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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3050 on: August 01, 2024, 06:22:25 AM »
" There is not much that Iran can do to tip the balance of power away from Israel, which leads in intelligence, firepower and technological prowess. "

Until they have usable deliverable nuclear devices. 

I don't know what they are doing.

Hopefully Israeli intelligence does....... :-o


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How the Game is Played
« Reply #3051 on: August 01, 2024, 08:05:07 AM »
Heads they win, tails you lose:

Hussain Abdul-Hussain
A regular day on Al-Jazeera and Islamist media:
- If #Israel fails to hunt down Hamas leaders => Israel war has failed.
- If Israel hunts down Hamas leaders => Israel is killing them to make up for its war failure.
- If Israel stops missiles from Gaza => Israel has failed because Hamas will easily rearm.
- If Israel blocks crossings to prevent Hamas rearming => Israel is imposing famine because it failed to beat Hamas.
- If Israel beats Hamas => Israel has failed in deterrence because there’ll be new Hamas.
- If Israel frees hostages => Israel killed Gazans.
- If Israel negotiates => A sign of Israeli military failure that forced Israel to talk.
- If Israel says no talking, total victory => Israel wants to continue killing because it can’t beat Hamas.
Conclusion: 76 years of Israeli failure and Palestinian successes.


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Walter Russell Mead
« Reply #3052 on: August 01, 2024, 02:22:58 PM »

Israel Brings Deterrence Back to the War on Terror
Hezbollah and Iran may feel constrained to limit their responses to the Jewish state’s strikes.
Walter Russell Mead
Aug. 1, 2024 2:02 pm ET

Coming on the heels of strikes that killed Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif in Khan Younis and Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut, the assassination in Tehran of Hamas’s political leader, Ismail Haniyeh, sent clear messages to Hezbollah, Hamas and, most important, Iran. Haniyeh was in Tehran for the inauguration of Iran’s new president, who was elected last month following his predecessor’s death in a May helicopter crash. Iran’s failure to protect a high-level guest at a state event suggests to the world that its security services are deeply penetrated by Israel. This is a devastating demonstration of incompetence for a regime that depends on terror to survive.

In some quarters, Haniyeh is being eulogized as a moderate and Israel’s attack on him condemned as prolonging the war. This is not quite as nonsensical as it sounds. There were hopes in Qatar, Gaza, Turkey and Iran that the U.S. could be bamboozled into supporting a cease-fire leading to a “moderate” Hamas government in a unified West Bank-Gaza Palestinian protostate under Haniyeh’s leadership.

The bamboozling process was well under way. For many on Team Biden, getting a cease-fire and moving toward establishing a Palestinian state had become America’s top objective. Team Harris will likely be even more interested in distancing itself from Israel and reviving the Obama-era policy of seeking détente with Iran.

Haniyeh’s demise could jeopardize, at least for now, Washington’s hopes of a diplomatic breakthrough that delivers a Gaza cease-fire and hostage deal. That comes at a cost. Some in the U.S. government will blame Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for blocking what they see as a promising road to peace.

Team Biden also fears that Iran’s retaliation for the deaths of prominent Hamas and Hezbollah officials might ignite a regional war that could embroil the U.S. With only months left in office, the Biden administration remains more focused on blocking what it considers “excessive” Israeli responses to Iranian aggression than on stopping Iran’s reckless behavior across the Middle East.

Blocking a deal that empowers Hamas helps Mr. Netanyahu at home. Israelis have been living in a pressure cooker since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks. The torture, rape and murder of innocent Israelis, the unspeakable suffering of the hostages and their families, and the continuing agony of combat losses reverberate through this tightly knit society in ways that are difficult for outsiders to fully understand.

To most Israelis, ending the war with the installation of a Hamas-led government in the West Bank is unthinkable. It would reward terror and give Israel’s enemies greater power than ever before. Even so, many Israelis wanted to keep the Haniyeh negotiating channel open in the desperate hope that it might lead to the release of more hostages. This put Mr. Netanyahu between a rock and a hard place. He had to reject a cease-fire that rewarded Hamas, but he had to seek a cease-fire to free hostages. The killings of Haniyeh, Shukr and Deif help Mr. Netanyahu manage both his domestic and his international problems.

In Israel, removing key figures in the Hamas and Hezbollah terror structures is popular. The beleaguered prime minister will likely benefit from an uptick in popularity even as the nation prepares for an escalating war. The moves against Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas will also reassure Israel’s Gulf Arab partners that Israel has the capacity and will to take action in its interest, and to inflict humiliating blows on its foes.

However frustrated the Americans are with the attacks, Washington can hardly condemn Israel for eliminating three of the top targets on America’s list of global terrorists. And with Vice President Kamala Harris’s national security adviser under fire for ties to figures accused of cooperating with Iranian influence operations in the U.S., the administration won’t want to advertise a breach with Israel in the runup to the November election.

But Mr. Netanyahu would be poorly advised to rest on his laurels. Israel could face a much more hostile America if Ms. Harris succeeds Joe Biden. Iran is on the brink of a nuclear breakout, and Israeli society remains deeply polarized. Most Israelis want the prime minister to step down, but there is no consensus on who should replace him.

As Iran and Hezbollah mull their options for retaliation, as Team Biden ponders its response to Israel’s refusal to follow Washington’s lead, and as Israeli politicians adjust to the new political situation, the risks of an expanding Middle East war are real. But the strikes in Beirut and Tehran have likely had a healthy deterrent effect. We can hope that, as has happened so often in the past, Hezbollah and Iran will limit their responses to Israel’s attacks out of respect for Israel’s power.


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Reality bitch slaps John Oliver
« Reply #3053 on: August 02, 2024, 04:52:40 PM »


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US beefs up regional power in Middle East
« Reply #3054 on: August 03, 2024, 06:53:04 AM »


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Israel’s Unexpected Strategy
« Reply #3056 on: August 04, 2024, 03:18:06 PM »
Hezbollah and Iran were expecting something far different to unfold and are now have no easy out:

Islamist #Iran and its militias, especially #Lebanon Hezbollah, were designed based on past conflicts with #Israel, assuming that IDF will always invade and Hezbollah can engage in asymmetric guerrilla warfare that costs the IDF a lot of casualties, meanwhile Hezbollah hits sensitive targets across the border, raising the cost in civilian lives and infrastructure.

Hezbollah has perfected this tactic that if war ever breaks out, Israel will have to revert to enormous firepower to keep its edge. The result will be death and destruction in Israel, but 100 times as much death and destruction in Lebanon. Hezbollah has established "mutual deterrence," so to speak, with Israel. But this works only in full scale wars.

What Islamist Iran and Hezbollah were not prepared for was the low-intensity war that Hezbollah launched on Israel on October 8. In this kind of war, Israel emerged as much better prepared, especially its intelligence.

In 33 days of full scale war in 2006, Hezbollah did not lose a single commander. Since Hezbollah started low intensity war with Israel on October 8, Israel has killed over 330 Hezbollah field commanders, including Hezbollah chief of staff and 12 of his top generals. Hezbollah is reeling, has no way to stop Israel. Hezbollah's only options are either full-scale war or terrorism (targeting Israelis in third countries). Nasrallah on Thursday said "we are looking for options," meaning Hezbollah does not have them.

At the cost of keeping the north depopulated, Israel has been hollowing Hezbollah from the inside. If there is full-scale war, the Iran-backed militia will not have enough generals to command it.

Sorry Islamist Iran, but wars are not only drones and missiles. You should have known that already. Now you're stuck, and the only way out is for Nasrallah to eat his words and decouple his war from Gaza's, ending it without achieving anything. Otherwise, have fun as Israel runs circles around you.


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Israel, and its neighbors, conflict explained
« Reply #3058 on: August 06, 2024, 09:47:42 AM »
Video well worth watching I think.


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Re: notice who is in the released photo
« Reply #3059 on: August 06, 2024, 09:54:36 AM »
remember, I was told foreign policy is her "wheelhouse"
unbelievable the lying.

Keyword, released photo.  Was the ruling cabal at the table or viewing through the one-way glass as they decide for the country our next course of action?

In another room pollsters scramble to evaluate how the different choices on the table play out in swing states.


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already a Wikipedia page on the assination of the terror leader
« Reply #3060 on: August 07, 2024, 07:19:07 AM »

I was trying to find something on the claim he was behind the 1983 Beirut Marine barracks bombing and  this comes up.
I cannot find any clear linkage of him to that event.
He  would have been 20 yo at the time.

Did he really have anything to do with Beirut Marine barracks?

If so, it has been scrubbed


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3061 on: August 07, 2024, 09:08:42 AM »
That is my clear understanding!


Wow , , ,


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The Hill assassinations don't work
« Reply #3062 on: August 10, 2024, 03:37:03 PM »

My response since everyone wants to know  :wink:

neither does appeasement and ceasefires .

How did that work out prior to 10/7?

Sometimes the only choice is to defend oneself in every way possible.

Speak to Hamas/Palestinians who want war - not Israelis who prefer peace .


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3063 on: August 10, 2024, 03:57:49 PM »
Biden-Harris financing the Iranians might be worthy of mention here.


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3064 on: August 10, 2024, 04:04:19 PM »
yup agree 100 % and part of my reason for posting.

can I amend from Biden/Harris to



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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3065 on: August 10, 2024, 04:11:24 PM »
Why yes you can. :-D


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WT: Arms deal w Israel
« Reply #3066 on: August 14, 2024, 04:49:48 AM »


U.S. agrees to arms deal with Israel

The U.S. has approved $20 billion in arms sales to Israel, including scores of fighter jets and advanced air-to-air missiles, the State Department announced Tuesday.

Congress was notified of the impending sale, which includes more than 50 F-15 fighter jets, Advanced Medium Range Airto- Air Missiles, or AMRAAMs, 120 mm tank ammunition and high explosive mortars and tactical vehicles and comes at a time of intense concern of a wider Middle East war.

However, the weapons are not expected to get to Israel any time soon; they are contracts that will take years to fulfill. Much of what is being sold is to help Israel increase its military capability in the long term.

“The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to U.S. national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready selfdefense capability. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives,” the State Department said in a press release.

The Biden administration has had to balance its continued support for Israel with calls from progressives to punish Israel over civilian deaths in Gaza. The Biden team has curbed one delivery of 2,000-pound bombs amid airstrikes by Israel in Gaza


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Simplicius: Israel's path of peril
« Reply #3070 on: August 26, 2024, 05:51:02 AM »
Russian propaganda:


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Israel's Path of Peril
Aug 26


Last night Hezbollah carried out another large-scale attack on Israel, billed as their ‘retaliation’ for the death of commander Fouad Shukr. The usual occurred: Israel’s night sky bloomed with constellations of Iron Dome rockets and panicked citizens packed airports to flee the country.

Israel claimed to have carried out a large preemptive attack that destroyed much of Hezbollah’s rocket stock before it was used.

An IDF Dvora-class boat was even hit by what appeared to be a guided Hezbollah missile off the coast of Nahariya in northern Israel, with at least one crew member stated to have been killed:

What’s most remarkable is that we are now approaching the one year anniversary, this October, of the start of Israel’s war on Gaza, and yet Israel has still not been able to entirely defeat a tiny Hamas force. Russia gets criticism for taking what’s now over two years to defeat Europe’s largest military force, while the country previously billed as having “the world’s most advanced military” cannot defeat a tiny guerilla force in a year’s time.

This fact is backed up by many official sources:
The first, from NY Times above, states:

Israel has achieved all that it can militarily in Gaza, according to senior American officials, who say continued bombings are only increasing risks to civilians while the possibility of further weakening Hamas has diminished.

…a growing number of national security officials across the government said that the Israeli military had severely set back Hamas but would never be able to completely eliminate the group.


Israel’s most recent military operations have been something of a Whac-a-Mole strategy in the eyes of American analysts. As Israel develops intelligence about a potential regrouping of Hamas fighters, the Israel Defense Forces have moved to go in after them.

They go on to admit that Hamas’ tunnel network has turned out to be far more vast and stronger than Israel anticipated, and while many tunnels were damaged, many remain unharmed from which Hamas continues to operate.

Current and former Pentagon officials complain that Israel has not yet demonstrated that it can secure all of the areas in Gaza that it has seized, particularly after its forces pull back.

But a recent CNN article refutes even the modest claims of Israeli success given above:
Right up front they state:

Netanyahu, who faces growing international pressure to agree to a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza, has repeatedly said that Israeli forces are nearing their stated goal of eliminating Hamas and destroying its military capabilities. Addressing a joint meeting of Congress on July 24, he said: “Victory is in sight.”

But forensic analyses of Hamas’ military operations since it led attacks against Israel on October 7, which draw on Israeli and Hamas military statements, footage from the ground and interviews with experts and eyewitnesses, cast doubt on his claims.

Despite having its leader assassinated and taking all the other ‘blows’ Israel has claimed to have dealt, Hamas, CNN writes, continues to make a comeback:

And yet, the research, which covers Hamas’ activities up until July, shows that the group appears to have made effective use of dwindling resources on the ground. Several units have made a comeback in key areas cleared by the Israeli military after pitched battles and intensive bombardment, according to the new analyses, salvaging the remnants of their battalions in a desperate bid to replenish their ranks.

In a stunner, CNN states that the military wing of Hamas, Al-Qassam, had 24 battle-ready battalions, and that the IDF has only degraded a miniscule 3 of them:

Hamas’ military wing, known as the Qassam Brigades, is divided into 24 battalions spread throughout the territory, according to the Israeli military.

One year of “the world’s most advanced military force”, and they can only degrade 3 enemy battalions? Meanwhile, Russia destroys that many Ukrainian battalions on some days.

They do go on to clarify that 8 of the 24 battalions are considered fully “combat effective”, while the remaining 13 have been somewhat degraded but continue to function in a more sporadic, guerilla style. But they admit that Hamas is actively working on reconstituting all of the degraded battalions.

While Israel naturally dismissed these findings, US military figures continue to poke back:

“If the Hamas battalions were largely destroyed, Israeli forces wouldn’t still be fighting,” said retired US Army Col. Peter Mansoor, who helped oversee the deployment of an additional 30,000 US troops to Iraq in 2007 – a counterinsurgency strategy known as “the surge.”

“The fact that they’re still in Gaza, still trying to rout out elements of the Hamas battalions shows me that Prime Minister Netanyahu is wrong,” he added. “The ability of Hamas to reconstitute its fighting forces is undiminished.”

The article quotes Palestinian civilians fleeing from the north of Gaza, who said that Hamas there is stronger than ever and is actively rebuilding their forces.

“We began to notice a resurgence in Hamas less than a week after Israel withdrew from northern Gaza in January,” said Carter from CTP. “We saw this effect continuing throughout the strip ... This has been the defining process from the Hamas battalions.”

One ‘high ranking Israeli soldier’ told CNN that Hamas’ statements on rebuilding are true, and that they have recruited ‘thousands’ of new members in the past few months.

Expert Robert Pape tells CNN that Israel’s actions are only making Hamas stronger:

“Israel is generating exactly the kind of additional political anger, the additional grief, the additional emotion that will lead additional people to become fighters,” said Pape.

“The actual strategic power of Hamas is growing,” he said. “The power of Hamas is in its power to recruit.”

In essence, it reflects the Empire’s typical hubris, now seen so often the world wide:

What’s most remarkable is the fact that many increasingly believe the situation is leading to Israel’s eventual dissolution. In some ways, it can be argued that Netanyahu and his racist rightwing clan is deliberately fostering a Hamas renewal because their plan B is to use the Hamas specter as an excuse to continue devastating Gaza indefinitely until all Palestinians are purged, one way or another. It would be a win-win scenario for Israel, if it weren’t for the fact that Israeli society itself is facing extreme pressures from the ongoing tensions.

In the CNN article above, a high ranking Israeli officer states:

In fact, more and more observers believe that Israel is in a kind of ‘death spiral’:

While israeli general Yitzhak Brik dropped a bombshell the other day on Haaretz, declaring that Israel will collapse in less than a year:

Yitzhak Barik has reportedly been called ‘The Prophet of Wrath’ in Israel for accurately predicting the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. Now, in an Oped for Haaretz, he accuses the Israeli government of ‘throwing dust in the eyes’ of the public by lying about their destruction of Hamas.

I assume that Defense Minister Gallant already understands that the war has lost its purpose. Israel is sinking deeper into the Gazan mud, losing more and more soldiers as they get killed or wounded, without any chance of achieving the war's main goal: bringing down Hamas.

The country really is galloping towards the edge of an abyss. If the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse within no more than a year.

He cites dissolution and polarization of Israeli society, economic losses, and Israel’s slow unwinding toward pariah state status. He further states that Hamas’ new leader Sinwar understands the situation and is deliberately dragging it out to further bleed Israel as a nation; in short: “the war of attrition is working in his favor.”

He saves his gravest condemnations for Netanyahu himself:

Netanyahu decided to "die with the Philistines" – in this case, the citizens of Israel – only to retain his power.

He has lost his humanity, basic morality, norms, values, and responsibility for Israel's security. Only replacing him and his cronies as soon as possible can save the country. Israel has entered an existential tailspin and could soon reach a point of no return.

He concludes:

He’s right in how absolutely feral Israeli leaders have become in their frustrations at the world community not backing Israel’s cruel and wicked terror. Just take in the recent video of Israeli ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan’s recent comments from his car, as he leaves the UN HQ in NYC:

Though the video appears dubbed, his words were confirmed by many outlets, including Jerusalem Post.

Now, Haaretz also reports of a letter sent by Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar to Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Gallant stating that “Jewish terror” is now threatening the very existence of the state of Israel.
❗️Israel's Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar said in a letter to Netanyahu, Gallant and other ministers published by Channel 12 that "Jewish terror" by settlers in the West Bank and Ben Gvir's incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque are doing "indescribable damage to Israel."

In response to his warnings about settler terror in the West Bank, Ben Gvir reportedly demanded Ronen Bar's dismissal, and withdrew from the ministers' meeting, according to the Israeli army's radio station.

They go on to write of the unrestrained terror of Jewish settlers in the West Bank:

In any normal country, there would be no hesitation in doing the right thing. They would remove the radical right from the government and instruct security services to treat Jewish terror with the same gravity they do with Palestinian terror.

But as long as National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich remain in the government, it will be impossible to fight Jewish terror. As long as the former is in charge of the police and the latter is in charge of the occupied territories, Jewish terror will know that it has the backing of higher authorities.

If Israel continues to deny the bitter truth that a Jewish wild weed that has grown in the territories is now out of control, Jewish terror will bring Israel down. "The 'hilltop youth' phenomenon has long grown into a platform for committing violence against Palestinians," wrote Bar.

In essence, what they’re saying is that Israel is now openly ruled by radical extremists who are taking the entire country down with them. Saner heads in Israel are calling for a more moderate government which can acknowledge that unbridled terror and genocide is not a winning long term strategy. Unfortunately, the Netanyahu, Ben-Givir, and Smotrich types are too strongly entrenched at the top of the ruling pyramid. After all, some of them like Ben-Givir are open Kahanists—an openly racist ideology that outright views all Arabs as enemies and works to deprive them of any rights within Israel.

For another interesting take on this, read MoA’s latest, which describes the genocidal end-times cult which secretly controls Israel’s ruling class:

I see people continue to refer to Israel as “America’s greatest ally”, yet they cannot name a single thing Israel offers America as an ‘ally’.

When prodded to name something, they demonstrate their inability to differentiate between an “ally” and an “interest”. Tell them to name one thing Israel brings to the U.S., and they respond with things like:

“A secure outpost for power projection in the Middle East.”

That’s called an interest—Israel facilitates the protection of America’s imperial interests in the Middle East, which makes Israel itself an American geostrategic interest, not an ally.

Additionally, people consider Iran’s lack of reaction to the assassination of Haniyeh on their territory as weakness or cowardice. I have expressed that I think it’s a smart move—Iran sees that Israel is slowly choking from the pressure. Hundreds of thousands of essential Israeli farmers and citizens from the north have fled, many of them stating openly they will never return. Israel’s economy is in freefall, with its only port on the Red Sea, Eilat, has been in complete shut down for months with the port operator announcing the lay off of most of the workers.
On 7 July 2024, the port's CEO told told the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee that there had been no activity at the port in the past eight months, and he was requesting financial assistance. Later the CEO said "It must be acknowledged that the port is in a state of bankruptcy".

Analysis continues to be churned out heralding the end of the Israeli economy:
The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.

It’s difficult to guess the future without going overboard with recency bias, but as the article above states, many figures have now proclaimed that the age of Zionism itself has come to an end, and a slow outflow from Israel, a kind of anti-Aliyah, will continue to take place until Israel itself falls apart and dissolves.

I’ve professed before that I can see Israel’s end resembling that of former Rhodesia. The only saving grace might be if Trump wins the presidency and manages to “save” Israel by negotiating some settlement, which would then result in some of the radicals eventually being outed, then Israel would likely continue hobbling along for quite some time. But the country would be greatly weakened internationally, as the damage done to its image has gravely wounded Israel’s future prospects.

Furthermore, the rise of BRICS and the Global South in general means that Iran and other adversarial countries will continue gaining power and ascendancy while Israel’s allies are steadily weakened on the world stage. It was recently stated that even Saudi Arabia’s bin Salman was threatened with assassination due to talks of his reconciliation with Israel, showing that trends have turned against Israel in the region.

I’ve stated before that Netanyahu and Zelensky are two birds of a feather with the same desperate goals: they need to drag the US into a wider global war to save their regimes and their country. But what they don’t know is: they are doomed whether that happens or not. That’s because the US does not have the power to win a wider war against either adversary, and both Ukraine and Israel would be doomed to their fates, with US merely sacrificing itself in the process as well.

There’s good chance that by 2050-2075 Israel goes the way of Rhodesia, or at least won’t exist in its current form. The only thing that could save it, or at least buy it time, is the one thing its leadership would never allow: a two state solution.


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3071 on: August 26, 2024, 06:16:34 AM »
very demoralizing
but who do we believe?

and with Harris coming in with obamster crowd to stay firmly in place then, if this is true, Hamas will remain to do it all again. :x


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3072 on: August 26, 2024, 08:02:05 AM »
Simplicius is very much Russian propaganda.

His forte is the Ukraine War and he regularly puts together levels of military intel that intrigues friends of mine with whom I share it.

Do keep in mind his very purpose is to demoralize. 


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What’s in a Name?
« Reply #3074 on: August 27, 2024, 11:22:04 PM »
This poops on so many narratives, which is why you are not hearing about it:

It's actually not surprising that
 won’t say the name of the hostage the IDF rescued in a very dangerous but successful operation... I mean why would they want to publicize that the Israeli army put dozens of Jewish soldiers in mortal danger to rescue an Arab Muslim who was kidnapped by their favorite terrorist organization... it would destroy the narrative they’ve been working on for the last 11 months.
By the way, the name of the hero who survived Hamas captivity is Qaid Farhan al-Qadi.


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3075 on: August 28, 2024, 06:56:21 AM »
Res Ipsa Loquitor.


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors, hostages killed
« Reply #3077 on: September 01, 2024, 04:04:06 AM »

Hostages killed.

There goes your "ceasefire".


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"at least 40 Americans" killed on 10/07/2024
« Reply #3079 on: September 04, 2024, 06:24:54 AM »

Why is this NOT an act of war against the United States as well as Israel?

Don't we protect our own citizens around the world?  Or we simply cave to demands?


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Netanyahu press conference with (hostile foreign press
« Reply #3081 on: September 05, 2024, 08:43:19 AM »

Imagine our current American President (or acting President) having to do this.


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3082 on: September 05, 2024, 01:15:40 PM »
" Imagine our current American President (or acting President) having to do this."

you mean like Joe Biden did after Afghanistan?

like when he apologized for the loss of US citizens, the loss of friendly Afghanistans, and the loss of armory to the families of dead people or the US citizenry?

Biden and Harris could not even have the capacity to perform such a defense if policy,

Plus of course the MSM would not harass them like they do Netanyahu.

He looked really tired.
He, and I watching him, were very emotional during his first part of the conference.

All a coward like Biden could do is cover up and declare Afghanistan was a success , ignore press conferences and let the media explain it away then ignore it.

Harris is too much of light weight she couldn't explain it to start with.


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« Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 10:38:02 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Apollo Paging Perdition
« Reply #3087 on: September 17, 2024, 06:56:52 PM »
The best part is the surviving terrorists and their political masters now get to lose sleep over which deadly Israeli long games still remain to be sprung:

According to Officials briefed on the matter who spoke with the New York Times; the Thousands of Encrypted Pagers which Exploded today in Lebanon, resulting in Hundreds of Hezbollah Members to be Killed or Critically Injured, were Imported into Lebanon by the Taiwanese-Based Pager Company, Gold Apollo. With the Pagers having been Boobytrapped by Israeli Agents before reaching Lebanon, where roughly 1-2 Ounces of Explosive Material was placed next to the Device Battery, alongside a Trigger to allow Remote Detonation.

At 3:30PM earlier today, the Pagers received a Message that appeared to be coming from Senior Hezbollah Leadership, which then Activated the Explosive within the Device; with the Pagers being Programmed to “Beep” several times before Exploding.


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Israel’s Windfall Upon the Christmas Tree
« Reply #3088 on: September 17, 2024, 07:11:24 PM »
3rd post. I had not considered this angle:

Ben B@dejo

Israel will be mapping out injuries, hospital admissions, social media posts, electronic communications, news footage, and medical records, linking them all to people who had these pagers today. Forget the injuries and deaths; Israel just created a massive and growing trove of information about both known and previously unknown Hezbollah militants, as well as their supporters, partners, friends, family members, colleagues, workplaces, vehicles, and homes.

They just created an incredibly dense and *up-to-date* social graph of an entire terrorist network, across Lebanon as well as neighboring countries. It is incredible what they just did.

(Imagine being in a dark room with a massive Christmas tree in it. The tree has thousands of electric lights strewn all over it, but they’re unlit because the wall plug is not plugged into the wall socket.)
(Now, plug it in.)


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3089 on: September 17, 2024, 07:57:07 PM »
4th. A pager kaboom & hospital aftermath vid:


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3090 on: September 18, 2024, 06:40:33 AM »
Iran's ambassador to Lebanon injured in pager event.

Who could imagine some official from Iran near a Hezbollah's mafioso


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Means of terror communication in Lebanon
« Reply #3091 on: September 18, 2024, 08:16:08 AM »

Before ->

Recent ->

Future ->

 :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 08:17:52 AM by ccp »


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2nd Wave Involving Other Devices?
« Reply #3092 on: September 18, 2024, 08:39:47 AM »
Gotta love Israeli intelligence and their ability to run circles around their deep pocket putative American allies:

Hezbollah Communication Explosions in Lebanon ‼️
This is a developing story; the following details are subject to change as more information comes in:
- Backup communication devices (walkie-talkies) used by Hezbollah have started exploding across Lebanon.
Key facts:
1. Multiple individuals were wounded at a Hezbollah funeral.
2. The explosions are reported to be significantly larger than yesterday’s explosions.
3. Houses, cars, and motorcycles have also exploded.
4. Explosions have been reported in Beirut, the Beqaa Valley, and southern Lebanon.
5. Solar systems have been reported to explode as well.
6. Over 100 people have been wounded so far.
7. Three Hezbollah terrorists have been confirmed eliminated.


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Another Vid
« Reply #3093 on: September 18, 2024, 08:59:06 AM »
Second one is new to the list and appears to show an Israeli attacked device administering a radical vasectomy:

Edited to add: Hamas command and control will never be the same. They could try semaphores, but dimes to dollars the flags would start exploding, too.


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WH and US military dumbfounded
« Reply #3094 on: September 18, 2024, 09:23:03 AM »

and embarrassed.

no comment from Blinks, Biden, Harris , DOD, or other Dems so far....

They can't figure out the best ***political*** response.

Do they support this, commend it, condemn it, denounce it.

Duh  .....

 :roll: :wink:


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3096 on: September 18, 2024, 12:40:17 PM »
Iran's ambassador to Lebanon was among those hit by the pagers , , ,


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Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« Reply #3097 on: September 18, 2024, 12:56:33 PM »
Iran's ambassador to Lebanon was among those hit by the pagers , , ,

Well he's got nothing to do with terrorism in Israel, right?  :evil:


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pager walkie talkie attacks disarrayed
« Reply #3098 on: September 19, 2024, 08:38:04 AM »

AND Democrats

" While trying to assure folks that she i[kamala] is in favor of a ceasefire, as she did during an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) on Tuesday "

hmmmm !