And the McCain campaign's complaints now are puzzling, ACORN says, because two years ago McCain was the keynote speaker at an immigration reform rally ACORN co-sponsored in Miami. "In 2006," Kettenring said, "we were working together." either candidate will handle this once elected.
Inside ACORN
As Bob Dole once asked, “Where’s the outrage?”
funnel many hundreds of thousands of dollars to him pretending it was for "lighting".
Are NONE of them honest?!?
I don't think even Gov. Chris Christie is fat enough for there to be enough room.
Listening to opposition radio today I learned that Newt (allegedly) did not make the ballot in Virginia because of the new, tighter rules on voter registration. He submitted 12,500 signatures they said but 10,000 signatures of registered voters is required to make the ballot and he came up short. Same list 4 years ago would have been fine, but the rules changed. They were finding the irony quite enjoyable. (Unverified, I am unable to find a link.)
New Project Veritas vids: Say, Obama staffer, is it okay if I vote twice? surprising... some people will do anything to stay on the public tit.
In a strange set of coincidences, Pres. Obama lost in all states that require Voter ID.
The analogy seems logical enough to me. That a medicine was needed in the past does not mean it is needed now.
As far as Sections 2 and 5 go, I understand the argument to say that the special standards and remedies of one, applied to a particular region of the country, are no longer necessary or appropriate, and that should any problems ever arise, there is sufficient remedy in the other, which applies to the country as a whole.
The problem with Section 5 is precisely that it imposes different standards and intrudes more on the sovereignty of particular states with the assertion being that they no longer deserve this heightened scrutiny.
According to court documents obtained by Wonkette, conservative activist James O'Keefe has agreed to a $100,000 settlement in a lawsuit filed against him by Juan Carlos Vera, a former employee of ACORN. Vera filed the suit against O'Keefe in 2010, alleging O'Keefe had illegally taped their conversation at an ACORN office in California as part of his fraudulent "exposé" of the community activist group.
Vera was one of the ACORN employees portrayed in O'Keefe's videos as offering assistance in setting up a nonexistent child prostitution ring. After his encounter with O'Keefe, Vera contacted the police to report "possible human smuggling," unaware that he had been duped. Vera claims he lost his job as a result of O'Keefe's deception after the conservative's video of their encounter was posted on a Breitbart website.
According to the settlement documents obtained by Wonkette, O'Keefe has agreed to "pay Vera $100,000.00," and that "as part of this settlement O'Keefe states that at the time of the publication of the video of Juan Carlos Vera he was unaware of Vera's claims to have notified a police officer of the incident. O'Keefe regrets any pain suffered by Mr. Vera or his family."
After the ACORN prostitution hoax fell apart, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas group released a series of heavily edited undercover sting videos attempting to document voter fraud, most of which collapsed under scrutiny, sometimes spectacularly so.
Very pertinent responses GM, but the question remains as to why O'Keefe is coughing up $100,000.
I tried to look up if non citizens can vote or not. No succinct answer. I get this endless diatribe. So when Brock the Terrible gestures that illegals would have to get in the back of the line for citizenship (and learn English) that does not mean they wouldn't be able to vote for his party effective immediately. Brock the scheister doesn't tell us that.
I was disappointed to see a 7-2 decision penned by Scalia banning AZ from requiring proof of citizenship to vote on the basis of federal pre-emption.
I was disappointed to see a 7-2 decision penned by Scalia banning AZ from requiring proof of citizenship to vote on the basis of federal pre-emption.
E-mails Suggest Collusion Between FEC, IRS to Target Conservative Groups
Re: Dems looking to use voterregistrationfraud and amnesty for illegal aliens to turn red states blue.
Fixed it!
Rush reminded us he predicted the unemployment rate would magically dip below 8 well before the election. In fact I remember him saying this. I doubt that there was not one listener who did not agree with his prediction. I also doubt there was not one listener who also did not agree with his insinuation that the "books would be cooked" to achieve this "magical" number.
The MSM is silent.
"oh these are career government officials"
as though their integrity and honesty is above reproach.
Unfortunately there are no Nixon tapes of Obama and/or his henchman Axelrod to be discovered.
I guess only then could we speak of impeachment. Like the mafia. It is hard to connect the evidence to the masterminds pulling the strings.
What say we to this? crime.
Harry Reid used campaign funds to give granddaughter $17,000
Isn't that the same crime that sent James Traficant to prison? (A Democrat who ripped the Clinton administration ruthlessly in the 1990s.)
Harry Reid is still majority Leader.
While those fit here and are quite pertinent, please note from here forward we now have a thread dedicated to corruption.
second post
Would someone be so kind (BD are you out there?) as to give the argument for the electoral college?
"b. We are a union of states so the is in each contest in each state for who we want to empower as chief executive."
EXCELLENT soundbite!
Rep. John Conyers Jr., Longtime Lawmaker, Allowed on Ballot
Representative John Conyers Jr. narrowly escaped a political fiasco on Friday when a federal judge granted him a place on the November ballot, allowing him to survive a campaign misstep that left him hundreds of valid signatures short of the number required for his re-election petition.
Mr. Conyers, a Democrat who was first elected in 1964, found his place on the ballot at risk because his campaign failed to collect 1,000 valid signatures on petitions for re-election. What initially appeared to be a minor misstep quickly became a grievous error that threatened the career of one of the most senior members of Congress, who is a founder of the Congressional Black Caucus and the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee.
The voter ID laws harm key dem voting groups, like dead people, illegal aliens and multiple voters.
New Minneapolis law, landlords have to provide voter registration package to tenants and tenants have to sign for receiving them, thanks to our local, so called, DFL.
Yet if the tenant does not mow, shovel or put garbage in their can, the landlord is held accountable. The tenant is presumed to be not competent to be held as a responsible party.
I will give voting information to people who strike me as be well informed on all major issues. Otherwise, someone else can give it to them.
"Get out of jail free" cards being issued by Democrat party. Well not exactly but they are trying to free them all, and give them voting cards
"The real question is whether that same wealthy minority which is influencing bookie odds will also be able to manipulate the final Referendum outcome in less than 24 hours."
Yup. We will never know.
One can only imagine the fertile ground for fraud in nursing homes where there are many residents who are demented or are not otherwise engaged. I bet many of these vote. If it is a relative who is voting for them in a way they know they would have voted that is probably ok. But what about those who don't get visitors or visitors who help them vote?
I wonder how many absentee ballots come in from nursing home residents. I wonder how many are frauds.
Why would anyone think electronic voting is a good idea. For God's sake if the NSA can be hacked into there is no hope of security with voting.
Gee who could have guessed that digitalizing voting would allow put fraud on steroids or add rocket boosters to fraud and the risk of unlimited fraud and confusion:
I note that vote fraud is now only a issue because the dems fear it hurting them.Gee who could have guessed that digitalizing voting would allow put fraud on steroids or add rocket boosters to fraud and the risk of unlimited fraud and confusion:
voting started in some states.
On average over 1000 votes cast between now and what is supposed to be the Constitutional designated election day will turn out to be cast by North Carolinians who will die between now and then.
What fraud? Not one shred of evidence. Why is it always the DEms who do every thing possible to prevent any protocals in place to reduce risk of fraud.
You don't get them to the polls, you fill out absentee ballots. Just like how all the dead people in Chicago always vote. Absentee and democrat.
Quote of the Day II
"Diebold, one of the biggest manufacturers of computerized voting machines was until recently headed by a CEO who happened to be a vocal supporter of President Bush. Writing in the New York Times in 2003, Paul Krugman sought to blow the lid off: 'You don't have to believe in a central conspiracy to worry that partisans will take advantage of an insecure, unverifiable voting system to manipulate election results... The credibility of U.S. democracy may be at stake.' That theme was rolled out again this election season on left-wing blogs and in the print media. There was even an HBO documentary, 'Hacking Democracy,' which emphasized the danger of Diebold disenfranchisement. But then, just as the paranoia reached its peak, a funny thing happened: The Democrats won on Election Day. As suddenly as they had blared to life, the alarm bells fell silent. The critics paused for a moment, then burst out in a new refrain: The people have spoken! The realignment is here! Democracy works! And so the Diebold villain has retreated to the shadows for the next two years, at least" -- from an editorial in National Review.
You don't get them to the polls, you fill out absentee ballots. Just like how all the dead people in Chicago always vote. Absentee and democrat.
This is supremely true here in Mexico currently. They have a Facebook page dedicated to it in fact, where they expressly ask you to register yourself and anyone else you may know, in order to keep Trump from winning.
As of posting this, just one post on the Avaaz page has some 106,000 shares and they aren't the only page looking for voters. The fact that they ask you to register others is troubling. I am reading his entire thread, because in the end, to me, it is more important "who" counts the votes, but this should be noted. People are asking for people's names and addresses here in Mexico, in order to fill absentee ballots with their names.
It is a fact, that many of these voters cannot be identified or vetted thoroughly.
You really need to screen cap the below FB page and forward this to the Trump campaign, maybe drudgereport.comYou don't get them to the polls, you fill out absentee ballots. Just like how all the dead people in Chicago always vote. Absentee and democrat.
This is supremely true here in Mexico currently. They have a Facebook page dedicated to it in fact, where they expressly ask you to register yourself and anyone else you may know, in order to keep Trump from winning.
As of posting this, just one post on the Avaaz page has some 106,000 shares and they aren't the only page looking for voters. The fact that they ask you to register others is troubling. I am reading his entire thread, because in the end, to me, it is more important "who" counts the votes, but this should be noted. People are asking for people's names and addresses here in Mexico, in order to fill absentee ballots with their names.
It is a fact, that many of these voters cannot be identified or vetted thoroughly.
And people wonder why half the country is mad? And no it is not racism xenophobia or any other ism or phobia
Now Hillary continues to break the law. Nothing here folks move along:
Now Hillary continues to break the law. Nothing here folks move along:
I brought this up yesterday in one of my law classes.
Turns out, the only ones who can really punish Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc., when they have that much power and Congress refuses to prosecute, is the National Secretary of Defense or a General. We all obviously know where that would go, but when the entire snake is corrupt (and it is), that is one of only two remaining options.
I just thought I would bring that up.
Nice to see Phyllis Schlafly's sons carrying on her good work.
This is over my head, , , but sounds really scary. Can someone break this down for me?
short version:
13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote
"13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote"
That would certainly be more than enough to explain Trump's popular vote loss.
No rigging folks. Move along. Keep order here.
13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote
Just based off of Hillary's voters in California, where they get driver's licences, that translates to 712,681 votes (at 13% of the populace).
It more than underscores the fact that the Democrats are giving the United States away to people that will vote for them.
Time to send Dreamers home and fix the 14th amendment (IF one still cares about having a country)."13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote"
That would certainly be more than enough to explain Trump's popular vote loss.
No rigging folks. Move along. Keep order here.
Exactly my appraisal, bearing in mind, those are just the ones that admit to a crime.
Trump bought us time, but the cancer is far from remission.
13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote
A poll by John McLaughlin confirms again we may have a significant problem with noncitizens participating illegally in our elections. Based on a sample survey of 800 Hispanics in 2013, McLaughlin found that of foreign-born respondents who were registered voters, 13 percent admitted they were not United States citizens.
Rachel Maddow states that Donald Trump talked about rounding up and deporting more than 10,000,000 people at the 23:20 mark in her/MSNBC's election night coverage here:
Which means, that by democratic admission on total numbers of illegals in the country (because she didn't dispute the number, and in fact used it as a quote against Trump), that the article posted by Doug yesterday, having 13-25% (per the article) of noncitizens casting votes (noting that at times, they are only discovered by their own admission during Customs interviews):13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote
A poll by John McLaughlin confirms again we may have a significant problem with noncitizens participating illegally in our elections. Based on a sample survey of 800 Hispanics in 2013, McLaughlin found that of foreign-born respondents who were registered voters, 13 percent admitted they were not United States citizens.
This translates into untold numbers of fraudulent votes. Those are only the ones that admit to it. The number could be as high as 10,000,000. If there is no penalty, no danger of being discovered, and huge rewards awaiting, people who are prohibited from voting, could consider themselves foolish not to vote, especially when Barack Obama himself mentions it, if not encouraging it, (and I'm purposely citing SNOPES because of their liberal slant, in order to take away any defense of the matter):
Snopes: "The claim originates from an interview with Obama published on 3 November 2016, in which millennial actress Gina Rodriguez asked the president about a number of issues facing young Latinos. Many of the outrage posts were written around a video in which the majority of the president's response was edited out to give the misleading impression that Obama was urging undocumented immigrants to vote illegally.
In the full interview, it's clear Obama is urging Latino citizens to vote in order to give voice to members of their community who are precluded from doing so by lack of citizenship, not urging non-citizens to vote illegally. Rodriguez's question seems to be addressing a fear that voting will result in scrutiny on one's family which could result in deportation of undocumented relatives." End.
It is clear who Obama is addressing, per Snope's own admission.
The interview transcript:
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.
OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school...
RODRIGUEZ: Your entire community.
OBAMA: ... who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.
Obama could not have possibly been referring to a citizen having "fear" to vote, because it is clearly established by law that any citizen can vote, and he clearly states that:
"there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera."
Obama made it a point, to make that portion clear, when he didn't have to, because there is no legal reprobation for claiming a legal right available to any citizen. The only reason he could make an issue of investigatory practices, is solely to inform people that are legally prohibited from voting.
1.) It is clear that Obama encourages the practice from his own words:
2.) Non-citizens by their own admission and through existing authorities have both admitted to voting and been caught doing so.
3.) There are at least 10,000,000 non-citizens in the country. Other sources claim it to be as high as 13.7% of the total population of which:
a.)The term "foreign-born" includes naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, visa holders and undocumented immigrants.
b.) Making it clear, that it isn't just "undocumented" people that can vote illegally.
c.) USCIS themselves state that in the last decade, 6.6 million naturalized citizens were admitted and that roughly .6 million are admitted annually. - (curiously, in 2008, a key election year, more than a million were admitted - bottom of page)
4.) Based on USCIS statistics, US Census figures (Table 1.1 of the following link) and the article quoted above, there are 21,707,000 people pending citizenship (6.8% of the current US population of 318.9 million) as of 2005 , plus, an additional 10-15 million people that are not documented (4.7% at 15 million), making a full 11.5% of the total population (36,673,500 people).
5.) Total voter turnout in 2016 was 130,840,000, with 231,556,622 being eligible to vote (56.5% of eligible voters, voted) , which means that of eligible voters, the numbers from #4.) now represent 16.59% of documented aliens that don't have citizenship in regard to votes actually cast, and undocumented people in the country represent 11.464%, combining to make a total of 28.054% if total population of the US were counted as "cast ballots, and of which 28.054%, 13-25% admit to voting illegally, comprising 4,771,734 to 9,335,434 illegal votes cast,
NOTING: that though the percentages from USCIC constitute the total documented population number regardless of age, that owing to lack of voter registration laws, there is nothing stopping them from casting a ballot for everyone in their household.
ALSO NOTING: that the above numbers only reference people that admit to the practice of voting illegally, based on percentages.
ALSO NOTING: That many "Dreamer" children ln liberally, are very politically active, and are the children of people not permitted. It bears mentioning, that the children of immigrants who are naturalized citizens, ALSO vote Democratically.
1.) There is no inherent right to immigrate to the US, and the idea that there is, perpetuated largely by the Left, needs to be rectified.
2.) Voter ID laws need to be in place.
3.) ALL electronic voting machines need to be removed immediately, and replaced with paper ballots.
4.) ALL polling sites need to be monitored by both CAMERA and multiple, non-serving, citizen representatives from each party represented on the ballot.
5.) STIFF voter and electoral fraud prison sentences of 10 years or more need to be in place.
6.) Voter and electoral fraud investigative units cannot be made up of any politicians, lawyers, nor any businessman and must have civilian oversight.
7.) ALL undocumented individuals need to be deported without judicial representation, to their point of entry into the States, including any children born to them on US soil, and the 14th amendment rectified, to avoid people from cheating existing immigration laws that other legal immigrants sacrifice much in order to obey.
Very good work, DDF.
Very good work, DDF.Rachel Maddow states that Donald Trump talked about rounding up and deporting more than 10,000,000 people at the 23:20 mark in her/MSNBC's election night coverage here:
Which means, that by democratic admission on total numbers of illegals in the country (because she didn't dispute the number, and in fact used it as a quote against Trump), that the article posted by Doug yesterday, having 13-25% (per the article) of noncitizens casting votes (noting that at times, they are only discovered by their own admission during Customs interviews):13% of Illegal Aliens Admit They Vote
A poll by John McLaughlin confirms again we may have a significant problem with noncitizens participating illegally in our elections. Based on a sample survey of 800 Hispanics in 2013, McLaughlin found that of foreign-born respondents who were registered voters, 13 percent admitted they were not United States citizens.
This translates into untold numbers of fraudulent votes. Those are only the ones that admit to it. The number could be as high as 10,000,000. If there is no penalty, no danger of being discovered, and huge rewards awaiting, people who are prohibited from voting, could consider themselves foolish not to vote, especially when Barack Obama himself mentions it, if not encouraging it, (and I'm purposely citing SNOPES because of their liberal slant, in order to take away any defense of the matter):
Snopes: "The claim originates from an interview with Obama published on 3 November 2016, in which millennial actress Gina Rodriguez asked the president about a number of issues facing young Latinos. Many of the outrage posts were written around a video in which the majority of the president's response was edited out to give the misleading impression that Obama was urging undocumented immigrants to vote illegally.
In the full interview, it's clear Obama is urging Latino citizens to vote in order to give voice to members of their community who are precluded from doing so by lack of citizenship, not urging non-citizens to vote illegally. Rodriguez's question seems to be addressing a fear that voting will result in scrutiny on one's family which could result in deportation of undocumented relatives." End.
It is clear who Obama is addressing, per Snope's own admission.
The interview transcript:
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.
OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school...
RODRIGUEZ: Your entire community.
OBAMA: ... who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.
Obama could not have possibly been referring to a citizen having "fear" to vote, because it is clearly established by law that any citizen can vote, and he clearly states that:
"there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera."
Obama made it a point, to make that portion clear, when he didn't have to, because there is no legal reprobation for claiming a legal right available to any citizen. The only reason he could make an issue of investigatory practices, is solely to inform people that are legally prohibited from voting.
1.) It is clear that Obama encourages the practice from his own words:
2.) Non-citizens by their own admission and through existing authorities have both admitted to voting and been caught doing so.
3.) There are at least 10,000,000 non-citizens in the country. Other sources claim it to be as high as 13.7% of the total population of which:
a.)The term "foreign-born" includes naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, visa holders and undocumented immigrants.
b.) Making it clear, that it isn't just "undocumented" people that can vote illegally.
c.) USCIS themselves state that in the last decade, 6.6 million naturalized citizens were admitted and that roughly .6 million are admitted annually. - (curiously, in 2008, a key election year, more than a million were admitted - bottom of page)
4.) Based on USCIS statistics, US Census figures (Table 1.1 of the following link) and the article quoted above, there are 21,707,000 people pending citizenship (6.8% of the current US population of 318.9 million) as of 2005 , plus, an additional 10-15 million people that are not documented (4.7% at 15 million), making a full 11.5% of the total population (36,673,500 people).
5.) Total voter turnout in 2016 was 130,840,000, with 231,556,622 being eligible to vote (56.5% of eligible voters, voted) , which means that of eligible voters, the numbers from #4.) now represent 16.59% of documented aliens that don't have citizenship in regard to votes actually cast, and undocumented people in the country represent 11.464%, combining to make a total of 28.054% if total population of the US were counted as "cast ballots, and of which 28.054%, 13-25% admit to voting illegally, comprising 4,771,734 to 9,335,434 illegal votes cast,
NOTING: that though the percentages from USCIC constitute the total documented population number regardless of age, that owing to lack of voter registration laws, there is nothing stopping them from casting a ballot for everyone in their household.
ALSO NOTING: that the above numbers only reference people that admit to the practice of voting illegally, based on percentages.
ALSO NOTING: That many "Dreamer" children ln liberally, are very politically active, and are the children of people not permitted. It bears mentioning, that the children of immigrants who are naturalized citizens, ALSO vote Democratically.
1.) There is no inherent right to immigrate to the US, and the idea that there is, perpetuated largely by the Left, needs to be rectified.
2.) Voter ID laws need to be in place.
3.) ALL electronic voting machines need to be removed immediately, and replaced with paper ballots.
4.) ALL polling sites need to be monitored by both CAMERA and multiple, non-serving, citizen representatives from each party represented on the ballot.
5.) STIFF voter and electoral fraud prison sentences of 10 years or more need to be in place.
6.) Voter and electoral fraud investigative units cannot be made up of any politicians, lawyers, nor any businessman and must have civilian oversight.
7.) ALL undocumented individuals need to be deported without judicial representation, to their point of entry into the States, including any children born to them on US soil, and the 14th amendment rectified, to avoid people from cheating existing immigration laws that other legal immigrants sacrifice much in order to obey.
Even though I posted it, I'm not finding the 13℅ figure accurate or reliable, it could be higher. But for whoever did vote illegally, they risked that Trump would win and these crimes would be investigated and prosecuted. Illegal voting should come with a lifetime ban on future citizenship and legal voting. Maybe that will slow it down.
some how they keep finding votes in "Democratic Bastions" 4 days after the election.
very very strange:
Will votes in Mi Wis Oh and Pa suddenly appear ? too.
A FB poster comments:
"In other words: the Green Party wanted a copy of the county's election software so its computer experts could be sure the system had not been manipulated with virus-borne malware that could alter voters' intended choices." The Gr$$n party wanted a COPY OF THE SOFTWARE USED IN VOTING MACHINES?!?! Is this normal? I have been told time and time again by liberals there is no such thing as voter fraud, and now they want the software to check for evidence that doesn't exist? The democrats look more and more awesome by the day, can't wait for the bloodbath that will be their huge senate losses in 2018."
Is this a fair point?
from sparta news :
AFter the Jill Stein re count in Michigan found fraud in Detroit the Michigan house passed voter ID legislation. Let see if the MSM picks THIS up. :roll:
Well what are these allegations? That Putin hacked in to both DNC and RNC and only released DNC stuff?
What about the Clinton emails?
I have not heard any thing alleged that disputes the information released was not true though I few Dems are of course making such suggestions.
The concept that Russia may have selectively released information that exposes real corruption is one to ponder. Because if any of this is true then that basically is what they did.
They did the job our media refuses to do.
Would it have been ok if they just release information revealing corruption on both sides? Would it not be ok and allow the corruption to go silent?
Just wondering.
Maybe we should just do the same to Putin. Can we? Just release the truth.
Obviously in that this is Pravda on the Hudson, caveat lector
How a Putin Fan Overseas Pushed Pro-Trump Propaganda to Americans
Dowson, a far-right political activist, ran a constellation of websites out of the United Kingdom. Credit Rex Features, via Associated Press
The Patriot News Agency website popped up in July, soon after it became clear that Donald J. Trump would win the Republican presidential nomination, bearing a logo of a red, white and blue eagle and the motto “Built by patriots, for patriots.”
Tucked away on a corner of the site, next to links for Twitter and YouTube, is a link to another social media platform that most Americans have never heard of: VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook. It is a clue that Patriot News, like many sites that appeared out of nowhere and pumped out pro-Trump hoaxes tying his opponent Hillary Clinton to Satanism, pedophilia and other conspiracies, is actually run by foreigners based overseas.
But while most of those others seem be the work of young, apolitical opportunists cashing in on a conservative appetite for viral nonsense, operators of Patriot News had an explicitly partisan motivation: getting Mr. Trump elected.
Patriot News — whose postings were viewed and shared tens of thousands of times in the United States — is among a constellation of websites run out of the United Kingdom that are linked to James Dowson, a far-right political activist who advocated Britain’s exit from the European Union and is a fan of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. A vocal proponent of Christian nationalist, anti-immigrant movements in Europe, Mr. Dowson, 52, has spoken at a conference of far-right leaders in Russia and makes no secret of his hope that Mr. Trump will usher in an era of rapprochement with Mr. Putin.
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Bill Casey 17 hours ago
My mother, who is 72 years old and grew up in a time when you could trust what you read, joined Facebook this year. She was hesitant to vote...
Boston Comments 19 hours ago
Gawd, I can barely grasp at words after reading this superb piece of reportage. I'm old enough to remember the McCarthy era -- and although...
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Why am I not surprised this former "church minister in Northern Ireland," whose religious justifications for his actions are repeatedly...
His dabbling in the American presidential election adds an ideological element that has been largely missing from the still-emerging landscape of websites and Facebook pages that bombarded American voters with misinformation and propaganda. Far from the much-reported Macedonian teenagers running fake news factories solely for profit, Mr. Dowson made it his mission, according to messages posted on one of his sites, to “spread devastating anti-Clinton, pro-Trump memes and sound bites into sections of the population too disillusioned with politics to have taken any notice of conventional campaigning.”
An image from one of Mr. Dowson’s websites. He said his mission was to “spread devastating anti-Clinton, pro-Trump memes and sound bites.”
“Together, people like us helped change the course of history,” one message said, adding in another: “Every single one of you who forwarded even just one of our posts on social media contributed to the stunning victory for Trump, America and God.”
In a recent email interview from Belgrade, where he has met with Serbian nationalists, Mr. Dowson explained how his decision to establish an American social media presence was similar to the move into European markets by Breitbart News, the conservative provocateur media operation run by Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist.
“Simple truth is that after 40 years of the right having no voice because the media was owned by the enemy, we were FORCED to become incredibly good at alternative media in a way the left simply can’t grasp or handle,” Mr. Dowson said. “Bottom line is: BREXIT, TRUMP and much more to follow.”
While it is easy to overstate the influence of fringe elements whose overall numbers remain very small, the explosion of fake news and propaganda sites and their possible impact on the presidential election have ignited alarm across the American political spectrum. A recent study found that most people who read fabricated stories on Facebook — such as a widely circulated hoax about Pope Francis endorsing Mr. Trump — were inclined to believe them.
Then there is the added element of Russian meddling. The Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that Moscow put its thumb on the scale for Mr. Trump through the release of hacked Democratic emails, which provided fodder for many of the most pernicious false attacks on Mrs. Clinton on social media.
Some of those attacks found a home on Russian websites such as the one for Katehon, a right-wing Christian think tank aligned with Mr. Putin. Katehon recirculated anti-Clinton conspiracies under headlines like “Bloody Hillary: 5 Mysterious Murders Linked to Clinton.”
Another Russian site that urged support for Mr. Trump, called “Just Trump It,” is linked to the International Russian Conservative Forum, an annual gathering of far-right leaders in St. Petersburg that has featured Mr. Dowson, among others, as a speaker. The site, which seems mostly aimed at selling Trump T-shirts, was registered to an individual at a Russian company that trademarked a logo used to certify that merchandise was not made with migrant labor.
Some analysts see danger signs in the nexus of Russian interests and far-right agitators in Europe and the United States. Social media can amplify even the most obscure voices, giving them a stage from which to broadcast a distorted message to credulous audiences.
“These messages seep into the mainstream,” said Alina Polyakova, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a nonpartisan international affairs institute in Washington. “They may have been extreme or fringe at one point in time, but they have been incredibly influential in shaping people’s views about key geopolitical events in a very specific direction.”
Russia is particularly adept at playing this game, Ms. Polyakova said. “Moscow specifically encourages and facilitates” the spreading of propaganda through proxies, she said, as well as through events like the Russian conservative forum, which showcases views and narratives favored by the Putin government.
At the inaugural forum in March 2015, Mr. Dowson praised Mr. Putin as a strong defender of traditional values, while belittling President Obama and the United States itself as “feminized men.” In the email interview, Mr. Dowson said he was not supported by Russia in any way, and he accused critics of trying to tar conservatives as dupes of Moscow.
Mr. Dowson spoke in 2015 at the International Russian Conservative Forum, a gathering of far-right leaders in St. Petersburg. Credit Ruslan Shamukov/TASS, via Newscom
“I look on this rebirth of McCarthy-type anti-Russian hysteria by the LEFT as a hilarious reaction born out of the left’s inability to realize THEY elected Trump, not me, not the Russians, not even the right,” he said via email.
A colorful if somewhat enigmatic figure in Britain — The Times of London recently described him as “the invisible man of Britain’s far right” — Mr. Dowson, at first blush, would not be an obvious mouthpiece for Russia.
Formerly a church minister in Northern Ireland and the father of nine, he became involved in anti-abortion campaigns, joined the British National Party in the mid-2000s and, later, founded Britain First, a stridently anti-immigrant group opposed to what it called a creeping Islamic threat to traditional British values. He publicly split with the group in 2014 after some of its leaders started invading mosques and threatening Muslims, which he criticized as un-Christian and counterproductive.
While involved with Britain First, Mr. Dowson made deft use of social media and websites to promote its work and convey the impression of a mass following. A British watchdog group called Hope Not Hate, which has tracked Mr. Dowson’s online activities, concluded that he has “a rather canny knack for building up protest groups and movements on the basis that it was your Christian duty to follow his work.”
Mr. Dowson claims to have reached millions of Americans across all of his online platforms in the run-up to the November presidential election, a number that could not be verified, in part, because he would not confirm all of his sites. Online visits to Patriot News did not come close to that, although when combined with several other sites that appear to be connected to Mr. Dowson, the total number edges above a million; most viewers were in Britain.
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Whatever the precise numbers, there is little question that postings on the sites and Facebook pages linked to him were viewed and shared hundreds of thousands of times. Many of the postings appear to be lifted from other conspiracy websites, repackaged and launched back into the social media maelstrom. Another site that trafficked heavily in pro-Trump news was run by Knights Templar International, a militant religious group that Mr. Dowson is involved in, which has recently supported anti-immigrant militias patrolling border areas in Bulgaria and Hungary.
For Mr. Dowson, such activities are in keeping with his philosophy that traditional Christian values are under siege because of feckless leadership by America and European powers. The success of Mr. Trump, he said, is the logical result of voters’ rejection of the weakness of global elites.
Mr. Dowson has long been optimistic about the effectiveness of social media. During the 2015 conservative forum in Russia, he spoke presciently about the looming online battle for the attention of American voters.
“We have the ability to take a video from today and put it in half of every single household in the United States of America, where these people can for the first time learn the truth, because their own media tell lies, they tell lies about Russia,” Mr. Dowson said then.
“We have to use popular culture to reach into the living rooms of the youth of America, of Britain, France, Germany, and bring them in,” he said. “Then we can get them the message.”
Follow Mike McIntire on Twitter.
All true, but I'd like to suggest that we here need to keep our eye on the elephant in the room.
It seems likely the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, and maybe the Norks have penetrated our water, electric, transport grids to greater or lesser extents, and to extents unknown have penetrated our government.
Now the Russkis, using techniques they (including the KGB) have honed for decades, are now cyber-penetrating our domestic conversation and are spreading plausible sounding lies to their purpose. They are now confident enough to have brought this to bear on our electoral process itself.
No, it did not change the results THIS time, but it certainly plants the seeds for doubt NEXT time which will be turbocharged by the fact many Americans wonder about how close our new president envisions us working in alliance with them.
This is serious excrement.
Sorry, but as true as that rejoinder is, it still misses the bigger point. We are being penetrated. In a new and fundamental way. What are we going to do about it?
We need to know the arguments-- e.g. the slave holder argument and how to counter it.
By overwhelming majorities, Americans would prefer to elect the president by direct popular vote, not filtered through the antiquated mechanism of the Electoral College. They understand, on a gut level, the basic fairness of awarding the nation’s highest office on the same basis as every other elected office — to the person who gets the most votes.
But for now, the presidency is still decided by 538 electors. And on Monday, despite much talk in recent weeks about urging those electors to block Donald Trump from the White House, a majority did as expected and cast their ballots for him — a result Congress will ratify next month.
And so for the second time in 16 years, the candidate who lost the popular vote has won the presidency. Unlike 2000, it wasn’t even close. Hillary Clinton beat Mr. Trump by more than 2.8 million votes, or 2.1 percent of the electorate. That’s a wider margin than 10 winning candidates enjoyed and the biggest deficit for an incoming president since the 19th century.
Yes, Mr. Trump won under the rules, but the rules should change so that a presidential election reflects the will of Americans and promotes a more participatory democracy.
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The Electoral College, which is written into the Constitution, is more than just a vestige of the founding era; it is a living symbol of America’s original sin. When slavery was the law of the land, a direct popular vote would have disadvantaged the Southern states, with their large disenfranchised populations. Counting those men and women as three-fifths of a white person, as the Constitution originally did, gave the slave states more electoral votes.
Today the college, which allocates electors based on each state’s representation in Congress, tips the scales in favor of smaller states; a Wyoming resident’s vote counts 3.6 times as much as a Californian’s. And because almost all states use a winner-take-all system, the election ends up being fought in just a dozen or so “battleground” states, leaving tens of millions of Americans on the sidelines.
There is an elegant solution: The Constitution establishes the existence of electors, but leaves it up to states to tell them how to vote. Eleven states and the District of Columbia, representing 165 electoral votes, have already passed legislation to have their electors vote for the winner of the national popular vote. The agreement, known as the National Popular Vote interstate compact, would take effect once states representing a majority of electoral votes, currently 270, signed on. This would ensure that the national popular-vote winner would become president.
Conservative opponents of a direct vote say it would give an unfair edge to large, heavily Democratic cities and states. But why should the votes of Americans in California or New York count for less than those in Idaho or Texas? A direct popular vote would treat all Americans equally, no matter where they live — including, by the way, Republicans in San Francisco and Democrats in Corpus Christi, whose votes are currently worthless. The system as it now operates does a terrible job of representing the nation’s demographic and geographic diversity. Almost 138 million Americans went to the polls this year, but Mr. Trump secured his Electoral College victory thanks to fewer than 80,000 votes across three states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
This page opposed the Electoral College in 1936, and in more recent years as well. In 2004, President George W. Bush won the popular vote by more than three million, but he could have lost the Electoral College with a switch of fewer than 60,000 votes in Ohio.
Many Republicans have endorsed doing away with the Electoral College, including Mr. Trump himself, in 2012. Maybe that’s why he keeps claiming falsely that he won the popular vote, or why more than half of Republicans now seem to believe he did. For most reasonable people, it’s hard to understand why the loser of the popular vote should wind up running the country.
Another prediction.... Dems don't know it yet, but they've just slammed their hand in the door on voter ID, by accusing Russia of interfering in the elections. There will be legislation passed before 2020, that the Dems will want, that will only be passed by allowing the Conservatives to write in voter ID laws.
Another prediction.... Dems don't know it yet, but they've just slammed their hand in the door on voter ID, by accusing Russia of interfering in the elections. There will be legislation passed before 2020, that the Dems will want, that will only be passed by allowing the Conservatives to write in voter ID laws.
I hope you are correct. Usually the republicans never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
DDF welcome back.
too busy partying after Trump win? :-D
Typical liberal 30 something little creep stating Trump's claim is "debunked".
The LEFT has done everything they can to keep from being able to track who IS voting with denying voter IDs etc and then turns around and claims there is no fraud and no proof of it.
Anyone have anything on this?
and this poll was only Latinos. What about the millions of others who are here illegal or legally but are non citizens who may have registered to vote.
Anyone think there ain't people from Asia or Europe or Africa who are not voting illegally?
There seems no easy way to find this out or else it would be in the open
The Dems like it that way obviously.
second post
To speed up the shifting political power AWAY from the aging white population Kalifornia is proposing this now. NO other reason for it:
To keep his hands clean:
"Does that mean that Obama was purposely undermining legal requirements of sovereign state governments as well as the Union?"
Official policy of the dems.
Winston Churchill story (working from memory):
Woman: "If you were my husband I would poison your tea."
WC: "If you were my wife I would drink it."
There are three questions and three answers emerging in the convoluted Russian spy intelligence scandal web that has been woven:
1) Did the Russians hack/interfere/change the outcome of our election?
2) Did the Trump team play a part in that if it happened?
3) Did the Obama administration spy on the Trump team during the campaign?
As the information is coming in, the answers to that are looking like: no, no, and yes.
Dallas County Whistleblower Tapes Democrat Campaign Worker Describing Voter Fraud Schemes
Sean Trende wrote what I was thinking.
early voting provides some flexibility for voters, the evidence that it actually improves turnout is at best limited (with some evidence finding that it actually decreases turnout).
More importantly, to my mind, is that there’s something to be said for the idea of voters heading to the voting booth with the same information. While early voters tend to be more partisan – and hence less likely to change their votes in response to new information – there are incidents such as this that could do so (or in primaries, where candidates sometimes drop out before Election Day).
"I'm hoping that punching the MSM was what put him over the top."
Right, but it is the left that wants to keep opening the vote process and this had the potential of being a reason not to do that.
Punching reporters is a no no. Period.
"Holding Republicans to a different standard than Democrats is ..."
A fact. Something Republicans surrendered to long ago.
Facts are still unknown here, but the alleged behavior (unfairly) reflects badly on all Republicans.
I'm glad he won, but if convicted of a serious crime, maybe Montana Republicans can nominate someone else next year.
I like ccp's question:
"Why is a ***UK*** newspaper! guy running around Montana getting up in the face of a Republican candidate?"
As is widely known, 'reporters' try to make news, not report news. That sounds even worse when it is a foreign owned newspaper, trying to change the outcome rather than observe and report. Since this event may have helped the Republican, maybe Democrats will scream for a congressional inquiry and independent prosecutor to look into British interference into our elections!
I get all that AND for the sake of our integrity-- and our honor in the eyes of others-- we must forthrightly and without hesitation "They do it too" say this was wrong.
This could get real interesting! to the left, this is not a privacy concern:
Are there legit privacy issues here?
Are there legit privacy issues here?
second post
From my FB page in response to this:
Not sure Capoliticalreview read the part of the bill requiring the driver’s license holders be CA citizens eligible to vote in order to be registered. The driver licenses for noncitizens are restricted and clearly designated with "Federal Limits Apply" in big red letters signifying status. Those folks can't get registered as they are not eligible due to their status and the licenses they are issued. If someone comes into the DMV(per the bill) they get registered IF they are eligible to vote. Noncitizens are not eligible and their drivers licenses are clearly marked physically and in the computer systems. They cannot be registered. This story and the like seems to be a scare tactic to ruffle the feathers of republicans fearful of additional eligible Latino voters registering as opposed to an actual threat to democracy. I'm confident they know these facts and choose not to include them in their not so honest stories.
Marc Denny I'll readily agree Capolitical Review is not always a responsible source, but if I understand correctly, the point is that anyone can lie and declare themselves to be a citizen-- yes?
Erik Lilliedahl: Not from what I understand. You need to prove who are (16 yro and US citizen) via US birth certificate and SSN in order to get a US resident license the first time. Out of state DL holders use the previous state's DL. You don't have those forms of ID if you are a nonresident. Now you can still get a license in CA if your are a nonresident as we know. You still have to provide forms of identification proof but it doesn't give you resident status. That is a whole different discussion on the pros and cons of that. However, as it stands as a nonresident your DL is marked physically with a "Federal Limits Apply" and likewise in the system. Your DL is in another electronic bucket so to speak. These nonresidents cannot be registered to vote. The politicians know there is always human error so they included a provision in the bill. If you are registered to vote somehow and should not have been, through no fault of your own, and this eronious registration happened via the DMV system. You as an individual will not be held liable for the illegal action. However this shouldn't be able to happen with nonresidents as they cannot be registered. This would be a citizen with restrictions like a felon and what not. Are there going to be mistakes? Probably, but they will be far and few between and nowhere near the 800,000 numbers alarmists are mentioning. But be sure once a mistake happens capolitical and the like will be all over it.
Wow . This is terrible these darn crats are giving 'our' country away for their own f@#$% power! What is this?
Any merits to this?
What are the counter arguments?
I'm in a big FB debate and need help ASAP! :-D
Thank you CD and ccp. The information and the links were already in our threads. Maybe we can tell NYU Brennan Center where they can come to balance their research. [Maybe they don't want balance in their analysis.]
13% of illegals admit they vote. How many is too many? ONE.
Seriously, what do our opponents think is the acceptable amount of voter fraud? A few dozen, a few hundred, a few thousand votes? Elections don't need to be any more accurate than cell phone polls, internet polls? We accept error if it's in our favor? We don't want fraud stopped or investigated?
Remember that Dem Secretaries of State refused to cooperate in the federal voter accuracy investigation?
How dare they refuse to cooperate in the verification process and then tell us there is "very little fraud"!
this is nothing more then a variation of vote suppression that the left is always screaming about
A lot of implications here , , ,
working for me:
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Updating our policies: We're updating our policy to block ads from Pages that repeatedly share stories marked as false by third-party fact-checking organizations.
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Question :
how is it people can come up with the proper credentials for food stamps , medicaid, welfare , unemployment , but are incompetent to be able to drive down to the DMV or other location with proper ID to get a voter ID "
are low income people disenfranchised from benefits ? Never heard that assertion before
second post
Old and busted: Illegal aliens voting is a right wing myth!
New and fresh: A part of our core voter base!
Need help finding citations showing whether black participation in voting in the South now equals white participation either from this thread or elsewhere.
Turn out by year, by state, by race, but does not directly answer your question.
Haha, but what about the other points in the article?
This does not sit well with me , , ,
Why can we not catch them scurrying around gathering votes after the election? It is plainly obvious they are doing this.
There is no way to determine how many people voted who were not qualified . We know many did .
Could we simply follow their election people around and see what they are doing?
Or we need to infiltrate with spies . Too hard to do. and also we work at jobs . ........
"Again, a camera placed where the people sign in with footage saved for the entire statute of limitations. We need enough prosecutions to stop illegal voting, not just denial."
aren't some of these ballots mail ins?
or other written ballots that may not really be amenable to cameras ?
what a joke
who is this guy kidding
" POTH struggles with implications of Texas Sec. of State statement"
This time they don't ignore it. Instead fake news turns this somehow into a *voter suppression* spin.
working to game the electoral college :
" .Why would the Reps oppose this?"
just did search to find out but all I could find are LEftist sources . - NYT WP Salon Politico etc
nothing so far about it, from a source I trust,
Will keep a lookout.
update - I just did search trying to find an answer and page after page of leftist sources saying how McConnell is the creep who blocked this bill in Senate
I wonder if Google is manipulating the search!!!!
This is one way they affect opinion
no doubt their weasley little libs could do this.
So, WHY are the Reps voting against this bill?
no doubt there are already swing locations that have teams of Dem operatives ready
to harvest the "crops" of ballots.
Until they win.
Until they win.
How secure is mail-in balloting? The President continues to undermine it with his words, saying that it's, you know, not accurate –
Joe Scarborough. ‘Rigged.’
Mika Brzezinski. – that it's easily faulted by people and, you know, can be corrupted in some way, even though most of the people in his Administration have voted by mail, including him. And, in the interview with Chris Wallace, he did not confirm whether he would leave – whether he would accept the results of the election if he lost. What do you make of that?
Speaker Pelosi. Well, that's a loaded question there about coronavirus, what we do about it. But the fact is, whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving. Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn't mean we won't have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly-elected President of the United States and the – I just – you know, I'm second in line to the Presidency. Just last week I had my regular continuation of government briefing. This might interest you because I say to them, ‘This is never going to happen. God-willing it never will.’ But there is a process. It has nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House doesn't feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency.
It's not geography or location.
What if you are dead? VOTER SUPPRESSION!!!
51 million ballots sent to people who didn't request a ballot.
I don't know the criteria of this court. Show actual fraud when none is investigated and when these states refused to send their data to the Feds to be investigated? Are we looking for proven fraud specifically or just general bungling? Vote by mail has PLENTY of problems including the sending of ballots and invitations to vote to illegals, ineligible voters, the dead, and people who moved. We are sending out invitations to commit fraud and invalidate and de-legitimize our elections. This is unprecedented and everyone knows it, so why do we look for precedent? Where is the paper trail? Who witnesses the mailing the way an election judge witnesses your sign in to vote at the poll. What killed it for me was when they set fire to the Post Office on Lake Street in Minneapolis and watched it burn. How are THOSE ballots doing? Then they follow that by not allowing feds to protect federal buildings in other cities. This will be different? How? Why? The same people are still in charge, and for some reason all the fraud happens in Democrat-run districts.
A mask is good enough for a protest in favor of mail-in voting, but not good enough to vote.
What could go wrong?
A Mail-Voting Redo in New Jersey
Paterson will get a new election, but the stakes are higher in the Nov. 3 presidential race.
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 21, 2020 6:59 pm ET
New Jersey’s judiciary is calling an electoral mulligan. The state’s third-biggest city, Paterson, held a municipal election by mail in May, but the results fell into doubt after a startling percentage of the ballots were tossed out. Four men, including a city councilman and a councilman-elect, were charged with vote fraud.
On Wednesday a state court found that the election in the city’s third ward “was rife with mail in vote procedural violations,” and therefore it “was not the fair, free and full expression of the intent of the voters.” A redo will be held Nov. 3. “Of all ballots cast in the Third Ward City Council election,” Judge Ernest Caposela wrote, “24.29% were rejected.” By comparison, he said that in 31 municipal elections held the same day across New Jersey, the overall ballot-rejection rate was “only 9.6%.” For democratic legitimacy, that’s an alarming “only.”
At a Paterson apartment building, the U.S. Postal Service didn’t place blank ballots into individual mailboxes, the judge wrote. Instead “a substantial number” were “left in bulk in the foyer.”
Court filings cite people who said they didn’t vote, yet ballots were sent in under their names. About 200 ballots were found in a mailbox in Haledon, N.J., an adjacent town. Three voters, the local news said, strangely did not list their addresses as any local cemetery, despite their being dead.
On the fraud claims, Judge Caposela deferred to prosecutors. But New Jersey’s Attorney General has alleged that the indicted city councilmen obtained at least one unvoted ballot, which was then “delivered to the Board of Elections.”
Whenever Donald Trump brings up Paterson, Democrats say it’s proof that fraud in mail voting can be detected and policed. “I view that as a positive data point,” New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said last Sunday. “Some guys tried to screw around with the system. They got caught by law enforcement. They’ve been indicted. They’ll pay a price.”
That last bit might be true, thanks in part to New Jersey’s legal restrictions on ballot harvesting.
(MARC: I have been pounding the table on the matter of ballot harvesting!!!)
But Mr. Murphy is wrong to say that bad actors merely “tried to screw around with the system.” Although they were caught, they succeeded. An election has been invalidated, and Paterson will hold another vote.
For a city council, this isn’t the end of the world. But at the top of the Nov. 3 ballot, the stakes are higher. There aren’t do-overs for presidential elections. The answer is for state and local officials to stop blaming the post office and start implementing an election process that voters can trust.
1. Massive mail-in vote fraud.
2. Dems litigate to fight any attempts to discard fake votes.
3. Drag out election results though the end of Trump's term.
4. Acting President Pelosi/military coup
( could go wrong?
A Mail-Voting Redo in New Jersey
Paterson will get a new election, but the stakes are higher in the Nov. 3 presidential race.
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 21, 2020 6:59 pm ET
New Jersey’s judiciary is calling an electoral mulligan. The state’s third-biggest city, Paterson, held a municipal election by mail in May, but the results fell into doubt after a startling percentage of the ballots were tossed out. Four men, including a city councilman and a councilman-elect, were charged with vote fraud.
On Wednesday a state court found that the election in the city’s third ward “was rife with mail in vote procedural violations,” and therefore it “was not the fair, free and full expression of the intent of the voters.” A redo will be held Nov. 3. “Of all ballots cast in the Third Ward City Council election,” Judge Ernest Caposela wrote, “24.29% were rejected.” By comparison, he said that in 31 municipal elections held the same day across New Jersey, the overall ballot-rejection rate was “only 9.6%.” For democratic legitimacy, that’s an alarming “only.”
At a Paterson apartment building, the U.S. Postal Service didn’t place blank ballots into individual mailboxes, the judge wrote. Instead “a substantial number” were “left in bulk in the foyer.”
Court filings cite people who said they didn’t vote, yet ballots were sent in under their names. About 200 ballots were found in a mailbox in Haledon, N.J., an adjacent town. Three voters, the local news said, strangely did not list their addresses as any local cemetery, despite their being dead.
On the fraud claims, Judge Caposela deferred to prosecutors. But New Jersey’s Attorney General has alleged that the indicted city councilmen obtained at least one unvoted ballot, which was then “delivered to the Board of Elections.”
Whenever Donald Trump brings up Paterson, Democrats say it’s proof that fraud in mail voting can be detected and policed. “I view that as a positive data point,” New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said last Sunday. “Some guys tried to screw around with the system. They got caught by law enforcement. They’ve been indicted. They’ll pay a price.”
That last bit might be true, thanks in part to New Jersey’s legal restrictions on ballot harvesting.
(MARC: I have been pounding the table on the matter of ballot harvesting!!!)
But Mr. Murphy is wrong to say that bad actors merely “tried to screw around with the system.” Although they were caught, they succeeded. An election has been invalidated, and Paterson will hold another vote.
For a city council, this isn’t the end of the world. But at the top of the Nov. 3 ballot, the stakes are higher. There aren’t do-overs for presidential elections. The answer is for state and local officials to stop blaming the post office and start implementing an election process that voters can trust.
Pennsylvania has already suffered one interminable mail-vote delay in 2020, and a repeat in November could draw the entire country into a legal brawl, while putting the result of the presidential election into serious doubt. How about heading off this too-predictable debacle before it happens?
A week after the June 2 primary, about half the counties in the Keystone State were still tallying ballots. On June 11, Philadelphia alone had 42,255 votes uncounted. President Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 by 44,292.
If Mr. Trump and Joe Biden run neck and neck in November, how long might Pennsylvania keep the Electoral College hanging? In the campaign’s closing weeks, arriving mail votes will pile up in local offices, but state law says they can’t be processed until 7 a.m. on Election Day. This wasn’t enough preparation to give timely results when 1.5 million residents voted absentee in June, and it won’t be in November.
Tight deadlines are another problem. Pennsylvanians can request a mail ballot as late as 5 p.m. on Oct. 27. For votes to count, they must arrive at local election offices by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. That leaves seven days, including a Sunday, for applications to be handled, blank ballots delivered, and votes dropped off or return mailed. The U.S. Postal Service says such a turnaround is unrealistic and creates a high risk of tardiness. America’s first postmaster general, Ben Franklin, would be unhappy to see his Pennsylvania setting up the USPS for failure.
In some states, straggling ballots are valid if they’re postmarked by Election Day. Pennsylvania law has no similar provision, but Democrats are asking the state Supreme Court to conjure one. Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, wants to count votes arriving by Nov. 6. Pennsylvania also lacks a way for voters to fix ballots that are rejected for suspect signatures. This is a recipe for extended legal mischief and for judges to determine which votes are counted. With the state Supreme Court controlled by Democrats, that could be what Mr. Wolf has in mind.
The state Legislature, run by Republicans, is moving a bill with fixes. Under the House proposal, which passed 112-90 last week, the deadline to request mail ballots would jump to a comfortable 15 days before the election, as the USPS suggests. Absentee votes could be pre-processed beginning the Saturday before Nov. 3. Voters with suspect signatures would be given a chance to prove their identities.
Mr. Wolf plans to veto the bill “for a multitude of reasons,” his spokeswoman says. One objection is that it “seeks to eliminate the use of drop boxes.” True enough, although it would also authorize Pennsylvanians to drop off voted mail ballots at their polling places. Mr. Wolf wants a longer period of pre-processing for mail votes: three weeks, not three days.
The tragedy would be for Republicans to pass a bill, Mr. Wolf to veto it, and Pennsylvania to barrel toward a foreseeable crash. Maybe three days of pre-processing is too little, given the busyness of Nov. 1 and 2. Maybe three weeks is too much. Mr. Wolf’s office didn’t reply Thursday to a query on the potential for compromise. “We continue to be open to negotiations,” says a spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman, “and hope that the Governor would meet with Republican legislative leaders.”
The same should be happening beyond Harrisburg. About a dozen states, including Wisconsin and Michigan, don’t process ballots until Election Day. Minnesotans can request a mail ballot on Nov. 2. Smells like more lawsuits.
Some analysts in Washington are so alarmed about delayed presidential results that they’re calling to delay the date of the Electoral College vote, which can be changed with an act of Congress. Inauguration Day is fixed in the Constitution as Jan. 20.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio has a bill to bump the meeting of electors from Dec. 14 to Jan. 2. So Americans can spend Christmas wondering who their next President will be? There’s still time to avoid that outcome.
States shouldn’t be let off the hook. If Mr. Wolf and Pennsylvania’s legislators get together now to fix their shortsighted and potentially destructive election laws, and if other states follow, then with any luck Mr. Rubio’s bill will never be needed.
But on present trend, in a close presidential race, we are headed toward a vote-counting mess in which both sides claim victory. Don’t rule out furious supporters of the candidates battling in the street. If you think this isn’t possible in America, you haven’t been paying attention to this year’s “summer of love.”
cant read article without subscribing
but the headline I presume says it all
Three states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota — allow voters to switch their votes before Election Day.
- Business Insider
Operation Gaslight
Republican are just racist against dead people!
Operation Gaslight
same machines at center of glitches and "irregularities"
Ready for this:
Nancy Pelosi's former Chief of Staff:
if only the deep state would investigate this
I am 100% convinced they will actually find something
unlike they did with yrs etc looking for Russians under under every rock and up everyone's rear ends.
This is fine. Nothing to see here, move along.
Can't find anywhere except DJT tweet
is he pulling our legs?
Wow , , ,,%20&%20Staple%20Street%20letters.pdfArchive
Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats expressed concern over possible cheating in the election
This is a letter that was written a year ago by Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats.
They express concern that election machines might be rigged
Oops it disappeared from the wen.
Given the reality of intimidation of witnesses via doxxing and death threats, as well as the basics of litigation theory, I have no problem FOR THIS MOMENT in Rudy and Sydney keeping their best cards close to the vest.
That said, they have bet the farm on some big accusations and had best have some real substance to their hand when the time comes.
I've used up my freebies, would someone please paste the actual article?
I've used up my freebies, would someone please paste the actual article?
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Dec. 9, 2020
Texas’s Frivolous Lawsuit Seeks to Overturn Election in Four Other States
December 9, 2020 4:28 PM
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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton addresses reporters on the steps of the Supreme Court during a 2016 case in Washington, D.C., March 2, 2016. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
There is no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas’s lawsuit.
The first thing to notice about Texas’s desperation lawsuit, which seeks to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election, is what does not appear on the front page: the name of the state’s solicitor general, Kyle Hawkins.
The lawsuit is brought against four other states — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin — that have certified Joe Biden as the winner of their electoral votes. Thus, Texas attorney general Ken Paxton invokes the original jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court to hear disputes between states. Yet the brief is not signed by the lawyer who typically represents Texas before that nation’s highest court (as Solicitor General Hawkins did, for example, in the recent Obamacare case).
Plainly, this is because the complaint Paxton has filed is a political document that has no prospect of being taken seriously as a set of legal claims.
The Dumb Statistical Argument in Texas’s Election Lawsuit
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There is a lot to be said for Texas’s complaints as a political polemic. It is true that Democrats labor mightily to undermine election integrity. The only rational reason for that is to make it easier for legally unqualified people to cast ballots, and to cast in bulk — and under the influence of progressive activists — the ballots of people who would not otherwise have voted (and whose qualifications may be dubious). It is also true that mail-in voting on a massive scale, favored by Democrats, creates tremendous potential for fraud. This potential is inevitably realized in at least some fraud when coupled with other policies Democrats aggressively push — e.g., the weakening of identification, signature-verification, and witness requirements. It is also true that Democrat-dominated executive officials, courts, and bureaucracies presume broad authority to deviate from the terms of legislatively enacted election laws, under the guise of administering those laws.
All of these matters should be addressed by Congress, and by state lawmakers. Not a single one of them, however, gives the state of Texas standing to sue other states over the manner in which those states enforce (or refrain from enforcing) their laws.
This does not mean the flouting of election laws by officials in Pennsylvania and other states is not a serious issue. It means that if Texas wants to raise that issue, the Supreme Court is not the right forum. To repeat a point I’ve made before, the Court did not grant review of a case from Pennsylvania that it should have taken, involving a narrow, critical issue of constitutional law pertaining to elections, when that issue was raised by parties in the commonwealth who were directly affected. The justices are not going to have the slightest interest in entertaining a sprawling lawsuit brought by an unaffected third-party state — one that, if Texas got its way, would forevermore thrust the Supreme Court into the thick of electoral politics.
I doubt the Court will say anything other than that leave to file Texas’s complaint is denied. In the unlikely event of elaboration, the justices may convey that if Texas has a problem with the way other states administer elections, it should address that through the political process, including through Texas’s large and influential delegation of elected officials in Congress. Such a complaint is not the business of lawsuits . . . unless you’re ready for tomorrow’s lawsuit by, say, California and New York against Texas for trying to disenfranchise its citizens; or the countersuit by Pennsylvania et al. over Texas’s intrusion in affairs over which the Constitution recognizes their sovereignty, such as the manner of conducting elections.
If Texas’s theory is right, then every state now has standing to sue every other state over the latter’s administration of its own laws in connection with its own citizens if it can articulate some collateral consequence that may affect the allegedly injured state in some way. I have a hard time believing that the “Don’t Mess with Texas” State will want to live in the world that its attorney general proposes to create.
In point of fact, every claim raised in Texas’s complaint has already been rejected by other courts; in particular, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (in two cases, here and here) and the federal district court in Pennsylvania (here).
Texas’s principal claim, for example, is that by administering the election in a way that deviated from their states’ laws, election officials in the defendant states usurped the authority of their state legislatures, in violation of the Constitution’s Electors Clause (Art. II, Sec. 1, Cl. 2). The Third Circuit has explained that not even the citizens of the states where this happened nor candidates for office have standing to press such a claim. How on earth would a different, comparatively unaffected state have standing? Not surprisingly, the rambling discussion of standing principles in Paxton’s brief cites no case holding that a state has standing to challenge another state’s administration of an election.
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Texas further claims, on a Bush v. Gore theory, that its citizens’ equal-protection rights have been trampled by the four defendant states’ alleged counting of ballots submitted by unqualified voters. But our Constitution does not provide for a national election — much to the chagrin of blue states that would like to eradicate the Electoral College. We have state elections for president. To the extent that the citizens of Texas have a right to vote, it is given to them not by the Constitution but by their state legislature, and it is a right to vote for a candidate to be awarded Texas’s electoral votes, not those of other states.
Furthermore, the “diminished weight” theory of equal protection (i.e., that counting illegal votes disenfranchises lawful voters) has repeatedly been rejected when posited by citizens within the state where the unlawful voting takes place; the theory is even weaker across state lines. As the Third Circuit has emphasized, “Bush v. Gore does not federalize every jot and tittle of state election law.”
Texas’s substantive due-process claim may be even more fatuous. To repeat, even the citizens of a state where election-law violations allegedly occurred do not have a general, judicially enforceable right to force election officials to comply with state law. They must show a concrete, particularized, non-speculative injury. Even less do states have a right to make other states comply with the latter’s own laws. Texas has no standing to sue, say, Michigan over the failure of Michigan officials to comply with Michigan law, to the alleged detriment of Michigan’s citizens.
Finally, in its proposed lawsuit, Texas does exactly what the Third Circuit, in Trump for President v. Secretary, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, recently said a litigant may not do. It waited until the eleventh hour to file (beyond that, actually — the complaint was not submitted until after midnight on the federal safe-harbor day). It pleads conclusory allegations (including some, such as mentions of Dominion software, that are plainly included for atmospheric effect, unconnected to any claim for relief). It posits claims that have already been litigated and lost by parties that, unlike Texas, had some cognizable interests. And it seeks unprecedented, drastic relief — the undoing of other states’ elections and disenfranchisement of their citizens; the invocation of the Court’s purported “remedial authority” to order a new “special” election in those states; the vacating of the certification of electors by those states, and the barring of those states from voting in the Electoral College — without citing any case in which the courts have found such breathtaking authority to exist, much less exercised it.
Already under indictment for securities fraud, Attorney General Paxton is currently caught up in yet another corruption investigation — one that has roiled his office. Now, he has filed a lawsuit so frivolous and so blatantly political that the top appellate lawyers in his office evidently declined to endorse it. To be clear, though, this does not mean questions about election-law improprieties are frivolous.
Federal law provides a procedure under which, on January 6, Congress will convene to count the electoral votes. If Texas’s elected representatives, or those of any other state, object to the counting any state’s electoral votes, Congress will hear, debate, and vote on those objections at that point — mindful of what such disputes may portend for comity between the states. There is, however, no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas’s lawsuit. There is also no way, I suspect, that Paxton doesn’t know that.
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ANDREW C. MCCARTHY is a senior fellow at National Review Institute, an NR contributing editor, and author of BALL OF COLLUSION: THE PLOT TO RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY. @andrewcmccarthy
Honorable Dem asks: The Reps lost every (over 50?) lawsuit. So how can you say there was vote fraud and that Trump won?
How to answer concisely?
Honorable Dem asks: The Reps lost every (over 50?) lawsuit. So how can you say there was vote fraud and that Trump won?
How to answer concisely?
Has there been an actual trial on the merits where they have lost? Or just endless bullshit technicalities so the evidence is never seen by a jury?
How do they answer the one in a quadrillion question - where the vote count in 4 cities flipped the entire election in 3 hours in demographics where Trump otherwise increased his vote share everywhere else and even in these cities during all other hours of vote counting?
As Al Michaels asked, "Do you believe in miracles?"
I don't, not during overnight, unobserved vote counting in Democrat run cities that come up with enough votes to flip the nation.
Where is the broken water main?
Did this follow or violate the laws established by the state legislatures?
I think it's the courts who believe they lack standing. Apparently this must be settled by the state legislatures.
Can you be honorable and be comfortable with winning by cheating?
The constitution provides a second method to select the President when the first path fails. Take it.
( do they answer the one in a quadrillion question - where the vote count in 4 cities flipped the entire election in 3 hours in demographics where Trump otherwise increased his vote share everywhere else and even in these cities during all other hours of vote counting?
As Al Michaels asked, "Do you believe in miracles?"
I don't, not during overnight, unobserved vote counting in Democrat run cities that come up with enough votes to flip the nation.
Where is the broken water main?
Did this follow or violate the laws established by the state legislatures?
I think it's the courts who believe they lack standing. Apparently this must be settled by the state legislatures.
Can you be honorable and be comfortable with winning by cheating?
The constitution provides a second method to select the President when the first path fails. Take it.
Please give the URLs when posting memes so I can post them elsewhere.
I appreciate the correction, don't like to telegraph my ignorance.
It seems that it was the legislatures that had to fix this, or the legislatures that had to bring the action to court. If you want the court to declare that a massive conspiracy crime took place, your evidence should be the arrest and conviction records of the people who did it. That is not possible in a one month time frame - with no one of legal authority investigating it.
Separate from judicial rulings and the impending inauguration, the questions remain, did Biden get more legal votes in these swing states? Will we ever know what happened? Will it always be partisan facts, one side believes this, the other side believes the opposite? If it was stolen, will those responsible face justice? Will system failures be addressed to keep it from happening again?
we on this board saw this coming
we read how the laws were being changed in many states
and how it was always in ways favorable to Dems
we watched while we read reports of how Biden team hired hundreds of lawyers to go each state
along with probably thousands of other on standby to run to local courthouses STAT
we watched as we read reports the dems were unleashing unprecedented ballot collections
as some reports of people who admit scamming the system
going door to door and from nursing home to nursing home
and we see EVERY Goddamn election in the urban minority areas they running around bringing in ballots by the 10s of thousands at the end of elections to overcome deficits
mailing out millions of ballots
reports of phony ballots from overseas
reports of the dominion machines being used in countries like Venezuela
and being ripe for fraud and Texas refusing to use them for obvious conflicts of interests and that they could be rigged and hacked
I think we all sat here and watched it being set up for the election to be stolen
the media played their part in the giant scam and set it up by claiming Joe Gaffe was so far ahead, Trump would without question be a sore loser and selfish and called this a "threat to democracy" etc.
claim fraud and never leave the White House
***instead of Republicans fighting back
we see Republican legislatures taking their breaks sitting on their God damn asses and doing nothing to stop the election officials, and even agreed with them to go ahead change all these rules
AGAIN we were fucked by our own people doing jack -
we all did our part and went out like we were supposed to and voted !
Trump was out there in advance saying the obvious
and the rest of the Repubs
are too stupid
or worse, getting moneys from the billionaires and China
We need to continue to prove this election was stolen
but once Biden gets in there everything will be wiped
and at best we will wind up with Jeb and Whitman and Christie all of whom will not go the hell away
I am steaming now
same Republican losers every time
then I go back to news
and ABC I read this:
no outrage the election was stolen just outrage Trump is the only one who fights back - from a Republican!:
Ask nicely for evidence? How about unannounced SWAT teams at dawn with guns drawn like they do with innocent Trump associates.
I don't have the citation handy, but regarding this:
Apparently the Justices have been meeting only by Zoom.
As I said above, "Thinly sourced".
I don't have the citation handy, but regarding this:
Apparently the Justices have been meeting only by Zoom.
As I said above, "Thinly sourced".
Zoom is asshoe!
Zoom? The app that routes things through Chinese servers?
Not relevant to the point that the source purported to be a clerk to a Justice who overheard them in a room.
As previously stated: "I don't have the citation handy"
Why did the Trump Administration distance itself from her?
Agreed that some on our side have engaged in bombastic BS. Very counter-productive!
so many numbers
so many estimates
and no "proof"
it 79 K enough to turn election in Michigan or Pa?
I no longer have confidence in Sidney Powell, but given all the lying and censorship all around thought she deserved to have her elevator pitch version of things to Rush deserved an airing.
And you take this guy seriously GM?
And you take this guy seriously GM?
A lot of damage to our cause with this sort of excrement. Our legit claims are painted with this brush.
Steven F. Hayward (twitter)
Dec 30, 2020
Starting to think Lin Wood is a double agent planted to discredit any reasonable doubts about the vote count.
From Vox (Official website of below average IQ leftists): :-P :-P
We really aren't too far from this:
GA had two recounts without signature verification. Now I am hearing it asserted that after the recounts there was a signature verification that showed everything was fine. True or false?
got to preserve democracy!
got to preserve democracy!
"The FBI demanded that they had jurisdiction of the review of ballots in Georgia. Then yesterday the FBI took control of the shredding truck and materials and demanded the shredding operation be completed."
I thought the point of the failed federal legal challenges was that these election are state run.
I have to admit after watching and reading the subtitles
I cannot say with any degree of certainty
that these polls workers are talking about falsifying ballots
they might be .
I can't tell . Am I missing something ?
They're crooked.
Does this mean an end to this issue for GA?
Does this mean an end to this issue for GA?
That's a start. Let's hunt down and prosecute every incident of vote fraud after every election. The investigation is the deterrent.
I still think election was stolen
I still think election was stolen
the whole thing was rigged in favor or Dems
I still think election was stolen
the whole thing was rigged in favor or Dems
I would like to think he is honest
but who knows any more
I think fraud was committed
but no one is able to prove it
and few are even letting anyone research it.
so worse case Bill Barr is lying
best case he is being snookered
another case
he doesn't have enough evidence so he is just saying from lawyers perspective - it is over
should he have demanded FBI to seize the machines
could he
I don't know
I would like to think he is honest
but who knows any more
I think fraud was committed
but no one is able to prove it
and few are even letting anyone research it.
so worse case Bill Barr is lying
best case he is being snookered
another case
he doesn't have enough evidence so he is just saying from lawyers perspective - it is over
should he have demanded FBI to seize the machines
could he
I don't know
Remember he thinks Epstein killed himself.
I would like to think he is honest
but who knows any more
I think fraud was committed
but no one is able to prove it
and few are even letting anyone research it.
so worse case Bill Barr is lying
best case he is being snookered
another case
he doesn't have enough evidence so he is just saying from lawyers perspective - it is over
should he have demanded FBI to seize the machines
could he
I don't know
Remember he thinks Epstein killed himself.
I would like to think he is honest
but who knows any more
I think fraud was committed
but no one is able to prove it
and few are even letting anyone research it.
so worse case Bill Barr is lying
best case he is being snookered
another case
he doesn't have enough evidence so he is just saying from lawyers perspective - it is over
should he have demanded FBI to seize the machines
could he
I don't know
Remember he thinks Epstein killed himself.
He acted with great courage earlier. Less or none now. We may never know what changed. If there was not evidence of vote fraud, give us real information to back that up. We might have avoided all the unrest and uncertainty now.
"he doesn't have enough evidence so he is just saying from lawyers perspective"
- Yes, top staff is likely saying this and he doesn't have evidence to override their official advice. To do so on behalf of Trump would be "political". Same for McConnell and Liz Cheney staff. If no investigation is ever done, they will never be proven wrong.
after we have a complete battleground state independent non partisan audit
by people who are both not partisan AND don't have some sort of direct skin in the audit
such as election officials or work for or get paid by directly or indirectly
Diminion .
Why is that so hard?
Oh no, the voter rolls in Michigan were wrong and no one knew. 177,000 bad names purged Jan 2021 AFTER the election and certification.
[That's more than the margin of so-called victory.]
quote author=ccp
" Illegal aliens obviously do not have the right to vote, yet they still afford Democrats a sizable opportunity for greater political power if they count toward a district’s population."
- Right. They are counted in the Census, use the schools and healthcare, receive payments, and some do vote.
"Let us not forget that all their children (millions of anchor babies) thanks to the 14th amendment one reason why Dems want to lower voting age to 16"
- Dems say follow the science. The latest science says the human brain is fully developed by age 26. Let's change the voting age accordingly.
Could someone post the actual content of the article please?
Some actual proper journalism in that article.
Thanks for pasting it here for us.
"Its conclusions were troubling: 4,592 out of the 72,491 mail-in ballots lacked envelopes—6.33% of all votes. Without an officially printed envelope with registration information, a voter’s signature, and a postmark indicating whether it was cast on time, election officials cannot verify that a ballot is legitimate. It is against the law to count such votes."
"One auditor asserted that of 28 envelopes reviewed from the same address, a nursing home, all 28 signatures looked “exactly the same” stylistically."
- I would like to see the story interrupted there with a story about the resulting prosecutions and prison time. Vote fraud like bank fraud and armed robbery etc. are things that otherwise law abiding citizens shouldn't be dabbling in.
"Extrapolating from the sub-sample, that would make more than 5,000 of Missoula County’s votes—roughly 7%—with unexplained irregularities."
- To my Dem friends and family, what is the right amount of vote and irregularities? How much is acceptable? The right answer is zero, none, nada.
"The county elections office did not provide access to video footage it claimed to have recorded of vote-counting activities."
- Did these people lose their job and public retirement benefits? Getting this stopped is not rocket science. It simply requires the desire to get this stopped.
"This article was written by John R. Lott Jr. for RealClearInvestigations."
- Thank God someone is looking into this.
A generally friendly source not enthused , , ,
if this fails to find fraud then I will feel better about outright theft
though, nonetheless will still bear witness that the election rules
were clearly manipulated always in Dems favor
I will still have doubts in PA and GA and Michigan ......
this will not change the fact that Biden is president
not clear when this was discovered
don't believe we heard this till now
DOJ will get right on it I am sure
I located a Pfizer vaccine location yesterday and drove to a suburban Walmart. I got the vaccine free with almost no waiting. All I had to do was answer some easy yes/no health questions and give them two forms of identification, drivers license and health insurance card - to make "writing the information down easier".
Strange that I post this in the vote fraud thread? Wouldn't showing two forms of ID (one form?) also help poll workers verify your name, address, etc. as well?
She did not say we "require" two forms of ID and I thought of not doing that, but when you walk into a health clinic, an airport, a liquor store, rent a car, renew your vehicle license tabs, get pulled over by a police officer, and on and on and on, you expect to be asked for identification. But not to vote?? And it is "The Big Lie" to think there may be fraud in a heated contest conducted on the honor system? Good grief.
". “Two Fulton County deputies who were assigned to watch the secure building where the ballots were being kept appear to have left the building 20 minutes before the alarm went off,” Robinson said on Twitter."
of course
they should be fired and have all their accounts reviewed as well as family
watched for 10 yrs looking for the payoff
". “Two Fulton County deputies who were assigned to watch the secure building where the ballots were being kept appear to have left the building 20 minutes before the alarm went off,” Robinson said on Twitter."
of course
they should be fired and have all their accounts reviewed as well as family
watched for 10 yrs looking for the payoff
We have all these uninvestigated micro-conspiracy allegations without full evidence of the big Kracken. We needed, for one thing, a James O'Keefe embedded in the middle of it. Absent that, we need legal grounds to do as suggested, conduct a Mueller report level inquiry into the communications of every shady character in the chain.
There isn't going to be one smoking gun or an inauguration reversed, but there needs to be enough hard evidence to otherwise overturn the outcome in at least one of the states to make history mark the final electoral count with an asterisk. Otherwise, "The Big Lie" narrative stands forever and future fraud will be that much harder to stop.
Total fantasy.
You aren't voting or investigating your way out of this.
Total fantasy.
You aren't voting or investigating your way out of this.
I think of G M as a lot like Churchill, but on this question of giving up and giving in, I'll take Churchill:
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and
growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the
beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight
in the hills; we shall never surrender.
- So end the investigations?
"The last box is the only box that matters now."
- Please explain.
"We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box".
"You aren't voting or investigating your way out of this."
- Voting (and investigations) got us into this mess.
I don't buy the idea that Republican run states can't slow mass fraud down enough to conduct a fair election in their state. Republicans control 31 state legislatures including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina. Democrats control 19, mostly not swing states. Most of this could be cleaned up without help from a single Democrat. Can't clean it up without knowing what happened. Must investigate. For the honest citizenry, we must push them to investigate and to tighten election security, and never stop pushing until they do it.
What is the other plan? Concede the federal government to the Left, cf. Chavez, Maduro. Retreat to red areas and try to hold off the federal powers they gain full control over, IRS, FBI, ATF, NSA, US Military, from there?
How does that work?
- So end the investigations?
"The last box is the only box that matters now."
- Please explain.
"We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box".
"You aren't voting or investigating your way out of this."
- Voting (and investigations) got us into this mess.
I don't buy the idea that Republican run states can't slow mass fraud down enough to conduct a fair election in their state. Republicans control 31 state legislatures including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina. Democrats control 19, mostly not swing states. Most of this could be cleaned up without help from a single Democrat. Can't clean it up without knowing what happened. Must investigate. For the honest citizenry, we must push them to investigate and to tighten election security, and never stop pushing until they do it.
What is the other plan? Concede the federal government to the Left, cf. Chavez, Maduro. Retreat to red areas and try to hold off the federal powers they gain full control over, IRS, FBI, ATF, NSA, US Military, from there?
How does that work?
The left has total operational control of the feral government. They did, even when Trump was the duly elected president.
and this my friends , as we all know , is why Abrams and crew are fighting voting integrity so hard:
Tucker read most of on the air last night. Extremely eloquent!!!
All I have is the Western Journal citation.
No surprise that the Pravdas are not covering this.
can someone help me out
I am not clear what this is exactly saying
the machines cannot be used in future elections because they are "tampered" with
The notion is that a third party getting into the machine to audit it can also mess with it and therefore once it is audited the BOE can no longer verify that it has not been fuct with.
I don't see any Lundell article
on the post above?
Unleash the Kraken :roll:
We badly want this to be true, so let us read with care and look for additional sources.
We badly want this to be true, so let us read with care and look for additional sources.
It blatantly happened right in front of us. There is zero doubt.
Is it sinking in yet?
Is it sinking in yet?
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems. Come to me with solutions.
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems. Come to me with solutions.We all know the solution.
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems. Come to me with solutions.We all know the solution.
Boycott elections forever because of what happened in 2020, arm and retreat to safe areas?
I think we have more agreement on the problems than we do on the solutions.
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems. Come to me with solutions.We all know the solution.
Boycott elections forever because of what happened in 2020, arm and retreat to safe areas?
I think we have more agreement on the problems than we do on the solutions.
Safety in numbers. Learn from history. We are the Neo-Kulaks. The left has plans for us. Best be ready to avoid those plans.
That said, IMHO, the current election and the 2022 and 2024 elections matter. Also constitutionality matters.
Biden and Congress don't have jurisdiction over state legislatures in elections, nor do liberal cities. Democrats control the state legislatures in only 18 out of 50 states including none of the key (alleged) cheating states. How is election integrity not repairable with enough will, and why don't we ALWAYS have a clear majority in the Senate? Maybe Hershel Walker and a few others can run with that ball. (Elections matter.)
I get it that Supreme Court justices are often constitutionally conservative in name or origin only but we won the right to pick 6 of 9 by winning elections.
If we could win some (more) elections, maybe we could re-draw some lines before the inevitable(?) split up. Minnesota is a red state outside the Twin Cities. Illinois is a red state outside the Chicago metro. California is a red state away from the coast. Colorado is a red state outside the front range, etc. Splitting the country by county doesn't fix it either. I live in a county larger than 8 states in population and economy. I own a prime piece; why do I have to retreat and regroup? What about families divided?
Our main problem (IMHO) isn't that Leftist extremists are extremely Left. Our problem is failure to govern when we do win elections, and failure to persuade our own friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, etc. that Leftist extremism is bad.
Right. Running honest elections requires more than merely showing up to vote, as does holding elected officials accountable.
Right. Running honest elections requires more than merely showing up to vote, as does holding elected officials accountable.
How are you going to hold Keith "Jihad" Ellison accountable?
They have a 30 point advantage. Why cheat?
Why not fight to improve things everywhere we can.
"We need people to infiltrate behind enemy lines, find wrongdoing and capture real evidence."
That's been done. And it meant nothing.
Did anyone get arrested for this, Doug? Prosecuted?
Well, at Ilhan Omar lost her citizenship and was removed from office for immigration fraud, right?
From Calif Larry Elder thread, putting this here.
Doug: "I alone cannot [stop vote fraud]. 100 million people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud."
G M: "100 million ARMED people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud."
Doug: How?
G M:The left doesn't respect the rule of law. They will learn to respect the rule of .308/556.
I will be for a few days. My question remains, seriously, how? My state is a shall issue state. I can carry and know people who do. But if I pull out my hypothetical weapon while they are lying, cheating and stealing, and/or use it to stop vote fraud we can't even find, I will be arrested and disarmed. If 100 million did that to 'win' the election, we become them and my views wouldn't prevail in the new order anyway.
All I'm saying is, it's not an either-or. We have to fight way better in the battle of ideas, compete more effectively in elections and use those victories to work toward real elections, AND we have to prepare for the worst because the downward spiral you describe is happening in front of eyes.
Your right to own and carry, and to seek out a red county in a red state where you might keep that right, comes from a war and a constitution, but also from elections people pulled together and won for us.
At present, opposition run the country at the Executive and Legislative federal level, all within reach of winning back, and we have been winning state legislatures and have some pretty good Justices on the Supreme Court, which if both performed well I think could bring the election process back much closer to fair and based on rule of law.
Yes we must "voat harder" - AND not tolerate breaks in the rule of law.
Yes, letting them win let's them control the process. Stop them everywhere you can.
"NYC wants to give vote to legal non-citizens"
The next discriminated group that the Dems will yell and scream about are *non* citizens
they will be fighting for their rights!
at this point may as well get rid of the whole concept of citizenship
I am not sure what benefits citizens have over non citizens anymore
Readers' Digest:
"in short, statehood for D.C. would directly contradict the Constitution."
Article 1, Section 8 in particular:
“[The Congress shall have Power] To exercise exclusive Legislation…over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may…become the Seat of the Government of the United States.” The article also stated that this 100-mile district would come from land ceded by the states so that the new seat of government would be independent of any state.
This means change only by amendment, not by unconstitutional legislation like "HR-51.
[Doug] The District of Columbia could be redefined to include only government properties and not residential. The residential areas effected could make agreement with an adjacent state if they want 'statehood' and Senate representation. Even someone from Rhode Island would not think statehood for an area so small. What are their industries, government and what else? The only people thinking statehood are the same traitors who leave our border open, let anyone vote and game the system every other way they can think of. That won't win the 38 states they need to amend the constitution.
26 demented or otherwise incapacitated voters decided to vote
anyone care to guess who the votes were for
(not mentioned, of course ).
"“Our election system is secure, and today’s charges demonstrate that in the rare circumstances when fraud occurs we catch it and hold the perpetrators accountable.” Benson added, “These charges also send a clear message to those who promote deceitful claims about widespread fraud: the current protocols we have in place work to protect and ensure the integrity of our elections. It’s time to share that truth and stop spreading lies to the contrary.”
oh really . probably the only reason it came to fore
would be a relative found out a vote was cast for the Nursing Home pt.
how else would anyone know?
GOP guarding unattended ballot drop boxes in Virginia
The Republican Party of Virginia, unnerved by the high number of drop boxes around the commonwealth that are not monitored by public officials, has deployed volunteers to keep an eye on the ballot receptacles.
Drop-box voting, launched by the state’s Democratic-run government in 2020 as part of COVID-19 measures, is a ballot security issue for the state GOP as Virginians decide the close governor’s race between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe.
“You have them in secure locations, namely in the registrar’s office, and they’re only accessible to the public, obviously, during business hours of the registrar’s office,” Virginia Republican Party Chairman Rich Anderson told The Washington Times. “But once they’re outside, those are the ones we’re concerned about — that somebody could go drive up to one under current law and dump a bushel basket of ballots in there.”
He added, “I kid you not. It’s hard to believe, but it is legal under Virginia law because it just simply doesn’t address [security] one way or the other.”
The Virginia Democratic Party and the Virginia Department of Elections did not respond to requests for comment.
Expanded early voting in the state this year is expected to add to the volume of ballots deposited at drop boxes.
For the most part, voters in Virginia are only allowed to deposit their own ballot at the drop boxes.
Virginia law presently allows a designated representative to cast an emergency ballot for an incapacitated or hospitalized voter. It is required for the representative to complete a statement, and a false statement is a felony violation.
“They can go into nursing homes and assist individuals who are registered to vote to fill out a ballot and, without regard to their capacity to mentally process the information, and make an independent decision and render an uninfluenced vote,” Mr. Anderson said. “That is very vulnerable to manipulation, but it’s hard to say to what extent that happens.”
He concedes that it would be difficult to tell if an individual is engaged in illegal activity just by dropping loads of ballots at a drop box.
However, having volunteers and paid staffers and video cameras monitoring drop boxes located at unattended sites is a precaution that Mr. Anderson says is necessary.
“The feeling is that by being present, several things happen. First of all, it may deter the large-scale dropping off of ballots, which, to me, is an indication that something nefarious is taking place. And, [secondly,] to ensure that the boxes themselves are not tampered with.”
Since the 2020 election, Virginia voters can cast their ballots inside designated drop boxes set up in their districts around the commonwealth.
Lawmakers in Richmond last year, through the Democratic majority, voted for the change to receive and collect ballots from voters who may be concerned about exposure to the coronavirus. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation in September 2020, allowing municipalities to set up drop boxes inside and outside their registrar’s offi ces, at satellite voting sites and on Election Day at polling locations.
The progressive parsons of the press are aflutter that we published a letter to the editor Thursday from former President Trump, objecting to our editorial pointing out that he lost Pennsylvania last year by 80,555 votes. We trust our readers to make up their own minds about his statement. And we think it’s news when an ex-President who may run in 2024 wrote what he did, even if (or perhaps especially if) his claims are bananas.
Mr. Trump’s letter is his familiar barrage, with 20 bullet points about alleged irregularities that he says prove “the election was rigged.” It’s difficult to respond to everything, and the asymmetry is part of the former President’s strategy. He tosses off enough unsourced numbers in 30 seconds to keep a fact-checker busy for 30 days. When one claim is refuted, Mr. Trump is back with two more.
To highlight a few, he objects to the way the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rewrote the deadline for mail ballots. We do too. But he insinuates that the presidential results include thousands of tardy votes, and “none of these should have been counted.” They weren’t, per a directive by Justice Samuel Alito. “Those ballots were segregated as the court ordered,” says a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State. “They are not included in the vote totals.”
Mr. Trump says that “25,000 ballots were requested from nursing homes at the exact same time.” His citation for this—no kidding—is a Nov. 9 cable-TV hit by Sen. Lindsey Graham. Mr. Trump is alleging 25,000 fake votes in Pennsylvania, based on a stray remark by someone from South Carolina. Breaking news: A politician on TV repeated a rumor. We emailed to follow up, and Mr. Graham’s office tells us this was “an allegation, one of many others,” but it now “can be laid to rest.”
Some of Mr. Trump’s figures appear to come from amateur spelunking into voter data. Caveat emptor when this is done by motivated partisans unfamiliar with election systems. The “audit” team in Arizona asserted that Maricopa County received 74,000 more mail votes than were sent out. This was debunked as a misunderstanding of the files.
Mr. Trump says Attorney General Bill Barr “ordered U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain to stand down and not investigate” the election. Mr. McSwain claims as much. Yet Mr. Barr, who’s no liberal patsy, has said it’s “false,” and Mr. McSwain is running for Governor. Mr. Barr said Mr. McSwain “told me that he had to do this because he was under pressure from Trump.” We believe Mr. Barr.
This is how it goes for election truthers. First the allegation was ballots marked with Sharpies, then voting machines tied to Venezuela, then more votes than voters. Now Mr. Trump apparently thinks his own Attorney General did an inside job. Electoral fraud does happen: A Pennsylvania man received five years of probation this spring after voting for Mr. Trump on behalf of his dead mother. The price of liberty, as they say, is vigilance. But the evidence doesn’t show anything real that could dent Pennsylvania’s 80,555-vote margin.
Even if it did, Mr. Trump would be two states short of victory. Georgia’s ballots were counted three times and a signature check done. The Arizona audit was a dud. A Michigan inquiry led by a GOP lawmaker ended up keelhauling “willful ignorance” and grifters who use misinformation “to raise money or publicity.” Mr. Trump’s lawyers who made baseless claims have been sued for defamation—twice. They’ve been sanctioned by a federal judge. Does Mr. Trump imagine a conspiracy so deep that practically everybody is in on it?
Mr. Trump is making these claims elsewhere, so we hardly did him a special favor by letting him respond to our editorial. We offer the same courtesy to others we criticize, even when they make allegations we think are false.
As for the media clerics, their attempts to censor Mr. Trump have done nothing to diminish his popularity. Our advice would be to examine their own standards after they fell so easily for false Russian collusion claims. They’d have more credibility in refuting Mr. Trump’s.
Which is why it is so important that Trump make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!
Here's this:
That is the most impressive refute yet. If they are wrong, it needs to be answered point by point with specifics, not generalities.
Crafty: "Which is why it is so important that Trump (anyone) make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!"
Right! Suddenly 'we' are on the logic side of false but true. You can't be wrong on specifics and expect people to buy the conclusion.
Regarding not investigated, it's been a year. The case for what should be investigated needs to be made with search warrant application accuracy and specificity. Every ineligible person who voted needs to be prosecuted and everyone who organized fraud needs to be caught and charged with a higher crime, no matter how many or how few that entails.
States (especially with R legislatures) need to get serious with vote integrity laws going forward, and states that don't need to be called out.
No one is going to reverse the 2020 result, but at this point a year later, no one can point to exactly what happened.
"Which is why it is so important that Trump (anyone) make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!"
or pillow makers
who claim they know someone who will prove the case for fraud without real evidence to support the claim
that makes him and by association , us , look like fools.
My old boss used to say, 'Don't come to me with problems. Come to me with solutions.'
G M: "... graveyard that contains at least one voter from 2020. That voter has been in that graveyard for roughly 6 years at this point. Do you think the dem AG for this state has opened a single case on any of these many instances?"
Which one voted? When did you notify the Dem AG?
Fk fk fk :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
as for states the have *all mail in*
The only one I could see makes sense is Alaska
Nevada - from the way it sounded this is so Harry Reid
could cheat
get his soldiers out to get all the union people to cheat........with ballet harvesting
to be able to get the numbers he needs to always miraculously pull out the election at the end.
Mexico too, and India as well if I am not mistaken.
Let's say your vote was worth $1 before they diluted it - enough for them to win every election
What is it worth now?
I think we should go on a search for the 81 million.
Right after we hold a microsecond of silence for the zero people killed by armed Trump supporters during the "insurrection".
You'll need a Ouija Board to contact more than a few of them.Let's say your vote was worth $1 before they diluted it - enough for them to win every election
What is it worth now?
I think we should go on a search for the 81 million.
Right after we hold a microsecond of silence for the zero people killed by armed Trump supporters during the "insurrection".
Florida legislature approves measure that curbs mail voting and use of drop boxes
A worker at the Miami-Dade County Elections Department brings an official ballot drop box into the building after polls closed in the August 2020 primary election in Doral, Fla.
A worker at the Miami-Dade County Elections Department brings an official ballot drop box into the building after polls closed in the August 2020 primary election in Doral, Fla. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
By Amy Gardner
April 29, 2021 at 10:58 p.m. EDT
Florida’s legislature on Thursday night became the latest to approve far-reaching legislation imposing new rules on voting and new penalties for those who do not follow them, passing a measure critics said would make it harder for millions of voters to cast ballots in the Sunshine State.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who named voting security one of his top legislative priorities this year, said late Thursday night on Fox News that he “of course” would sign the bill.
Like similar bills Republicans are pushing in dozens of state legislatures across the country, the Florida measure adds hurdles to voting by mail, restricts the use of drop boxes and prohibits any actions that could influence those standing in line to vote, which voting rights advocates said is likely to discourage nonpartisan groups from offering food or water to voters as they wait in the hot Florida sun.
One week after it was signed into law, Georgia's Republican-led voting overhaul is facing backlash from a growing number of voting rights advocates. (Mahlia Posey/The Washington Post)
The passage of the bill was preceded by an hour of emotional debate, as Black lawmakers stood up to decry a measure they said was aimed squarely at curbing the clout of voters of color.
“You are making policies that are detrimental to our communities,” said an emotional state Rep. Angela Nixon (D), describing herself as “distraught and disheartened.”
Both Democrats and Republicans, including DeSantis, hailed Florida’s administration of the November 2020 election as a model for the nation. Former president Donald Trump won the state by more than three points.
Nevertheless, DeSantis has said new restrictions are needed to shore up election security. “So we think we led the nation, but we're trying to stay ahead of the curve to make sure that these elections are run well,” DeSantis said in a Fox News segment with other GOP governors Thursday hosted by Laura Ingraham.
Democrats and voting rights advocates counter that the new measure is instead aimed at making it harder for some Floridians to cast ballots — and to appease constituents who believe Trump’s false claims that the election was stolen.
“The governor praised Florida’s election performance as the gold standard, then he quickly pivoted to the national narrative, claiming without evidence that there was fraud and voting irregularities that would plague the state without these changes,” state Sen. Janet Cruz, a Democrat from Tampa, said in an interview this week. “If you can’t win by promoting the best candidate, you win by making it harder for the other side to vote.”
Cruz and other critics said the bill curtails poll access in a variety of ways that will intimidate, confuse and otherwise make it harder for people to vote by mail, which is popular in Florida. In November, more than 4.8 million Floridians — more than 40 percent of the fall electorate — cast mail ballots.
The new hurdles will probably produce longer lines during both early in-person and Election Day voting, she and others said.
As the voting rights fight moves to Texas, defiant Republicans test the resolve of corporations that oppose restrictions
The law’s top two GOP proponents, Rep. Blaise Ingoglia and Sen. Joe Gruters, did not respond to requests for interviews. But in committee hearings and floor debate, numerous Republicans defended the measure as necessary to ensure the integrity of elections.
“Why wouldn’t you want to do that?” Rep. Thomas J. Leek said during House debate Wednesday. “I’ve heard repeatedly that we’re trying to fix something that is not broken. But I guarantee you those same people who are making that argument today would come back in 2022 when the system breaks and complain that we didn’t anticipate things that we should have anticipated. This bill fixes those things.”
In February, DeSantis hailed “the most transparent and efficient election anywhere in the country” — but in the same speech, he said more restrictions on mail voting were needed to “stay ahead of the curve.” DeSantis is a close ally of Trump, who spent much of 2020 deriding mail voting as rife with fraud.
The Florida bill makes it harder to use drop boxes to deposit mail ballots, a voting method that was widely embraced last year because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The legislation prohibits mobile drop boxes, and it requires local election supervisors to staff all drop boxes and to allow ballots to be dropped in them only during early-voting hours. Supervisors who leave a drop box accessible outside those hours are subject to a civil penalty of $25,000. The state’s association of county election supervisors opposes the law.
The bill also limits who may turn in a voter’s ballot, allowing only certain family members to do so or limiting individuals to turning in the ballots of just two nonfamily members.
Voting rights groups said the provisions are unnecessary and could suppress turnout.
“You could go down the street to a mailbox and put that ballot with a stamp in the mail, and there’s no one standing there asking you for identification,” said Patti Brigham, president of the Florida League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan voting rights group, who added that officials have uncovered no evidence of the kind of ballot collection, or “harvesting,” that Republicans say they are trying to prevent. “That’s ridiculous. And it’s voter intimidation.”
Florida’s legislation comes after Georgia Republicans passed an extensive overhaul of that state’s voting rules, a measure that quickly emerged as a flash point in a state with a long history of disenfranchising voters of color. In Texas, GOP lawmakers have proposed bills that take aim at new means of voting embraced in cities such as Houston last year.
The restrictions proposed by Florida Republicans drew sharp criticism from Black lawmakers there, who rose one after another during a House debate Wednesday to condemn the legislation.
They said the bill would make voting particularly difficult for minorities, who more often struggle with transportation and work nonstandard hours in the service sector in Florida’s tourism-dependent economy, relying more heavily on after-hours drop boxes.
The additional barriers made it hard not to conclude that the law is intended to suppress the vote, they said — an ugly reminder of Florida’s embrace of Jim Crow laws in the 20th century.
“It’s a sad day for me personally because people like me, not too long ago, in recent history, were not able to vote,” said Rep. Geraldine Thompson (D).
“I grew up in the South,” said Thompson, who is 72. “When I look at my birth certificate, under race, I’m listed as Colored. And when I went to school, all of my school records showed that I was Negro.”
Thompson told a rapt House chamber of a lynching in Orange County, her current home, in 1920. The victim, a prominent Black businessman named Julius “July” Perry, tried to vote in the local election and was told he had not paid his poll taxes. A mob abducted him from his home in front of his wife and children, hanged him and used his body for target practice.
Thompson also invoked the memory of civil rights leaders Harry T. Moore and his wife, Harriette, who founded a branch of the NAACP in Brevard County. The two died after a bomb was planted under their home on Dec. 25, 1951, and after both were driven to a hospital 30 miles away because one closer refused to treat them.
“On behalf of July Perry, who wanted to vote in 1920, on behalf of Harry T. Moore, who was killed on Christmas night in 1951, on behalf of his wife, Harriette, who died nine days later — vote this bill down,” Thompson said, eliciting thunderous applause from her Democratic colleagues.
How GOP-backed voting measures could create hurdles for tens of millions of voters
While much of the criticism of Senate Bill 90 comes from voting rights advocates who believe it will disproportionately affect communities of color, some Republicans are worried that it will make it harder for their voters to cast ballots, too — particularly the millions of Floridians who have voted by mail for many years.
One provision in particular has Republicans and Democrats alike confounded. It requires voters to reapply for mail ballots every two-year election cycle, rather than every two cycles, or four years, as current law allows.
Members of both parties said the provision will confuse voters who think they’re due to receive an absentee ballot automatically — and is likely to suppress turnout in off-year municipal elections, when voters on the request list automatically receive ballots. In federal elections, it could also put added pressure on in-person voting, resulting in long lines.
“Quite honestly, it’s one of the safest and most effective ways to vote,” said one frustrated former state GOP operative, who believes restrictions on mail voting are not good for either party and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to criticize the strategy. “This is really going to hurt Republicans, especially with seniors and the military.”
One constituency absent from the debate in Tallahassee is the business sector, which in both Georgia and Texas weighed in to oppose voter restrictions. There has been less of that in Florida, both Republicans and Democrats said, because the business groups are largely aligned with the GOP on regulatory and tax issues, and many of the leading businesses rely on tourist-heavy customer bases who aren’t exerting any pressure.
“You would have to believe that people would stop coming to Florida because Republicans are suppressing the vote,” said state Rep. Omari Hardy, a Democrat from Lake Worth. “I don’t think the business community has made that calculation.”
Amy B Wang contributed to this report
"Democrats and voting rights advocates counter that the new measure is instead aimed at making it harder for some Floridians to cast ballots — and to appease constituents who believe Trump’s false claims that the election was stolen."
same old shit
*false claims *. ALWAYS GETS INSERTED
Amy Gardner - another WP Dem operative:
" state Sen. Janet Cruz, a Democrat from Tampa, said in an interview this week. “If you can’t win by promoting the best candidate, you win by making it harder for the other side to vote.”
Democrats are too stupid to vote like they have for decades
Is that what they are saying ?
They can use the vaxx cards they use to get in restaurants.
We had better start competing for the felon vote. Wouldn't they be better off in a robust entreprenurial economy than under statism?
We had better start competing for the felon vote. Wouldn't they be better off in a robust entrepreneurial economy than under statism?
They do fine under the left’s anarco-tyranny. See California or Minnesota as examples.
Right-wing conspiracies have a new target: a tool that fights actual voter fraud
February 9, 20225:00 AM ET
Miles Parks
A Trump supporter holds up a "no voter fraud" sign in Arizona in 2020. The accelerating far-right disinformation campaign about a national voter-verification system is taking its toll.
Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images
If Republicans over the past few years have made one thing clear, it's that they really care about voter fraud.
Sometimes they call it "election irregularities" or "shenanigans," but the issue has become a calling card for a party whose voters by and large falsely think elections in the U.S. are tainted.
Which is what makes a currently blossoming election conspiracy so strange: The far right is now running a disinformation campaign against one of the best tools that states have to detect and prevent voter fraud.
And experts worry voting policy is already starting to suffer as a result.
A data-sharing revolution
The tool is a shared database called the Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC for short. It allows states to securely share voter registration data across state lines and with a number of other government agencies, like the Social Security Administration and departments of motor vehicles.
That data-sharing allows participating states to expand ballot access by giving officials information that helps them reach out to eligible voters who have moved into the jurisdiction but have not yet registered to vote. But it also increases election security by notifying those same officials when a registered voter moves away or dies, allowing states to maintain more accurate voter rolls.
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"When you move away from a state, you don't call your old state and say, 'Please take me off the voter lists,' " said David Becker, an elections expert and former Justice Department attorney who led the development of ERIC while working at the Pew Charitable Trusts. "So to get really strong data that someone moved to another state — got a driver's license there or maybe registered to vote — that's really powerful information that allows states to keep their data up to date."
The Toll Of Conspiracy Theories: A Voting Security Expert Lives In Hiding
The Toll Of Conspiracy Theories: A Voting Security Expert Lives In Hiding
The decade-old program now includes more than 30 states spanning the political spectrum, from Republican-led places like Alabama and South Carolina to more liberal states like Connecticut and Oregon. And it's helped states remove more than 500,000 dead people from voter rolls since its founding, according to a tracker on the partnership website.
But that bipartisan unity is being tested, as some pockets of conservative media have ignited a pressure campaign against ERIC.
'Cutting their nose to spite their face'
On Jan. 20, the far-right blog The Gateway Pundit published the first of a number of articles about the program, falsely implying it is part of a left-wing election conspiracy.
Seven days later, Louisiana withdrew its membership, becoming the first state since ERIC's founding to do so.
Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announced the move quietly in a press release, citing "concerns raised by citizens, government watchdog organizations and media reports."
His office declined an interview request from NPR, but a member of Ardoin's staff said the secretary is still in touch with ERIC staff "to better understand the mechanics of ERIC" despite having "serious reservations."
Other Republican election officials told NPR the far-right misinformation campaign is reverberating in their states, too.
"We have had a number of emails from some very ill-informed, uninformed or uneducated people," said Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, a Republican.
Merrill is a supporter of former President Donald Trump, but also of ERIC. He's not running for reelection this fall, however, and at least one Republican candidate to replace Merrill has announced he would withdraw the state from ERIC should he be elected.
That far-right pushback has been somewhat frustrating to Merrill, who noted the system provides the only way states have to accurately check whether someone has illegally cast a ballot in the same election in two states.
"It helps identify duplicate registrations," Merrill said. "It helps identify dual participation in elections. That's a concern [and] there's no other way that any state in the union can do that independently of ERIC."
Here's where election-denying candidates are running to control voting
Here's where election-denying candidates are running to control voting
So why is this system being targeted then?
Becker, who now runs the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation & Research, says it's because election deniers don't actually want voting to be more secure or efficient. It's the same reason, he says, they often oppose ballot drop boxes even though they are considered a more secure way to return mail ballots than using the Postal Service.
"They don't care about actual integrity," Becker said. "They only care that their side wins. That is the most anti-democratic idea that I can imagine."
In a Twitter thread posted shortly after Louisiana's decision, Becker noted that since the state joined ERIC in 2014, the program has identified more than 16,000 dead people on Louisiana's voting lists and more than 54,000 people who have moved out of the state. But by choosing to leave, the state will no longer have access to that data.
"If a state leaves ERIC, what they're doing is cutting their nose to spite their face," Becker said. "They're handcuffing their ability to keep their lists accurate."
It's too late to go back in time but not too late to get it right for history and for next time.
Two wins for election transparency
Cleaning up voter rolls so dead can’t vote and elections can’t be stolen
By J. Christian Adams
After 2020, election integrity is all the rage. That is a welcome change, but election integrity involves grunt work. The grunt work is more important than snazzy lawsuits that lose. Two landmark court decisions in the last week represent real progress toward cleaner elections.
Federal courts in Maine and Illinois handed down two rulings to make elections more transparent. This is important because so much of the 2020 election was shrouded in bureaucratic defensiveness, outright secrecy and just enough hide-the-ball to raise doubts about the outcome.
First Illinois. In 2019, the Public Interest Legal Foundation — which I head — asked Illinois for a copy of state voter rolls.
Voter rolls are the ultimate record representing who state election officials think are eligible to vote. They are an essential election integrity document. Unfortunately, we have found rolls in other states filled with dead registrants, folks who live in other states and even voters registered up to seven times at a single address.
Of course, Illinois denied our request. After all, no election official likes to hear how badly they do voter list maintenance. Had we obtained the Illinois voter rolls in 2019, we would have added them to our nationwide database before the critical 2020 election to see who is registered in Illinois and other states at the same time.
When Illinois denied our request, we sued, alleging that the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 — often called Motor Voter — made rolls public. This month, the federal court agreed, granting us summary judgment that the rolls are public under Motor Voter. Things got so haywire in the Illinois election office during the litigation that the top election official resigned over allegations he was being extorted through an online app.
No doubt Illinois won’t look good after we get the rolls.
In other states, including Pennsylvania and Michigan, we found tens of thousands of active dead registrants, some dead for decades. Judith Presto was one of those dead voters in Pennsylvania. Our database showed she registered to vote after she died. Pennsylvania election officials argued in federal court that a post-death registration, like Presto’s, had to be an error in our data, not a mistake on their part. Ultimately, Presto’s husband was criminally charged, and our analysis was the only way Pennsylvania election officials knew about it — despite criticizing it in court.
Maine was the next big win this month. There, a federal court ruled in a similar case of ours that the voter rolls are also public under Motor Voter. Remaining to be decided in court is how much a state may punish and fine groups like ours for using the rolls to find mistakes and problems by election officials.
You read that right. Maine might give you the voter rolls but has a law that punishes and fines anyone who reports problems, such as voters registered multiple times or registered and voting in other states in addition to Maine.
This is how far some states will go to hide the bad job they do running elections.
These rulings are important because obtaining voter rolls is the first step to holding election officials accountable. So much energy and money were wasted after the 2020 election on baseless election litigation. Those cases hurt the cause.
Establishing that voter rolls are public records under federal law allows groups to conduct real research and careful nationwide analysis of where the problems are in our system and which election officials are dropping the ball.
Once we have Maine and Illinois voter rolls, they will be added to our nationwide database to reveal how many problems are on the rolls. Those results go back to election officials to help them fix the problems.
All of this illustrates that avoiding another 2020 election doesn’t enjoy a silver bullet solution. Election integrity is grunt work and requires careful judgment. Most of all, it would sure help if election officials stopped hiding their work.
J. Christian Adams is president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, former Justice Department lawyer and commissioner on the United States Commission on Civil Rights
We are not raising confidence in our elections by banning investigation and discussion.
I've been saying we need a Project Veritas undercover approach to discovering and eliminating the fraud. This is even better if true. They went through state camera footage obtained through freedom of information act requests.
What exactly did they find? Massive scale, in violation of laws, they have the footage, will anyone investigate further and prosecute?
My understanding is that D'Souza is a reliable source. Agree?
We need to send our correspondent to the launch.
Sebastian Gorka had Dinesh on today.
Of Mules and Donkeys
Dinesh D’Souza
May 2, 2022 Updated: May 2, 2022
Today, I release a new documentary film called “2000 Mules.”
The film releases in 300 theaters on May 2 and May 4, and there’s an in-home virtual premiere on May 7. After that, it will be available for digital download, but only on two uncancellable platforms: the Rumble-owned platform Locals and the Salem Media platform SalemNow. I’ve made six documentaries, but in an age of censorship, you have to create a novel way of distributing them.
Here I want to talk about mules and donkeys. Strictly speaking, of course, a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. A few months after I came to the United States as an exchange student from India, my host parent in Arizona took me to the Grand Canyon.
“We can try to walk down,” they told me, “or we can ride a mule.”
We chose to walk, but on the way down we saw mules carrying tourists and sure-footedly making their way down the treacherous pathways to the bottom of the canyon.
2000 Mules: Extended Trailer
The term mule is now commonly used in drug trafficking and sex trafficking. The mule is the middleman, the guy who makes the transport. My friend Catherine Engelbrecht, who runs the election intelligence organization True the Vote, borrowed this term to apply it to the paid political operatives who engage in ballot trafficking. Mules are professional deliverymen and women who are hired by left-wing organizations to deliver fraudulent and illegal ballots to mail-in dropboxes.
Now let’s turn to the evidence in the movie that was assembled by True the Vote. The organization purchased 10 trillion pings of cellphone data. Basically, they bought the data covering all cellphone movements in key urban areas of the five swing states in which the 2020 election was decided. True the Vote then ran a search algorithm seeking to ferret out mules who picked up stashes of ballots from left-wing organizations embedded in those cities and then made delivery drops of those ballots to 10 or more drop boxes.
The point of this high bar was to avoid false positives and only capture the most industrious mules. After all, there might be some reason why a person might stop by a local activist organization and then go to, say, two drop boxes. Perhaps he dropped off his ballot at the first and then had to tie his shoelace, causing him to stop at the second. But can anyone think of a rational reason for someone to go to 10 mail-in drop boxes? The only conceivable reason is to dump illegal ballots.
Since each of our cellphones has a distinct ID, True the Vote has the cellphone IDs of more than 2,000 mules hired by left-wing organizations to do ballot trafficking in Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the greater Philadelphia area. These mules alone generated approximately 400,000 illegal ballots. When you break down the fraud state by state, you see that it was more than enough fraud to tip the balance in the presidential election. Trump should have won, not Biden.
The geotracking evidence is corroborated by video evidence, and I’m talking about the official surveillance video taken by the states themselves. True the Vote obtained more than 4 million minutes of video, and the movie shows mule after mule after mule stuffing illegal ballots into the drop boxes.
Typically, this occurred in the middle of the night. In many cases, you can see the mules stuffing in multiple ballots. Some mules wear gloves, so as not to leave fingerprints. Mules typically take photos of the ballots going into the boxes, evidently to confirm that they’re performing the work so that they can get paid.
All of this is flatly illegal. To understand this, we must make an important distinction between vote harvesting—legal in some states—and paid ballot harvesting—illegal in all states. In Georgia, for example, it’s legal to give your absentee ballot to a family member or caregiver to drop off. In no state, however, can money change hands, whether it’s money paid to a voter or money paid to a mule or other type of delivery man.
Who’s deploying the mules? I believe the answer is the donkeys. By donkeys, I obviously mean the Democrats—the party of the donkey. Donkeys are the recognized experts at election fraud. They’ve been doing it since the 19th century. In the Tammany Hall days, for instance, Democrats would greet immigrants coming right off the boat, ask them to sign ballots that the Democrats would later fill out on their behalf, and give them in exchange a bottle of alcohol or a reference for someplace where they might find work.
This fraud operation was ramped up in the 2020 election, largely because of the changes in the rules instituted under the pretext of COVID-19. Suddenly, mail-in ballots were dispatched by the tens of millions. Suddenly, mail-in drop boxes proliferated, especially in the major donkey strongholds. No wonder the fraudsters saw their opportunity to escalate their operations—and they did.
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Dinesh D’Souza
I want to see it
I guess I have to buy a streaming version
Dinesh - superstar !!
I like him like VDH. Newt , Tucker 8-)
PS - we all knew this happened
amazing it took cell phone pings to prove it
MSM - LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Above Spiro Agnew quote meant in good fun but the message is mission critical. There is no point in pursuing good content on a site that mocks conservatives for voting and tells them to give up. I've tried everything to change your mind, but no.
I can't affiliate with that message - even though I agree with you on maybe 99% of issues.
* "Local is all you have the chance to control, state and federal elections have been and will be stolen." *
It's from another thread because that is the message coming through on all the threads. 'All is lost, don't bother trying to stop it'.
Maybe we won't win but 'can't win' is wrong in so many ways, no matter how quick or strong the dismissals.
FEDERAL ELECTIONS draw in voters for LOCAL elections. By telling people don't bother with state and federal, to the extent anyone reads here or similar messages elsewhere, you are helping to make the red jurisdictions fewer and fewer and less red - while more optimistic messages have accomplished the opposite.
In the category of elections that matter, no one mentioned the Supreme Court where a 6-3 or 5-4 majority is won only by winning Presidential and Senatorial elections over an extended period. It's the only thing left holding up the constitution - which is also mission critical. Funny that it's now Democrats who think they can't do that.
Do the math on cheating. The state of the fraud argument today is the 2000 Mules documentary. Let's assume this and more is true regarding organized Democrat cheating. We are talking about 330 thousand votes out of 330 million people. One out of a thousand. Reduce that to eligible voters, maybe it's one in 500. That was enough to sway the election - because we failed to otherwise win the argument on the candidates and the issues to better than about a 49-49% tie. And the Senate is 50-50, while the states lean conservative by more like 30-20. Closer to a 60-40 R Senate is attainable, as is 270+ electoral votes consistently.
Leave the current cheat in (we won't) and we have to change one in a thousand from D to R to offset it. We can't change the mindset and vote of one in a thousand? Are you kidding? We're changing minds faster than ever just by watching Democrats govern. If we came out with a coherent and persuasive message, we could own the electoral market share of millions of disillusioned liberals and independents and maybe win more conservatives too. Have you seen the markets lately (of course you have)? Inflation is going crazy, real wages are shrinking, energy is basically banned with no backup coming. It's a true war on the working AND the investing classes. And we can't win the who-can-govern-better argument by better than 50-50?
'Well, they will just cheat more and more.' - No, they will cheat less and less when the rules tighten up, when the prosecutions begin, when these 24 hours drop off boxes are closed and every ballot is monitored.
80% want voter ID. Can't pass that? B*llsh*t. 'We stop the cheating one way and they will do it another way?' Yes, but they will be less effective from prison. Less effective when they are out of power. Less effective under tighter rules and enforcement.
Instead of pointing out no enforcement, how about we cause enforcement?
The repeating negative message around here doesn't have to be the outcome. We stop the cheating by winning the elections - in more counties, in more states, by wider margins. Not by retreating, by winning.
If that's not the mission, I'm out.
so very strange so many elections are soooooo close
I don't trust this one if OZ squeaks ahead
I cannot trust elections anymore
"I guess we must VOTE EVEN HARDER!
look , we fight as hard as we can
and never give up
everybody wrote of Ukrainians
yet they never gave up
and the Ruskis are paying big time
maybe even vlad
NEVER give in
prepare for the worst
and fight for the best
I assumed when I saw 2000 Mules all of us in the theater were being tracked and catalogued on someone's list somewhere.
I am on someone's enemy watch list, or terrorist watch list somewhere............
just because I saw a movie that does not jive with the DNC swamp
if we win presidency in '24
first thing - or maybe second
clean house at FBI.....
I would add to CD's post above
I heard Mark Levin discussing this on radio
last week
he was furious about the conservatives voting for this
Robers Kavanaugh and Barrett
Kavanaugh he said was predictable at outset was not Thomas style conservative
and Barrett he states is major disappointment
I am not knowledgeable to judge
just posting his opinion on this
but I do have to wonder
is having the justices homes and their families member names being distributed around militant Left Wing circles
not clouding their judgements ?
hard to think that Amy while considering a very volatile case is not in the back of her mind thinking : could my decision harm my five children.
The Jan. 6 Committee’s Missing Reform
Pence saved the day, but where’s a bill so the next Vice President won’t have to?
By The Editorial BoardFollow
June 16, 2022 6:44 pm ET
‘Crazy.” “Nutty.” That’s what President Trump’s legal advisers thought of his plan on Jan. 6 to pressure Vice President Mike Pence into overturning the 2020 election, according to audio testimony played Thursday by the House committee investigating the Capitol riot. The scheme was never likely to work, not that Mr. Trump apparently thought past the first step.
For one thing, Mr. Pence truly believes in the Constitution. In the tumult of Jan. 6, he was the indispensable man, standing his ground no matter the political cost. The committee lauded Mr. Pence’s “courage.” This is worth doing, though it is amusing to watch Democrats praise Mr. Pence after they spent years portraying him as a lackey and religious weirdo.
On the law, Mr. Pence is right: The Constitution does not give the Vice President unilateral power to reject electoral votes. The argument to the contrary came from law professor John Eastman, who exploded his legal reputation in the process. The 12th Amendment says when Congress meets to count the Electoral College, the VP shall “open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” Does that mean Al Gore could have tossed out Florida’s electors in 2000 and waltzed into the Oval Office?
Of course not. Mr. Pence consulted a former federal appeals judge, the conservative J. Michael Luttig. “There was no basis in the Constitution or laws of the United States at all for the theory espoused by Mr. Eastman,” he testified Thursday. Greg Jacob, a lawyer for Mr. Pence, agreed. “We examined every single electoral vote count that had happened in Congress since the beginning of the country,” he said. “No Vice President in 230 years of history had ever claimed to have that kind of authority.”
The Electoral Count Act, passed after the disputed 1876 presidential contest, purports to let Congress reject electoral votes. Mr. Luttig thinks it’s unconstitutional, and we agree. In any case, there was no bona fide dispute in 2020 about the electoral votes. No state Legislature attempted to appoint electors directly. Mr. Trump’s supporters in some places organized pretend electors to cast fake electoral votes, but they had no legal validity.
Even if Mr. Pence had gone along with Mr. Eastman’s scheme, the chances of success were virtually nil. The 12th Amendment says the electoral votes shall be counted “in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives.”
Did Mr. Trump think Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have stood by dumbfounded as the Vice President reversed the 2020 result? Instead she might have ordered the Senate to immediately vacate the House chamber.
Mr. Jacob said he told Mr. Eastman it could have devolved into “a standoff” between Congress and the White House, a “constitutional jump ball.” The President’s term ends at noon on Jan. 20. If Congress never validly counted the Electoral College, the order of succession says that next in line is the Speaker of the House. President Pelosi? Was that the plan? More likely, the Supreme Court would have intervened. Mr. Jacob thinks the Justices would have ruled 9-0 against Mr. Trump. So do we.
If Democrats want to prevent such shenanigans in the future, the obvious move is to repeal the Electoral Count Act and clarify that neither the Vice President nor Congress can adjudicate disputes on electors. That’s a job for the courts, and a better law might provide expedited review by the Supreme Court. The President shouldn’t be picked by the Vice President, but the Founders didn’t want Congress to do so either, except in the express case of no candidate getting a majority of electoral votes.
Democrats didn’t move swiftly on the Electoral Count Act after Jan. 6, because they were more interested in trying to pass H.R.1 to take over voting laws nationwide. But perhaps the Jan. 6 inquiry is focusing some liberal minds. There isn’t much time before 2024.
One state (WI) at a time, with no help from the J6 committee.
Who went to jail?One state (WI) at a time, with no help from the J6 committee.
We probably aren't going to undo past slavery or past cheating, but wouldn't it be a good thing if we could stop it going forward?Who went to jail?One state (WI) at a time, with no help from the J6 committee.
".Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, said in the filing that election officials in the three Republican-controlled counties refused to count absentee and mail-in ballots that were “lawfully cast by qualified voters,” but lack a date on the return envelope."
so kavanaugh Barrett and Roberts voted with the Crats?
" The 6–3 ruling from the high court affirmed a decision by a three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which cited the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 in saying that government officials shouldn’t deny citizens the right to vote “because of an error or omission” that is “not material in determining whether such individual is qualified under state law to vote.”
what a second , how can anyone know the person is qualified under the law if there is no date on the envelope that is required?
anyone can bring in sacks of votes after an election and dump them off
how do we know the votes are lawfully cast?
perhaps I am missing something ....... :-o
"If you think the courts are going to save us, keep dreaming."
The Left uses intimidation tactics to make it unbearable to function
The Left wants to add more justices to the court while they have the Presidency and Senate
The Left wants to rid the US of the Constitution by claiming it was made by racist white men
with racist ideology
The Left says the Right wing Court (and all Republicans) are a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY
well we know what they will do in PA and GA and MI
we need surveillance at all these centers that collect the phony ballots
and later follow mules.
we don't have the manpower
great post the summarizes the clear and obvious fraud we all know occurred
despite having the MASS PROPAGANDA (woops I mean media) complex with red faces ,supremely angry tones in their faces, visible steam coming out of the noses and ears, and while screaming call all of it , "THE BIG LIE!!!!!!!!!"
hey are already using the federal government to thumb the scale in favor of Democrats. Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” requires “every federal agency to submit a plan to register voters and encourage voter participation. It also required agencies to form strategies to invite nongovernmental third parties to register voters.” That is to say, a federal takeover of state elections by the Biden administration. This is a replay, with federal power, of the $400 million in “Zuckerbucks”
Me? (strange title)
I think my argument all along has been
We can find the fraud and stop it.
Fix what's wrong.
This is a good example.
If only two should go into a room and someone else tries
Shoot them. AZ jury will understand.
My other thoughts are
Index capital gains to inflation, and
Build nuclear power plants.
If Democrats would do that
We wouldn't need Trump.
this appears to be DIRECT DEM LAWshyster attack on this:
The Republicans plan to have all important precincts covered by poll watchers
so if poll watchers note irregularities they are to be prevented from harder evidence (photo or video images )
Gee if there was no cheating what does anyone care if they are seen at a poll.
It is not like ancient days when your boss would have his thugs stand at the ballot boxes watching witch box the employee put the vote into.
Today it is more like cheater intimidation is not allowed say the Dem shysters
who are they kidding?
FBI, held back the Hunter laptop investigation,
planted the disinformation story, worked with fascist social media to block dissemination of the story and failed to monitor and investigate election fraud.
Who was in charge of the DOJ when the election fraud wasn't being investigated/prosecuted?
Obviously, a non-starter , , , but does it serve to make a certain point?
Trump Wants Redo of 2020 Election ‘Immediately’ Over New FBI Revelations
By Jack Phillips August 29, 2022
Former President Donald Trump said the 2020 election needs to be redone following recent disclosures about how the FBI influenced reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
“So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI buried the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election knowing that, if they didn’t, ‘Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election,'” Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social on Aug. 29.
“This is massive fraud & Election interference at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!” Trump also wrote.
A poll conducted last week that found nearly 80 percent of Americans who were surveyed said that “truthful” coverage of the laptop story would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg also told podcast host Joe Rogan that FBI officials communicated with Facebook staff ahead of the election and the social media giant moved to restrict the reach of reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Last week, meanwhile, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) revealed an FBI whistleblower told his office that the bureau slow-walked its investigation into the younger Biden’s laptop.
Just weeks before the 2020 general election, the New York Post published a bombshell report detailing messages regarding alleged business dealings between Hunter Biden and foreign companies, including a firm that has ties with the Chinese Communist Party. A former associate, Tony Bobulinski, told news outlets days later that emails and other messages sourced from the laptop were authentic, including one email referencing “10 held by H for the big guy” when describing percent equity allocations of a project with CEFC, a Chinese firm.
Bobulinski, a business partner of Hunter Biden, told outlets on the record that President Joe Biden was “the big guy.” Those emails and other details from the laptop were included in a presidential debate between Trump and Biden in late 2020.
But after the article was published on Twitter, the social media firm locked the New York Post out of its account for more than two weeks and blocked the article from being shared.
Months later, in March 2021, then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey told a congressional panel that blocking the NY Post’s article was a “total mistake” and described it as a “process error.”
“It was literally just a process error. This was not against them in any particular way,” Dorsey told the House Energy and Commerce Committee at the time. He didn’t say who made the decision to block the NY Post’s story.
" In a way, Trump was right."
".The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding."
what !
" This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. “Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, "
who are they kidding !
" The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. "
is this a joke?
this is the MOST OBNOXIOUS lying stinking bunch of horseshit
Author :
Molly Ball another lying Democrat Yale graduate Jewish
make me ashamed Jewish power hungry commie
for those on the board who have not read parts of it like I did -
don't bother
"Furthermore, many of the company’s software engineers and employees graduated from Chinese universities such as Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing Language and Culture University, China Agricultural University, and HuaZhong University of Science and Technology."
"More fraud in MI"
Left unsaid is who did these ineligible or dead "voters " vote for?
since nothing about it in the MSM we know
I received three different voter registration form mailers from the City of Minneapolis today, even though I don't live in the city of Minneapolis and they know that by the address they sent these to, and you don't need to pre-register to vote in Minnesota.
What could go wrong. But nothing does go wrong. I'm lucky to live in a Democrat run state that has zero prosecutions for vote fraud.
google headline todayIt has been done. And yet, the dems just intensify their vote fraud operations.
"register to vote"
and all the how to register to vote links come up in 'english and some Spanish'
the ballot harvesters are gearing up
getting their organizations ready
and enlisting their soldiers as we speak
I don't understand how we can't covertly bust this open......
CEO Of Konnech Arrested - Now The Big Question - Does Konnech Work For Chinese Intelligence?
Weeks ago the election integrity organization True the Vote broke the story that Konnech, a Michigan-based firm that provides software for use by election officials was storing sensitive personal data on servers physically located in China. On cue, all the usual suspects, including the New York Times, branded this yet another “conspiracy theory.” Only madmen who spend their time searching for Bigfoot and the lost city of Atlantis would pay attention to such nonsense.
Unfortunately for the Times and all the rest of the Democratic Party’s propaganda machine, reality intruded yesterday. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced that the CEO of Konnech, Eugene Yu, had been arrested as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of election workers.
“I want to thank my prosecutors and investigators for their commitment to eliminating cyber intrusions against government entities and local businesses,” District Attorney Gascón said. “Data breaches are an ongoing threat to our digital way of life. When we entrust a company to hold our confidential data, they must be willing and able to protect our personal identifying information from theft. Otherwise, we are all victims.
“True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney's office for their thorough work and rapid action in this matter.
True the Vote was sued last month by Konnech to try to silence our organization, including obtaining an ex-parte TRO, conducted in secret so that True the Vote had no opportunity to contest it. This TRO limited True the Vote's ability to speak on the litigation. Today Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested based on alleged evidence of the very activities he and his organization attempted to suppress. Konnech was assisted by many reporters who unblinkingly accepted their now discredited claims as fact and simply repeated them.
According to True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, "Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, nor should media try to suppress all conversation about it in a way that benefits one party. We will continue to report evidence of threats to our election process and work with law enforcement to ensure our elections are a secure space for all American voters."
The NYT reported on Oct. 3 that conspiracy theorists bullied Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, whose company develops software to manage election logistics
On Oct. 4, the Times reported Yu was arrested for possible theft of personal information about poll workers
Is The FBI Covering For Chinese Attacks On Our Electoral System?
Los Angeles District Attorney Gascon, a far-left Soros-backed prosecutor is working hard to downplay the significance of the arrest saying that his office’s investigation was “concerned solely with the personal identifying information of election workers.“ Still, the fact that Gascon’s office, which works hard to look the other way whenever crimes are committed, made the arrest tells you something about the strength of the evidence against Yu and Konnech. Obviously the evidence was so overwhelming Gascon had no choice but to act.
Now that we have gotten past the point of pretending that Konnech did nothing wrong, however, it is imperative that we push ahead with a full investigation of the company’s activities. A number of publications, including AND Magazine, have looked into the background of personnel working at Konnech and found what appear to be troubling connections to entities working for the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese intelligence. That information does not in and of itself prove that Konnech’s activities were directed by Beijing. It does suggest that maybe we should do now what should have been done some time ago, fully investigate Konnech and let the facts rather than political ideology drive our conclusions.
At the top of the list of questions to answer? Does Konnech work for Chinese intelligence, and if so what were the Chinese doing with all that data that was put on those Chinese servers?
So how do we respond when someone uses this data to assert the Vite Integrity standards are too rigorous?
CEO Of Konnech Arrested - Now The Big Question - Does Konnech Work For Chinese Intelligence?
Weeks ago the election integrity organization True the Vote broke the story that Konnech, a Michigan-based firm that provides software for use by election officials was storing sensitive personal data on servers physically located in China. On cue, all the usual suspects, including the New York Times, branded this yet another “conspiracy theory.” Only madmen who spend their time searching for Bigfoot and the lost city of Atlantis would pay attention to such nonsense.
Unfortunately for the Times and all the rest of the Democratic Party’s propaganda machine, reality intruded yesterday. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced that the CEO of Konnech, Eugene Yu, had been arrested as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of election workers.
“I want to thank my prosecutors and investigators for their commitment to eliminating cyber intrusions against government entities and local businesses,” District Attorney Gascón said. “Data breaches are an ongoing threat to our digital way of life. When we entrust a company to hold our confidential data, they must be willing and able to protect our personal identifying information from theft. Otherwise, we are all victims.
“True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney's office for their thorough work and rapid action in this matter.
True the Vote was sued last month by Konnech to try to silence our organization, including obtaining an ex-parte TRO, conducted in secret so that True the Vote had no opportunity to contest it. This TRO limited True the Vote's ability to speak on the litigation. Today Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested based on alleged evidence of the very activities he and his organization attempted to suppress. Konnech was assisted by many reporters who unblinkingly accepted their now discredited claims as fact and simply repeated them.
According to True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, "Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, nor should media try to suppress all conversation about it in a way that benefits one party. We will continue to report evidence of threats to our election process and work with law enforcement to ensure our elections are a secure space for all American voters."
The NYT reported on Oct. 3 that conspiracy theorists bullied Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, whose company develops software to manage election logistics
On Oct. 4, the Times reported Yu was arrested for possible theft of personal information about poll workers
Is The FBI Covering For Chinese Attacks On Our Electoral System?
Los Angeles District Attorney Gascon, a far-left Soros-backed prosecutor is working hard to downplay the significance of the arrest saying that his office’s investigation was “concerned solely with the personal identifying information of election workers.“ Still, the fact that Gascon’s office, which works hard to look the other way whenever crimes are committed, made the arrest tells you something about the strength of the evidence against Yu and Konnech. Obviously the evidence was so overwhelming Gascon had no choice but to act.
Now that we have gotten past the point of pretending that Konnech did nothing wrong, however, it is imperative that we push ahead with a full investigation of the company’s activities. A number of publications, including AND Magazine, have looked into the background of personnel working at Konnech and found what appear to be troubling connections to entities working for the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese intelligence. That information does not in and of itself prove that Konnech’s activities were directed by Beijing. It does suggest that maybe we should do now what should have been done some time ago, fully investigate Konnech and let the facts rather than political ideology drive our conclusions.
At the top of the list of questions to answer? Does Konnech work for Chinese intelligence, and if so what were the Chinese doing with all that data that was put on those Chinese servers?
Does Konnech work for Chinese intelligence? Does Hunter Biden like crack?
CEO Of Konnech Arrested - Now The Big Question - Does Konnech Work For Chinese Intelligence?
Weeks ago the election integrity organization True the Vote broke the story that Konnech, a Michigan-based firm that provides software for use by election officials was storing sensitive personal data on servers physically located in China. On cue, all the usual suspects, including the New York Times, branded this yet another “conspiracy theory.” Only madmen who spend their time searching for Bigfoot and the lost city of Atlantis would pay attention to such nonsense.
Unfortunately for the Times and all the rest of the Democratic Party’s propaganda machine, reality intruded yesterday. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced that the CEO of Konnech, Eugene Yu, had been arrested as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of election workers.
“I want to thank my prosecutors and investigators for their commitment to eliminating cyber intrusions against government entities and local businesses,” District Attorney Gascón said. “Data breaches are an ongoing threat to our digital way of life. When we entrust a company to hold our confidential data, they must be willing and able to protect our personal identifying information from theft. Otherwise, we are all victims.
“True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney's office for their thorough work and rapid action in this matter.
True the Vote was sued last month by Konnech to try to silence our organization, including obtaining an ex-parte TRO, conducted in secret so that True the Vote had no opportunity to contest it. This TRO limited True the Vote's ability to speak on the litigation. Today Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested based on alleged evidence of the very activities he and his organization attempted to suppress. Konnech was assisted by many reporters who unblinkingly accepted their now discredited claims as fact and simply repeated them.
According to True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, "Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, nor should media try to suppress all conversation about it in a way that benefits one party. We will continue to report evidence of threats to our election process and work with law enforcement to ensure our elections are a secure space for all American voters."
The NYT reported on Oct. 3 that conspiracy theorists bullied Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, whose company develops software to manage election logistics
On Oct. 4, the Times reported Yu was arrested for possible theft of personal information about poll workers
Is The FBI Covering For Chinese Attacks On Our Electoral System?
Los Angeles District Attorney Gascon, a far-left Soros-backed prosecutor is working hard to downplay the significance of the arrest saying that his office’s investigation was “concerned solely with the personal identifying information of election workers.“ Still, the fact that Gascon’s office, which works hard to look the other way whenever crimes are committed, made the arrest tells you something about the strength of the evidence against Yu and Konnech. Obviously the evidence was so overwhelming Gascon had no choice but to act.
Now that we have gotten past the point of pretending that Konnech did nothing wrong, however, it is imperative that we push ahead with a full investigation of the company’s activities. A number of publications, including AND Magazine, have looked into the background of personnel working at Konnech and found what appear to be troubling connections to entities working for the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese intelligence. That information does not in and of itself prove that Konnech’s activities were directed by Beijing. It does suggest that maybe we should do now what should have been done some time ago, fully investigate Konnech and let the facts rather than political ideology drive our conclusions.
At the top of the list of questions to answer? Does Konnech work for Chinese intelligence, and if so what were the Chinese doing with all that data that was put on those Chinese servers?
Does Konnech work for Chinese intelligence? Does Hunter Biden like crack?,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/117/390/228/original/c3245328c922f288.jpeg
He knows the fix is in.
lets get them on camera
good job here
If I didn't work I would volunteer for this
lets get them on camera
good job here
If I didn't work I would volunteer for this
They learned their lesson from 2020, they'll be harder to catch this time!
the reason I vote in person is because I am not confident my vote will count by not getting to destination if I vote by mail
:roll: :x
I got IDed
had to sign in
and voted electronically
however in my NJ District no one on ballot higher then some county commissioner
I did not know any of them.
not telling you who I voted for.......
confidential :wink:
how does she get in front of us and tell us she is 100% she will win and the next day I read this:
"funny how NYT WP CNN MSPCP can't be sued for Russia collusion hoax and more.
they knew it was false."
second post
*** They did the same thing in Nevada ***
OH, BUT WE HAVE E VERIFY!!!! does shout the election FRAUD deniers .
[ :wink: ]
The Dem fraud brigades continue to shyster the rigging process now that anyone and everyone can get a mail in ballot simply by lowering the "e verify" bar to levels it is not really effective .
let's see if I sign my name Y instead of X would that pass?
3/4 of an X is a Y.
"The 222 names in Maricopa County are of people who self-reported as noncitizens. Mr. Adams said immigrants seeking citizenship often come forward and acknowledge that they are on the rolls because one of the questions on the naturalization form is whether they ever were illegally registered. Lying on that form can quickly earn deportation."
so these are the ones who came forward and admitted it.
how many more are there
how do they get on the rolls in the first place, fake IDs?
"You are not voting your way out of this"
and we are not fighting an insurgency out of this either
Vote harder!
GM, please stop being an asshole with posting "Vote Harder" every time the rest of us post something about trying to win an election.
You are on the edge of wrecking this forum.
Knock it the fuck off.
PS: You may have noticed that our Fourth Musketeer has not been with us for a while. You are why.
The cartels need Abortion Mouse as Governor.
Gosh, I hope the FBI investigates!
Ah yes, today's episode in "GM meming the same point yet again" , , ,
Yes, in and of itself makes a lucid accusation of cognitive dissonance, but the supply of these memes exceeds the demand , , ,
Well, solid evidence would be of help , , ,
Crooked court.
Actually, on first read that doesn't sound too bad. Spoiled ballots? What is the connection with fraud?
What is the date of that article?
That Halderman Report piece seems important to me for its ability to transcend the losing arguments Trump has been making and so I fear it being Memory Holed-- but when I try to paste the content here all I can get is the link. Can someone paste here the actual content?
Thank you.
Question: Why are we seeing this only now, two years later?
Released by whom?
On what basis was it withheld?
Even CNN...
Georgia won’t update vulnerable Dominion software until after 2024 election
WashingtonCNN —
Georgia election officials have been aware of existing vulnerabilities in the state’s voting software for more than two years but continue to insist the system is safe and won’t be updated until after 2024, according to a report that was unsealed this week as part of a controversial court case in Georgia.
The report’s findings focus on weaknesses in software for certain Dominion Voting machines. Those weaknesses were previously verified by federal cybersecurity officials, who urged election officials across the country to update their systems.
A lawyer for Georgia’s top election official, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, recently told a federal court that officials would forgo installing Dominion’s security patches until after the 2024 presidential election.
Georgia election officials insist it is highly unlikely that the vulnerabilities will be exploited in real attacks. Those officials also say they have already carried out a number of security recommendations without having to update the system’s software.
“Upgrading the system will be a massive undertaking, and our election officials are evaluating the scope of, and time required for the project,” Mike Hassinger, a spokesperson for the Georgia secretary of state’s office, told CNN when asked about the delay.
It's just the FBI censoring speech, as intended in the constitution.
Correct to point this out-- but if I am not mistaken, Zuck is blocked from using "Zuck bucks" via govt electoral agencies this time around. Yes, the Pravdas will prada, but a shot not fired is always a miss.
Fortified, for their protection!
Mass mail ballots and ballot harvesting vastly expanded via the Trojan Horse excuse of the Wuhan Virus-- for which they now claim permanence.
Stop what you are doing and read this. It lays out why we are at where we are at: ruthless efforts to limit options for the American voting public. This really isn’t the place for this piece, but I can’t find a better one and hence am tempted to start an “American Oligarchy” thread.
Heartland released a major report re voter fraud. Key findings include:
"Yale and MIT estimate the actual 2016 figure was more like 22.1 million)"
This was the study whose authors slipped my mind. A serious study. Let's find the link for proper citation!
“Bidenbucks” used to underwrite Democratic Party get out the vote effort guised as a non-partisan voter drive:
Dirty Dems gotta keep playing on the emotions of minorities rather then honest sensibilities to keep them in the fold. They are goin to put ya all back in chains etc.
Logic, honesty, truth will not work .
Is that the link you intended?
Is PP the guy who used to post here?
I truly fear this is how they will steal the election.
" Virginia Gov. Youngkin Orders Removal of ‘Noncitizens’ from Voter Rolls, Establishes Prosecution Procedures "
The Left's response
this was unnecessary as it is already illegal for "undocumented human beings" to vote !
:roll: :wink:
Is there a link for that for me to use playing that forward?
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
I just posted that on my FB page and FB instantly deleted it!
BBG: I'm preparing for a big trip next week (training San Fran PD in Anti-Knife) and do not have the time, but that sounds really interesting. Hope you will have time and inclination to report back to us.
Thoughts and prayers with you!!!
"Warren’s CFPB has had its funds cut off"My understanding is that Vought is responsible:
How is this possible? I thought its funding was independent?