCormick from Pennsylvania, who is a rich guy, says he is being outspent in one race in one state, by $100 million.

What they call small contributions matter.  Not individually but in the aggregate.  Rest assured, we are being outspent.  Every contribution, every dollar helps o narrow that gap.  Do you their commercials to define the race??

I plan to make a round of contributions over the weekend.  I will bring the list of Senators and links to the top, but think Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio.  And others.

I searched 'gop house majority fund' and Brave browser took me straight to a Dem majority fund with no mention of party.  Bleeping dishonest world we live in.

Try this:
Congressional Leadership Fund.

According to RCP compilation of polls, Trump is running 8.4% ahead of 2020, while still trailing Harris in popular vote polling.

In swing states, he leads in all but one, but the margin is roughly zero.

We think there is a silent Trump Republican factor where I side is less likely to talk to poll takers, and the momentum seems to be on the side of the Republicans.

But the outcome of each part of that will not be known until WAY after the polls close.

Even then, the challenges go on:

Don't let election day come and go and then wish you had done more.  DOn't try to give so late they can't use it.  Don't let all of the late messaging be all theirs.  Give what you can and what you want to and think of everyone you can call and drag out to the voting booth.  Check in with all the like minded you know and make sure everybody gets out and does this.

God would a three way win be great right now!

If not now, when do you think we turn this ship around?  I'm afraid to say, not in my lifetime.


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« Reply #1812 on: October 13, 2024, 05:27:31 AM »
As always, Simplicius must be read with care.  IMHO he is probably on the Russian payroll, and receives Russian intel and talking points.

That said he is also quite intelligent, and provides counterpoint from outside American info silos.

His analysis here of the prospects for civil disorder after the election merits careful consideration:


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The Eerie Calm Before the Storm
Oct 13


I’ve made a kind of pledge to do roughly three paywalled pieces per month, or one every ten days give or take. However, I’ve realized there are certain topics I’m increasingly hesitant to broach in detail publically due to certain recent developments in the global legal censorship sphere, to be intentionally vague. As such, there are a few things here and there I may paywall not for the usual reason of a scheduled ‘premium’ product for my paid subscribers, but simply to keep off unneeded eyes.

As such, I don’t want my free subscribers to think it a tightening of the yoke or coercion toward paying—there will simply be a few extra paywalled pieces here and there on sensitive topics particularly around sensitive times, as on this current eve of a momentous US election. Not that I think anything I’ve written is particularly sensitive or even remotely controversial, but unfortunately things are the way they are.

Let’s take a moment for a small reflection on the state of things as we enter into the weeds of this election-eve month of October, known for the dark ‘surprises’ it often has in store. In less than a month the world stands to change forever, for better or worse, as what is likely the most momentous election in US history stands to bear its poison fruits.

It feels like the calm before a great storm, and many have remarked on how ‘odd’ it is that even the Democrats do not seem to be overtly panicking despite catastrophic polling of their lead racehorse Kamala Harris. A strange sort of numbness has set in over the nation, perhaps in the form of normalcy bias—in some ways, it does not even feel like an election is imminent, let alone the most portentous one.

Why is that? Partly due to the fact that it’s the most technological election, wherein various instruments of state power have been utilized to create everything from vast blackouts of information to vortical diversions via some inane psyop or another which bleeds through the information space to distract us. Not to mention, our information platforms are more fractured, compartmentalized, and segregated into moated echo-boxes than ever before. Everyone has reached their tolerance limit of hyper-ingesting the propaganda of the other side and has subsequently retreated into their own safer info-abodes.

The big questions are on everyone’s minds: will America descend into civil war or chaos of some form or another? There are a multitude of competing theories:

Kamala “wins” a tight midnight race, a la Biden in 2020—Trump disputes it and hell breaks loose.

Trump wins a controversially close race of his own, and the Democrats unleash some kind of lawfare or outright military coup.

It’s such a close and fraud-riddled race that neither side concedes and no swearing in commences in January, amidst a slowly fracturing state.

There are two other ways to think about it. On one hand, it appears that Republicans have done little to fortify the ‘system’ against the same kinds of fraud widespread in 2020—i.e. vote harvesting, mass mail-in hijinks, total control of the vote count process by regime-aligned forces, which includes the electronic vote counting machines suspected to being compromised. As such, it’s easy to imagine the same scenario repeating again, albeit even more dramatically, given Kamala’s historic unpopularity.

On the other hand, there are some reasons to believe something entirely different will occur. There is no pandemic to truly justify the same levels of mail-in fraud, some states and their governors have wised up to previous tricks, and to top it all off Kamala’s numbers are arguably so disastrous as to simply make it impossible to pull off a convincing 4 a.m. highway robbery the likes of which Biden got away with.

Even the most diehard Democrat supporters must be reaching their limits of sufferance. The migrant crisis has been the first issue to truly evocatively make obvious that something extremely dark and sinister is happening to the country. For a long time, they hid it well in plain sight—but when they ran out of ‘big cities’ like NYC to dissemble the migrants into, they were forced to start dumping them into small towns like Springfield, Ohio, Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Sylacauga, Alabama, Greeley, Colorado, Logansport, Indiana, and countless others, where the unprecedentedly orchestrated invasion became an inescapable albatross.

This is why I personally am leaning toward the conclusion that Trump may actually win this—the fatigue from the country’s precipitous decline has become painfully felt among every demographic group.

However, even if Trump were to win in such unquestionable fashion as to preclude any electoral challenges, the danger would not be over. There are several contingency layers potentially in place to still prevent him from taking office:

1. The sentencing for his trial was recently pushed back to January. There were legitimate talks of him getting real prison time in Rikers Island. As such, if he were to win they could still try to jail him. Recall, he was fully convicted of 34 felony counts—34 felonies; that would certainly entail a lengthy prison sentence.

2. Then there are the lawfare tricks of disqualifying Trump’s electoral votes described by James Rickards:

Even if Trump can win the election with 270 or more Electoral College votes, likely as of now, the fight will not be over. The Democrats have another lawfare trick up their sleeves.

If Democrats retake the House of Representatives, then on Jan. 6, 2025, the New Democrat-controlled House could pass a resolution that Trump is an “insurrectionist” and disqualify his electoral votes under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

Kamala would not have 270 electoral votes needed to win. This would throw the election of the president to the House of Representatives voting as state delegations, not as individuals. Under the XII Amendment (1804), only Kamala Harris could receive votes for president assuming Trump was disqualified and no other candidate won any electors at all.

J.D. Vance would suffer no insurrectionist disqualification. So the result could be Kamala Harris as president and J.D. Vance as vice president (similar to Jefferson and Burr in 1800).

Another possibility is that the Republican-controlled state delegations in the House could boycott the presidential vote in which case a quorum would be lacking. In that case, the vice president (J.D. Vance) “shall act as president” under the XII Amendment. This is not a far-fetched scenario. Democrats led by Jamie Raskin have already set the wheels in motion.

Trump has 28 days to flip the narrative on Kamala Harris and win the election. If he does, the Democrats have a doomsday plan they will unveil on Jan. 6, 2025, to disqualify Trump.

Like in January 2021, some believe an election ‘certification’ crisis can develop. However it should be noted that Democrats have fortified this loophole since last time when Mike Pence was being called upon to not certify Biden’s victory as presiding officer:

Further, in December 2022, Congress passed bipartisan legislation that amended a 1887 law to make it more difficult to object to the results of a presidential election. The new legislation clarifies that the role of the vice president in certifying the election is “merely ceremonial,” and that they do not have the authority to decide the results of the election. The law now states that the vice president “shall have no power to solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate or resolve disputes” when certifying the election.

The legislation also makes it harder to force a vote for a particular state, with “one-fifth of each chamber” needing to object to certifying the electors instead of just one member of each the House and the Senate. Governors will now have to sign off on one slate of electors to be sent to Congress, countering Trump’s 2020 attempt to send fake slates of electors to Congress. -Source

3. Other dangers include an outright military coup due to the perceived ‘retaliation’ Trump is set to mete out to his political opponents—the same ones who betrayed and tried to destroy him during and after his first term:

On the eve of the election things feel too unsettlingly quiet. It’s as if the Democrats are demonstrating supreme confidence—which is odd given Kamala’s polling numbers—or have ulterior plans waiting to be activated.

A potential for the latter has slowly appeared over the sudden not-so-subtle insinuations concerning Iran this week. Trump himself bizarrely appeared to pin blame on Iran for the attempts on his life:

And now a seemingly orchestrated narrative is being cooked up to lay the groundwork for one easy-to-see set of circumstances:

Others have read the obvious tea leaves:

False flag in the works?

US President Joe Biden has instructed the National Security Council to warn Iranian authorities against plots against former President Donald Trump and former US officials, sources told The Washington Post and Politico.

He reportedly said that Washington would consider any assassination attempts an act of war.

Suddenly Biden is rushing to ‘protect Trump’ from this phantom Iranian threat, when he previously refused not only to lift a finger but even potentially stone-walled Trump’s Secret Service protection.

Read that again:
He reportedly said that Washington would consider any assassination attempts an act of war.

This is after sitting Congressmember Matt Gaetz revealed that “five hit teams are in the country hunting Trump”, one of them linked to Ukraine:

The potential ‘play’ here should be obvious. The Israeli-controlled deep state can take out Trump under the guise of Iranian “blood vengeance” for Soleimani and others, and voila!—Israel gets its big American-led cowboy war to destroy Iran. It kills several birds with one stone because Trump is removed as candidate, Israel gets its war, and Iran as a threatening entity can be curtailed for a generation or two, or so goes the thought.

This could be the big October ‘surprise’ dialed up to a million and black swan in one as a last-ditch move to prevent Trump from taking office amid internal polling that shows Kamala has no chance, according to many.

Of course even if that were the plan, they’ll still have to get lucky enough to actually catch Trump slipping. Hopefully he’s wise to the moves, but judging by his presumptuous blaming of Iran he nearly appears happy to accept his role as sacrificial lamb to his beloved Eretz Yisrael. There is no greater show of love than sacrifice, after all. In doing so, he could very well fulfill prophecies of being some chosen Messianic figure who brings to bear the long foretold construction of the Third Temple.

Of course, were he to weather all these coming troubles, Trump will inherit a rabidly destabilizing deep state hellbent on taking down the whole country just to thwart him. As such, the final contingency plan relies on unleashing all the economic and social turmoil kept bottled up just for that rainy moment.

The Longshoremen’s strike threatening to cripple the nation was recently postponed until January 15, just five days before the inauguration—coincidence?

It’s also likely that the Democrats and their NGO hirelings have burrowed ‘sleeper cells’ amongst the millions of migrants, spreading them throughout the country to be activated during Trump’s term to sow social chaos and perhaps even outright terrorism of a sort. The gist is that, if he manages to negotiate the coming gauntlet, Trump’s term cannot be allowed to ‘succeed’ in any way, and all manner of economic and social strife and chaos will be sown throughout the land to drown his term in malaise. Most notably the debt and inflation ‘time bomb’ of the video above could be unleashed to crush any chances of Trump’s radical economic reforms.

It’s an understatement to say he’ll have his work cut out for him if he can even make it to the seat and win the perilous game of American thrones.

As a final summation, the next three months stand to reach a climactic fever pitch, in the global scope of things. Israel is straining its leash, ready to ignite a historic conflagration in the Middle East; Ukraine is on its shakiest grounds, with Zelensky foaming to spark his own nuclear firestorm. All the while the tenuous political threads of the US system could snap once and for all within weeks in another botched election, unleashing incalculable results.

Of course in all these troubled times, there exists some rays of hope, as the boiling-over tensions can potentially resolve long-standing crises into a cooler phase or denouement of some kind. Questions can be answered and conflicts can reach their natural conclusions by next year, a sort of ‘going over the hump’ of a peak crisis period.

In the case of the US election, rather than the eerie silence being a sign of some grand forthcoming Democrat counter-strike, it could merely signal the final succumbing to inevitability. That earlier-mentioned numbness may have presaged a deer-in-headlights moment of acceptance, signifying the total drought of ideas for how to reverse the situation. They’ve done all they could, flooded the nation with millions of illegals and have reached the ends of their natural powers of fraud and skullduggery, now merely resigned to awaiting the outcome in feeble submission.

After all, despite no outward signs of ‘panic’, there have been signs of a kind of frail acceptance and fatigue, for instance in Obama’s recent spiritless ‘pep talk’ to a group of black male Pennsylvania voters in Pittsburgh. He looked defeated and demoralized, at times annoyed, sliding into uncharacteristic urban patois to scold the skeptical-looking ‘brothas’—as he called them—for not showing up enthusiastically for the manufactured diversity candidate.

Feeling blue at Barry’s Black & Blue pity party?
Trump himself has blundered his way through this most uncanny of campaign trails, turning away many of his voters; Nick Fuentes has recently turned completely against Trump, for example, ordering his considerable following to not vote for him. But at the same time, Kamala is a disaster of such historic proportions that it’s difficult to imagine any scale of Trump blunders eclipsing the damage she’s done to her own party.

As such, although the election—if there even is one—will likely be fraught with fraud, I’ve still got Trump edging it out as of now. Unfortunately, the fight will only just begin there, as the Democrats will likely launch into an array of dirty tricks that could threaten to take the entire country down with them.

However, I have hope we’ll get to the other side in one peace.


« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 08:03:33 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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New Trump ad
« Reply #1813 on: October 13, 2024, 06:14:43 AM »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1814 on: October 13, 2024, 07:57:29 AM »
The first post outlines many scenarios and one or more will be what we should expect.

The second post is great ad -
Ermy was great.

The juxtaposition of him vs the drag queens is a riot.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1815 on: October 13, 2024, 08:04:21 AM »
I thought the decision tree branches of possibilities Simplicius outlined was very good.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 08:09:45 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Kamala "dares" Trump to release his med records
« Reply #1816 on: October 13, 2024, 08:55:55 AM »

After covering up for Joe for yrs and denying the truth about his medical conditions......   :roll:


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Re: Kamala "dares" Trump to release his med records
« Reply #1817 on: October 13, 2024, 10:06:27 AM »

After covering up for Joe for yrs and denying the truth about his medical conditions......   :roll:

She is still covering up for joe.

Organizing the cabinet to remove an infirmed president is a vice presidential responsibility. But she refuses. She bargained away a constitutional responsibility in a back room deal that she personally benefited from.

She's never been asked that at a press conference. Wait, she's never held a press conference. Where is the MSM on this?


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Cranial Rectal Interface Generator
« Reply #1818 on: October 13, 2024, 02:09:32 PM »
Doug asks:

"Where is the MSM on this?"

Good news, I just found them:
« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 05:21:24 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1819 on: October 13, 2024, 05:35:27 PM »

My oldest and dearest friend does Home Shows selling spas. He reports:

There are booths that cater to Harris and to Trump supporters. Harris booths have nobody going to it. Trump booths are swamped and they are continuously refilling stock.

And this is in liberal CA.

Now, my city is 2/3rds Dem/liberal. Have only seen 1 Harris sign. None for Trump but we don't advertise. Libs are dangerous. In fact, this morning saw one guy stealing political signs on roadways. Supporter of our BLM mayor.


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Baier to "interview" Harris
« Reply #1820 on: October 14, 2024, 12:13:56 PM »

internal polls must show her losing........

Baier better not let her off.  I don't really trust him.  Perhaps she will know questions in advance.

We will see.


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Re: Baier to "interview" Harris
« Reply #1821 on: October 14, 2024, 12:18:30 PM »
He will be far more fair to her than his counterparts were to the other side.

She will be asked real questions and won't get the 60 Minutes edit.

She wouldn't be doing this if her internal pulls said she was winning.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1822 on: October 14, 2024, 12:30:37 PM »
Baier is going to softball her as well. Baier hates Trump.


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MSNBC boasting of Harris' new outreach
« Reply #1823 on: October 14, 2024, 02:51:46 PM »
- 1 million fully forgivable loans of up to $20,000 for Black business owners and others looking to start businesses.
- A national initiative to focus on Black men’s disparate health outcomes.
- More investment in education, mentorship and training programs designed to funnel Black men into good-paying, high-demand jobs in fields where they are underrepresented and desperately needed, like teaching.
- Supporting regulation to protect Black men and others who invest in and own cryptocurrencies.
- Legalizing recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black entrepreneurs in this budding industry.

No comment needed.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1824 on: October 14, 2024, 06:32:56 PM »
I confess to liking Baier quite a bit; on the whole I find him to be an outstanding anchor and quite professional.

Even though FOX's owners are Biden/Harris supporters (2020 hubby and wife gave something like $600K to Magoo IIRC) and Baier is not immune to having Washingtonian sympathies, my prediction/hope is that he will do a professional job of adminstering pressure.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1825 on: October 15, 2024, 06:27:50 AM »

We are now 4th class citizens, deplorables, never to own anything again.


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2024, Which way is the momentum?
« Reply #1826 on: October 16, 2024, 07:13:38 AM »
Trump takes commanding lead over Harris across betting markets

Donald Trump Leads Kamala Harris Among Early Voters in Swing States: Poll

Republicans Lead Senate Races in Montana, Ohio, Wisconsin as Michigan, Pennsylvania on Knife’s Edge

USA Today Columnist, Republicans could win a 'trifecta'
"How bad do you have to be to lose to Donald Trump? Kamala Harris and Tim Walz may soon show us."

RCP averages have the generic congressional poll Democrats lead only by 0.9%.  This will be the hardest to win.

No one wins unless EVERYBODY votes.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 07:23:36 AM by DougMacG »


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Enemy media take on tonights Baier - Harris interview
« Reply #1827 on: October 16, 2024, 08:46:51 AM »
USA Today:

I hope there are open ended questions not simply yes or no.

Let her try to explain things - such as economics 101.

Baier claims he won't be soft - I hope not.
FWIW O'Reilly says he should be ok but he would be tougher.


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Re: Enemy media take on tonights Baier - Harris interview
« Reply #1828 on: October 16, 2024, 09:27:31 AM »
USA Today:

I hope there are open ended questions not simply yes or no.

Let her try to explain things - such as economics 101.

Baier claims he won't be soft - I hope not.
FWIW O'Reilly says he should be ok but he would be tougher.

I expect something very professional, somewhere in between tough and softball. We will see.  I hope he can softly and gently steer her toward answering the questions that need answering - and pushback when needed.

If he is perceived as fair by both sides maybe they can host future debates.

As pp said, he is not partisan Trump. 


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1829 on: October 16, 2024, 06:15:39 PM »
So, what say we?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1830 on: October 16, 2024, 07:25:11 PM »
Baier did not let her off.  He gets a 95 out of 100.

Funny how she keeps saying Biden was on the ball.   If he was/is why did the entire Dem machine panic and dump him?

Liked the question who on who biggest threat to the US

and she says the obvious answer China Iran  [me =????]

And this is while she undercuts Netanyahu every chance she gets and begging him to go easy on Iran and not expand the war.

I missed the interview and only caught Jesse showing parts of it , but then I switched to CNN and the panic the anxiety the confusion of the white Vanderbilt and his crew was unbelievable and off the charts.
(They also had Stelter there to give us his brilliant perceptions.)

He and guests went crazy talking over each other about how Trump is such a threat I knew they knew she bombed.

That to me says it all.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 07:30:31 PM by ccp »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1831 on: October 17, 2024, 06:31:01 AM »
She admits her strategy in this other video, 1.5 minute.  Repetition and stick to the script. She says that shows discipline.

The interview didn't have to be adversarial.  He just wanted her to explain a couple of things and tell us how she will govern.  A genuine candidate would love the opportunity to do that for an audience of tens of millions before a close election.

But repeating what staff wrote does not allow for answering real questions in an interview.  A 30 minute interview, cut down to 20 minutes, doesn't reveal anything new if the answers are all sound bites from speeches we already heard.  The point of the interview is, what further can you explain on these issues.

The questions were all valid and important and the answers were non-existent.

A filibuster is not an answer.  Senators who filibuster don't make great leaders.

It was a terrible interview for her and it was not Baier's fault.  He couldn't get her to answer any question and he couldn't have gotten any tougher without coming across as disrespectful.

He had to interrupt to get ANY questions asked.

Her plan was to use the whole, very limited time to repeat her talking points. When he interrupts, call him out and say 'I'm speaking'.

She came in with an attitude that she doesn't have to answer his questions, but his questions are America's questions.  She flipped the bird to America and exposed her shallow self.

Someone back stage told her to pivot every topic back to issue talking points already rehearsed and repeated and 'orange man bad', but the point was supposed to be let America know what you will be like as President, and what do you think of these things tht happened under your current administration.

Take the first question on the failure at border for example.  Perfectly valid question.  He pointed out they repealed trump's policies at the start and had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate for the first two years if new legislation was required.  Yet she repeatedly pivoted back to the bad bill in the last two years that Republicans opposed, and blamed them for the issue.  Republicans weren't in ANY position of power when Laken Riley's brutal killer came in.  Biden's failures were not Trump's fault no matter how many times you say it.

She also failed the temperament question.

The interview never improved from there.

Speaking of Black men or any other target group, did anyone come away from this thinking that is someone I'd like to have a beer with?  That person might be the next great leader of our time, the next Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill?  Not even the next Obama.  She has none of his political skill. More like she will become the answer to a trivia question, who did Donald Trump defeat for his second term.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2024, 06:39:28 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1832 on: October 17, 2024, 09:25:47 AM »
Like Vivek pointed out :

her new line is I will follow the law

in the last 4 yrs "you have not enforced immigration law would have been a perfect answer"

"You did not enforce law during the summer riots".

"So which law will you follow and which will you not enforce?"


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1833 on: October 17, 2024, 02:44:30 PM »
She pulled a reall Clintonesque Slick Willie move on the Tranz sugery for felons and illegals.   After saying that during Trump such surgeries were on the books (actually the regs!) BB interjected "But none were performed".  As BB pressed again "What is your position now?" is when she answered "I will follow the law"-- WHICH IS PRECISELY WHAT SHE TOLD US A MOMENT BEFORE ALLOWED FOR SUCH SURGERIES.   

She has told us to our face "My values have not changed (since 2019)" and indeed, they have not.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1834 on: October 18, 2024, 04:17:07 AM »
« Last Edit: October 18, 2024, 05:32:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Trump's makeup
« Reply #1835 on: October 18, 2024, 06:54:27 AM »
What's going on with the way overdone make up job?

Go to the 29:30 minute mark.

Look at his face and compare to the rest of the crowd and the when he raises his hands compare face to hands.

He thinks that looks good?    :-o


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2024 Obama Biden Harris Walz, We are the page that must be turned
« Reply #1837 on: October 20, 2024, 06:33:08 AM »

(Doug) These two failed candidates were both handpicked by the geniuses behind the scenes with a whole nation to choose from, proving they are not in fact smarter than all of us.  Same goes for the policies, positions and results of the last 4 years, and 16 years of their control of the Democrat Party.

If this election goes the way polls seem to be turning, the Obama Biden era is over, perhaps forever.  Good riddance.

I wonder what the new growth will look like after the forest fire figuratively finishes burning all the way through.

Will moderate Dem voters ever rise up and take back their party?
« Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 06:57:05 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1838 on: October 20, 2024, 06:52:07 AM »
Before that happens, I fear the Jacobins will make a fierce play.


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Re: 2024 Obama Biden Harris Walz, We are the page that must be turned
« Reply #1839 on: October 20, 2024, 10:31:08 AM »

(Doug) These two failed candidates were both handpicked by the geniuses behind the scenes with a whole nation to choose from, proving they are not in fact smarter than all of us.  Same goes for the policies, positions and results of the last 4 years, and 16 years of their control of the Democrat Party.

If this election goes the way polls seem to be turning, the Obama Biden era is over, perhaps forever.  Good riddance.

I wonder what the new growth will look like after the forest fire figuratively finishes burning all the way through.

Will moderate Dem voters ever rise up and take back their party?

Whups, I see I posted the same piece elsewhere.


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Follow the Message & the Campaign Cash Paying for It
« Reply #1840 on: October 20, 2024, 03:44:22 PM »

If Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey, and Ellisa Slotkin thought the path to win their Senate races in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan was to embrace Harris and demonize Trump, then they would be appearing with her at every rally where that is her message.

They are not. 

That is not a path to victory.

They know she is already a likely loser in their states, and embracing her and her message is a likely path to defeat for them.
They have quit appearing at her rallies, and their latest ads distance them from Harris/Biden policies.

They are spending millions, and they are doing it with the approval of Chuck Schumer because if he thought they were wasting money -- OR INCREASING HARRIS' CHANCES OF LOSING -- he would cut them off from Senate Campaign Committee money.

This is easy.


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The Kommiela-Tampon Timmy files
« Reply #1841 on: October 21, 2024, 08:05:19 AM »


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AP goes after Mc D's
« Reply #1842 on: October 21, 2024, 01:22:58 PM »

Amazing someone hasn't come forward to tell us they remember working at McD's along Harris by now.

it would only take a few grand to pay someone off to claim so.


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Deconstructing the Harris Campaign
« Reply #1843 on: October 21, 2024, 04:47:21 PM »
A fine dissection of the Harris campaign and those that blindly support it:

The Harris Campaign Has Been A Total Disaster
But complacency is the worst possible response

OCT 21, 2024
It’s hard to fully grasp how bad the other side are at that most unlikely of things-honest politics.

Honest politics is the unlikeliest of all creations. It takes very particular circumstances to exist and in some ways expecting it is like believing that benevolent pixies live at the bottom of your garden or that Father Christmas exists.

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Astonishingly though, the western world got closer to making it real than anyone else ever has. And it took centuries to get there. Centuries of reducing the power of the Church, the power of the nobility, the power of Kings. Centuries of expanding the rights of the People. Centuries of toil and protest, rebellion and revolution. Through all of which a uniquely Anglo-Saxon invention, the idea of innate individual liberty, more free than Greek democracy and more sacred than Enlightenment rationalism, existed in the way an exotic creature of the depths might come into existence.

Absurdly unlikely, but utterly natural. Astonishingly rare, and even more astonishingly precious.

The Founders of the USA recognized how rare and unlikely a thing ‘honest politics’ was, and recognized too that it required an environment of certain conditions in which, alone amongst all the circumstances of humanity and all the systems that had tried and failed, it could be born, mature and thrive.

They recognized that innate individual liberty was a sacred inheritance and a uniquely Anglo-Saxon invention when they spoke at the beginning of the Revolution of the rights they possessed as free-born Englishmen, and they recognized the same thing at the end of the Revolution when they made inalienable rights the thing that the entire Constitution and the entire shape of the political settlement of the new nation they had formed was designed to protect.

They knew even before the French Revolution that idealistic rationalism or righteous religious indignation could BOTH very quickly become barbaric insanity and that the fall of old tyrants could simply make way for newer and bloodier ones. Because that lesson was there in the events of English history. It was already there in the way that a Parliament which rebelled against the excesses of the King soon disgusted even its greatest General with its own corruption and vice. There was not a single Founder ignorant of Cromwell’s scathing address to the Rump Parliament. Nor were there many Revolutionary era Americans (Loyalist or Revolutionary) who would have been unaware of Cromwell’s excesses or those of the short lived English Republic between Civil War victory and the Restoration.

The whole point of the Constitution was two fold, two aims which are in reality the same aim. The first was to enshrine and protect the innate and inalienable liberty of the individual. The second was to map out a system of checks and balances preventing too much accumulation of power in any particular hands or in any particular group. This was how you defended citizens AND built a nation.

And it was how you tried to prevent new tyrants taking away sacred rights.

All of it was built on recognizing the sheer unlikeliness of success in this endeavor, and of how the worst instincts of humanity have a certain degree of entropy on their side and advantages (in offering rewards for the abuse of power) that many men (and women too) would succumb to.

Only a virtuous people can preserve the Republic.

Roman history too had given that lesson.

Honest politics is such an unlikely combination that it requires centuries to achieve and a very careful balancing act to maintain (one devised by very brilliant minds) together with a unified People possessed of strong moral features and shared cultural assumptions (and desires).

Where power accumulates to the extent that inalienable rights don’t exist or can be ignored when it suits the powerful, there can be no honesty either because some men are masters who can do as they please and others are serfs who must suffer without limit. A master does not feel he owes truth to a serf, and a serf does not feel that he can insist on it. Neither side in this is likely to be honest. The master lies to preserve his power and the serf lies to preserve his life. The system then exists to limit the hold on power to the existing regime, rather than the system existing to limit the amount of power any regime may claim.

That is when, acknowledged or unacknowledged as such, and whatever other name it gives itself, your system is a tyranny.

And this was a situation openly reached when the true result of the 2020 election was overturned. Everything since has merely been the exercise of power one should expect and anticipate from an illegally established government that broke the Constitution to steal an election, lied about everything, and was supported by every major institution in doing so.

I said at the start that the Harris campaign has been extraordinarily bad at honest politics. But what do I mean by this, and what do I mean by honest politics-is this more than an idealistic phrase?

Well, let’s look at what the campaign has actually done.

They began by an obvious palace coup in which the democratically supported candidate was ousted. Whilst Biden had no real legitimacy as President (having been installed by fraud and theft, and having governed as the figurehead puppet of the people who organised that) he did have legitimacy as a 2024 candidate. There was a real process to confirm him as such (although of course that too was subject to the corruption the Democrat Party could not now stop deploying even if they wanted to).

Still, even though totally corrupt practices were used to prevent a fair, level playing field Kennedy or similar challenge for candidacy, Biden did get Democrat voters to vote for him as the nominee.

Kamala never had a single vote from anyone.

She was installed and anointed in a backroom Party hierarchy coup that makes the selection of a Borgia Pope in Renaissance Italy look like a democratic process. Everyone knows that Biden was forced, very reluctantly, to step down. It’s likely he knew absolutely nothing of his own first announcement of doing so, until the Party heavyweights in the coup made it clear to him and his family that it was a done deal and impossible to resist.

In their wisdom, the Party plotters (pressured by the Black Democrat caucus) then decided that no challenge to Kamala’s ascension could occur.

What we are told then happened was a Kamala bounce or a Kamala surge where everyone was delighted to have the Vice President switch to become the 2024 candidate instead of the ‘President’. Perhaps part of this was real. There is no doubt that Biden’s performances had grown increasingly awful and impossible to cover for, and so some relief at a ‘fresh start’ must have been there.

But I suspect this was a bounce strictly limited to one group only-fanatical Democrat voters who were going to vote for them no matter what anyway. It wasn’t a bounce that ever applied to undecided and independent voters or even to wavering fringe and historic voters. All of those had happened to notice the inconvenient fact that Kamala was already Vice President and had been for the whole Biden administration.

In other words the campaign started with a couple of massive lies that can’t ever really be sold except to people you have already thoroughly brainwashed or people who rape kids and you have that on film. Those are the only people who are going to buy, and would ever have brought, these two central lies which the Kamala campaign simply cannot extricate themselves from:

I am a fresh start who was in power for the last 3.5 years.
I am saving Democracy and was installed by a palace coup with nobody else getting a say.
You cannot possibly resolve or escape those fundamental contradictions. Even people who talk about ‘the female penis’ will have a niggling sense of doubt about these two things.

Sure they have been conditioning Democrat voters for years to be slavish Pod People riddled with cognitive dissonance and capable of exceptionally loyal forms of delusion, but even so….these contradictions are so glaring, so basic, and so re-emphasized by the campaign itself as it kept pressing its idiotic tropes of Year Zero Beginnings and Trump is Literally Hitler that every move the campaign made could not help but remind people that 1. Kamala was knee deep in every Biden failure and 2. Kamala’s own elevation wasn’t in the least bit democratic.

For voters with a brain, that is anyone who was not going to vote Democrat no matter what, Kamala was a terrible, terrible pick. People already knew she was a word salad idiot. People already knew that 90% of her own staff had desperately run away to work elsewhere in the administration because she is an unbearably stupid, arrogant and unpleasant bitch. People knew that she climbed to the top on her hands and knees with a cock in her mouth. People already knew she was the Border Tsar when the border was thrown open.

And you didn’t even have to be Republican to know these things. Democrats knew that the Biden administration was on course to lose and polling in the toilet, which is precisely why they ousted Biden. But somehow they thought that licking her feet would make Kamala (there all along) clean of it? They thought they could simultaneously sell her as the experienced VP ready to step up a level AND the totally fresh innocent not at all connected to the period in which she was VP?

How did they think that would fly, exactly?

Well, they thought it could be sold the way they sell anything that’s ruinous and stupid. By a psy-ops campaign and a media blitz of Headlines From Another Reality. That’s what the Democrat Convention was. That’s what the absurd Kamala as the Statue of Liberty stuff was, the Cat Ladies and White Dudes For Kamala stuff, and of course what the mandated Stalinist JOY was too.

They really are so bad at honest politics that they think sticking an airbrushed picture of her with 15 years taken off looking borderline hot but thoughtfully serious on the cover of Time makes a difference. One of the drawbacks of controlling a Shill Media for so long is not realizing that you are now paying people who nobody else listens to. Time magazine, or The Atlantic, or any of the places that went into JOY MODE on demand are no longer capable of swinging a single vote. Everyone they can offer you is someone you already own.

When you pay an Atlantic or Bloomberg or Washington Post journo to write delusional nonsense about how great you are, you get his or her vote and that’s about it. As Trump joked about White Guys For Harris, his wife and her lover are voting for Trump.

Who the hell is still reading The New Yorker? The people who work there. Maybe a CIA guy who got moved from Facebook for masturbating all day.

Shills deliver themselves, and nobody else. Smarter independents are now getting as sickened by it and as turned off by it as MAGA voters are. It’s proof of dominant power in that THE MESSAGE can be spread everywhere and everyone has to see it…but most people aren’t and won’t be paying to see it and most people are sick to death of it being rammed down their throats.

The JOY was an artificial creation of the shills, and laughable to anyone who wasn’t already in that Pod Person category of the hopelessly brainwashed…who are fewer in number than anyone suspects.

All of the initial Kamala bounce was fake news, except maybe a tiny little dribble of relief that Biden was effectively gone, soon replaced by a Jesus Christ she’s even worse!

It’s hard to fully express how bad the campaign and the performance of Harris herself has been since then.

First, it’s done the classic thing that all bad campaigns and incompetent people do. It’s made shitty choices, then had to backtrack or reverse them.

Remember all the food price control and rent price control stuff at the beginning? Marxist policies that lead to starvation and homelessness (two things Democrats were pretty good at supplying already). Those had to be walked back on because the campaign was presenting the most left wing Senator in the US (ranked as such on voting record between 2017-2021 by GovTrack and DW-NOMINATE ) as a moderate conciliator.

Not only were these policies awful, they torpedoed the entire ‘I’m the moderate, Trump is the extremist’ argument and reminded everyone that this woman is an economic Marxist.

Exactly what the campaign was trying to disguise.

Then we have the Bunker strategy where for a long period she refused to give interviews. This was a carbon copy of Biden’s 2020 strategy but again following this immediately torpedoed one of the central claims of her campaign. The whole point was supposed to be that she was better than Biden, not the same. The whole strategic point of the palace coup was supposed to be about getting rid of a person who fucked up every interview or appearance (because he’s senile and wasn’t very bright to begin with) so you could get someone in who looks better, sounds better, and can make appearances without every one of them becoming a disaster.

Hiding from interviews said I know I’m just as shit as Joe, and like Joe I’m just going to dodge the stuff Presidents are expected to do.

A President who can’t or won’t do interviews is like a plumber who is scared of drains. You can’t get away with it. That’s the goddamn job. What the fuck are they doing running for the Presidency? The President is the Face of the US nation and system. Picking someone who hides in a bunker is like hiring a hooker who won’t touch. Nobody is satisfied with that.

AND they were trying to do it a second time. Biden got away with the Bunker Strategy because he was old, had some excuses based on age ready, still did a few appearances, and people kinda realized his absence gradually and expected it to be part of and a partial explanation of his loss (which of course, fraud avoided). It’s much harder to ‘spring a bunker’ on people who have seen that cowardice before. It’s impossible when you are simultaneously being described as Wonder Woman and a huge improvement on Joe.

People naturally ask ‘if she’s so great, why isn’t she doing interviews and showing us that?

So again the campaign was contradicting itself. It was saying she’s so amazing we are going to hide her from you. Even Democrats couldn’t mentally square that line. Because of that, they were forced to change approach again, buckle in to the pressure, and start making appearances.

All of which have been train wrecks.

But she’s Wonder Woman. They had already replaced one failed candidate and sold this one as the Woke Lady Jesus. Once you do that, you’re trapped with that assessment. You have to keep that lie going.

So every terrible appearance has to be described as a triumph, no matter how bad it goes. Which means you have no excuse not to do another one. Which means you then face a series of self inflicted exposures and reminders that your candidate is actually stupid but you keep calling her smart, nasty but you keep calling her nice, arrogant but you keep calling her modest, Marxist but you insist she’s moderate.

Their own lies force them to keep exposing themselves to further ridicule and pushing them towards strategies that make it impossible to actually disguise the obvious flaws and weaknesses of their candidate.

The equivalent would be if the Trump campaign tried to sell him as a poverty stricken guy who lacks confidence and has struggled with self-esteem issues. It’s not going to sell even to people on your side, and the people selling it just make it even more obvious that they are liars.

Everyone shilling for the Harris contradictions just looks like a bigger shill.

But the thing is they haven’t just done this with Harris. This is the exact same thing they have done with Tim Putz.

They take a creepy weirdo and get him to call other people weird. They focus attention to his own weakness. JD Vance was never going to be ‘the weird one’ to most people comparing him with Putz. Only the most delusional Democrat fanatics would buy that. They make it worse by pretending this guy is a rugged outdoorsman when physically he’s Comic Store Guy from the Simpsons. They put a rifle in his hands and film him hunting, when he looks like he spends more time hunting small boys than anything else. At best, he hunts down a specific flavor of M&M’s. They give him a shotgun and he looks clueless.

This guy was somehow in the Army and looks like he’s never even seen a gun of any kind before. Maybe he could hold a toy pistol OK while dancing to YMCA, but that’s it.

They took Elmer Fudd and pretended they were showing you Conan the Barbarian.

Inevitably, rumors now suggest they picked an actual pedophile. That’s their version of All American Hero and their version of Perfectly Normal Father Figure.

They didn’t have to engineer that mess. They didn’t have to pick an obvious Putz for VP nominee. They didn’t have to try and sell him as something he plainly isn’t, just as he didn’t have to lie about his rank and behave (at best) inappropriately with pupils. It’s all self-created disaster that they try and sell as triumph.

And of course both Harris and Putz fail in debates and interviews. 60 Minutes. The debate against Trump. Fox News. The debate against Vance. Even the cringe worthy heavily assisted performances like that first joint interview. They come across as what they are-limited but entitled, nervous but arrogant, stupid but smug, deeply, deeply strange people who have been picked as non threatening puppets by those actually in power.

More than that, they and their Party have spectacularly failed national tests during the election. They have shown that they don’t care when Americans drown and that their priorities are still elsewhere when American die. The awful response to Helene was not the first time its been made clear that the US government under Democrats doesn’t care about US citizens dying and suffering, but it was perhaps the most shockingly obvious given that it occurred so close to the election.

One might even think that, for some reason, these people don’t even care about even just looking good. As if nothing they do, or fail to do, impacts their chances of being ‘elected’.

So what is honest politics?

It’s not even 100% total objectivity. It’s not solely factual. It’s not even politics without bias, or without spin and some degree of propaganda. Its politics where power is not illegally, unjustly, and unconstitutionally concentrated to determine the result. Its politics where candidates sink or swim by genuine strengths without nipping in and out of speed boats in an alleged swimming contest. Its one where even friendly media abide by some degrees of objectivity at least to the extent of us all sharing the same reality. It’s one where electoral fraud and assassination attempts and lawfare aren’t factors in the result, and where key facts aren’t buried before the vote or electoral fraud denied after electoral fraud tips the result.

You can have efforts to present your candidate as well as you can and its still honest politics.

You can’t pretend a debate with moderators attacking and fact checking one person and not the other is a real debate.

You can spend millions on promoting your candidate and there’s still some honesty in that, but you can’t spend millions controlling the electoral process itself and claim that’s honest too.

There are really only two types of politics in any system with votes. There is honest politics where some kind of rules apply evenly, and there is machine politics where everything is rigged and dishonest. The first provides the only democracy that matters, and the second provides nothing but forms of tyranny.

A Party that didn’t get into power by the first will of course use the second to retain power. They have encouraged assassination. They have put in place rules trying to make the detection and prevention of fraud illegal. Some of the emergency measures excused by COVID aren’t around anymore, but they have been busily ‘fortifying the election’ again. Ballots have again been sent out that exceed the number of legitimate voters. Dominion machines are still in place.

All the conditions and means of fraud are still there. Plus there is legislative change to allow the use of the military against US citizens. That puts weapons in their hands ready to crush reaction to another stolen victory.

The reason Democrats are so bad at honest politics is because they are so good at machine politics. They don’t know how to win honestly because they haven’t needed to know that for a long time.

The cheat who suffers no consequence cheats again.